Dear Cedars, Can I get a Reading Please!

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Dear Cedars, Can I get a Reading Please!

Post by mystar » Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:59 pm

If you don't mind can I get a General Reading please.
Everytime I feel i found a solution to my difficulties and try to move forward in my life, I am pushed back to the same old state of difficulty and new set of issues.

Do you see me getting into more deeper troubles or do you see me entering a brighter future.

In advance, Thanks for your time and reading.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:43 pm

Hello Mystar
I will be happy to give you a reading.
Will be working on it shortly.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:10 pm

3rd  July 2009

Hello Mystar

I wouldn’t call it “deeper trouble”, I would rather call it different challenges. Life is always full of challenges and sometimes we get a respite and then new ones come along to add to our learning process.

“Same old set of difficulty and new set of issues.” Sounds all too familiar as being part of life and the never-ending process of learning. In a few years’ time you will look at these difficulties and issues and will think: why did I find them to be such a big issue? Because, my dear friend, you will have been matured and the old set of issues and difficulties will seem so trivial. That is the beauty of life experience.

Now let us go and see what the cards have to say in the way of a general reading.
I am using the Rider Waite deck.

You now:
Four of Swords.
It is as though you are in a state of ‘hibernation’, gathering your energies and contemplating on your issues in a state of quiet and seclusion. This is not a physical seclusion, but rather a mental and a spiritual one whereby you give yourself – willingly and consciously – a period of time out to assess things and recharge your batteries.

Options and energies available to you for the present and the near future:
Eight of Wands. Death. Seven of Swords.

Things and events may be starting to move faster and reach to a conclusion. This is the result of the efforts you have been putting or the events around you coming to a natural conclusion. This is meant to happen soon and, whatever the ‘conclusion’, it will be as though the way it should be – natural course of events.
There is a change that has become quite necessary around you. Without this change, or without the closure of a certain chapter, no new chapter is likely to be open in front of you. This is a major change and is sort of inevitable: it has got to happen in order for you to move forward under a new light or within a new chapter.
Whether it is dishonesty or certain robbing of your resources (possible cheat or a thief) going around you, or you may be wishing to cut all your losses and get away from it all, and do it all by yourself. Whichever is the case, I would like to caution you of the thief or the burglar or the pick pocket in this. If you want to run away and start a new, then you will need to leave a few things behind…..

Options and energies available to you for the way ahead – farther future:
Ace of Cups. Two of Pentacles. The World.

Rest my dear friend, for things are looking up for you.
A new beginning on the way for you in the area of – possibly - your love life or in the department of tender feelings and emotions. You may meet someone who may touch a chord within you and start that heart beating a little bit faster than it has been for a while now.
A period of wait-and-see on matters of finance and balancing the books and finances until such time when things change around you can start moving with a lot more freedom. This period of wait-and-see is not all that bad; there is fun involved here, but one that is done cautiously and by knowing where your limits are – financially or personal resources.
Finally, you will get here where you wish to get my dear friend. Attainment and realisation of your dreams and desires.  One cycle comes to an end as you attain what you had been struggling for. This by no way is the end, but just the end of one cycle and the start of another one.

The cycle of life does not change, but with each cycle it adds a different dimension to our outlook to handle the next ones under a more mature and a balanced perspective.

I hope this general reading did resonate with you Mystar and I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best wishes.

Cedars :)

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Post by mystar » Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:45 am

Dear Cedars, I can't thank you enough for this reading.

I was learning the Tarot a few years back, and I remember I used to see the Death card often. A lot of things have changed since then and I am surprised to see this again. I wonder what still needs to be changed..
Anyways, I was only learning and the reading i used to do was online, not with a real set of cards. My reading/online readings might have been wrong.
I am sure a real reading with real cards from an experienced Tarot reader like you is very accurate.

You now:
Four of Swords.
It is as though you are in a state of ‘hibernation’, gathering your energies and contemplating on your issues in a state of quiet and seclusion. This is not a physical seclusion, but rather a mental and a spiritual one whereby you give yourself – willingly and consciously – a period of time out to assess things and recharge your batteries.

Options and energies available to you for the present and the near future:
Eight of Wands. Death. Seven of Swords.

Things and events may be starting to move faster and reach to a conclusion. This is the result of the efforts you have been putting or the events around you coming to a natural conclusion. This is meant to happen soon and, whatever the ‘conclusion’, it will be as though the way it should be – natural course of events.
There is a change that has become quite necessary around you. Without this change, or without the closure of a certain chapter, no new chapter is likely to be open in front of you. This is a major change and is sort of inevitable: it has got to happen in order for you to move forward under a new light or within a new chapter.
Whether it is dishonesty or certain robbing of your resources (possible cheat or a thief) going around you, or you may be wishing to cut all your losses and get away from it all, and do it all by yourself. Whichever is the case, I would like to caution you of the thief or the burglar or the pick pocket in this. If you want to run away and start a new, then you will need to leave a few things behind…..

Nice to hear that things are moving forward and quickly. For a long time it seems like my life is at a standstill. I really dont know what changes are to be made and how. I am not sure if these changes are around me or within me. The description for seven of swords seems familiar. I've had many incidents where I felt people decieved me, or just took advantage of my situation. Its makes me sad.

Options and energies available to you for the way ahead – farther future:
Ace of Cups. Two of Pentacles. The World.

Rest my dear friend, for things are looking up for you.
A new beginning on the way for you in the area of – possibly - your love life or in the department of tender feelings and emotions. You may meet someone who may touch a chord within you and start that heart beating a little bit faster than it has been for a while now.
A period of wait-and-see on matters of finance and balancing the books and finances until such time when things change around you can start moving with a lot more freedom. This period of wait-and-see is not all that bad; there is fun involved here, but one that is done cautiously and by knowing where your limits are – financially or personal resources.
Finally, you will get here where you wish to get my dear friend. Attainment and realisation of your dreams and desires.  One cycle comes to an end as you attain what you had been struggling for. This by no way is the end, but just the end of one cycle and the start of another one.

The cycle of life does not change, but with each cycle it adds a different dimension to our outlook to handle the next ones under a more mature and a balanced perspective.

This is a lovely reading. I am so glad to see this. I am so looking forward to this period. May I ask what is the difference between near future and farther future. Is it timeframe in months or years that you would differentiate as near and far future.
I know tarots do not give a definite time frame. I am not asking for a definite answer in terms of time, what I want to know is only what is *generally* considered as farther future. is it months or years. Just this answer will help.

The two of pentacles followed by ace of cups, does that mean I might find love and financial goodfortune together around the same time. Its like all my dreams come true with the world as the final card.Lovely.

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Post by cedars » Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:55 am

Hello Mystar

Thank you for your feedback and am glad the cards made some sense to you.

Timing: More than timing I would say the first spread are the current options - immediate future - available to you. These are probably energies in action as we speak and, therefore, I would consider the first spread as the here and now.

For the second line, those are the options/energies for you for the way forward - from 3 - 6 months.

The Two of Pentacles is, for all intents and purposes, a waiting period of some sort whereby you are taking stock of your situation, whether it is financial or life in general. Yes, the Ace of Cups can be the start of a new romance, a new devotion or a strong feeling towards something - spiritual as well as the physical.

The Sun is the final card of the Major Arcana which is Attainment; the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one - by no means unwelcome.

Best wishes to you and thank you once again for getting back to me.

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Post by mystar » Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:05 am

Thank you Cedars.
Timing: More than timing I would say the first spread are the current options - immediate future - available to you. These are probably energies in action as we speak and, therefore, I would consider the first spread as the here and now.

For the second line, those are the options/energies for you for the way forward - from 3 - 6 months.
If i have understood this correctly, then the second spread is not something that may happen on itself but its advise for me to take follow the route.
So if i juggle well like the two of pentacles i might find love in the spiritual or worldly sense and then it will all lead to what the final card shows the world. correct?

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Post by cedars » Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:11 am

I cannot, hand on my heart, tell you that if you do the stock-taking you will find love. They are not necessarily related to each other. Please do not take everything that has been said in a literal sense.
You may need to do some juggling, taking stock of a situation or finances independent of that possible new beginning.
By the same token, it is not to be said that if you do not go through that waiting (stock taking) period that you will not acquire new beginnings as mentioned.

Please live your life as you are and do not measure, analyse each and every event that comes about..

OK? :)

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Post by mystar » Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:24 am

Thank you so much for the reading and for answering my queries.
Deeply appreciate it. I will be back to give any possible feedback.

Thanks onceagain. :smt003

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