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Need Reading

Post by Evolution » Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:51 pm

Hi i am Pedro Jorge Barreira Martins born in 11-04-1989
i feel whole my life that  i am waiting for something,but do not know what is.
I need some guidance please someone give me a reading.Thanks

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Post by pirbid » Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:22 pm

:) Hi, Evolution. It's nice to meet another Spaniard on the board. Let's see if I can be of any help.

I am using a mini version of the Rider Waite deck that allows me to scan the spreads more easily. After shuffling, I made a cut and overturned the 2 resulting piles to get a hint of what you are looking for and this is what I got: 3 and 4 of Pentacles. You seem to want to master certain technical abilities through your effort and dedication, in order to begin a new venture that can eventually provide you with a stable and secure position in life. So, what are the skills you would like to master in order to provide for yourself and your community?
I decided on a general 10 card spread that lets us see your conditions in life. This is what a I got:


I always start by looking at the general picture and I am getting mixed feelings of sadness and happiness, shame and contentedness, satisfaction and envy. So, certainly an interesting read.
Then I do some math: you got 4 Majors out of 10 cards, so this is an important point in your life. You are right to want to look at it closely.
Also 4 of the 10 cards are reversed, but I still get quite an active feeling from the spread, so there aren't that many blocks in your present.
As for the suits, all 4 are represented indicating a good balance, but the only Wands are reversed, so you are maybe a little overtired or unwell. The majority of Cups indicate that maybe the emotional side of life is occupying more of your thoughts than usual.
So, let's begin a card by card interpretation.

1. WHO are you at this moment? 7 of Wands reversed is someone very overworked, anxious, unsure and confused, who feels nearly unable to go on, even when victory is in sight. Why do you feel this way? Certainly tiredness or poor health can make everything seem nearly impossible. You need to rest and take more care of yourself before you tackle anything further.
2. HOW are you affected by other people and your surroundings? 5 of Swords is a little more of the same: someone who feels maladjusted and weak after a loss or failure. You must first accept these in order to free the necessary energy to move on.
3. INNER VOICE: Knight of Cups reversed means your inner voice is pushing you to action a little against your usual more passive attitude, so you might be trying to reject your inner impulse. It says you need a bit more passion in your life, more physical enjoyments and activities yo make you forget past hurts.
4. VALUES: 3 of Cups means you believe in sharing the good news and results with those around you. You value friendship big time!
5. THOUGHTS: King of Pentacles is someone satisfied with his achievements and capacity, generous and brave but not given to adventure, trustworthy, diligent and methodical, cautious and patient. Do you see yourself in this? You may be thinking that if you could only reach success, you could finally relax and enjoy life, but you need to take your time to make decisions. You hate to be pushed around.
6. FEELINGS: The Sun reversed is a potential happiness tinted with sadness and confusion. Maybe you feel all your joys and achievements are short lived, or that your successes don't bring much gratification. You may feel frustrated because of obstacles and delays in your plans, or feel as if you are groping around in darkness. The good thing about this card is that it shows you as a happy person at heart, once you lift your present doubts. Don't you agree?
7. PRESENT SITUATION: The Devil usually represents certain passions and desires that we find hard to control, temptations that we are a little ashamed of even if we don't fall, a period of certain obsessions. Mostly, you can be feeling trapped or chained with no apparent way out. This situation is certainly taking up a lot of your energy. Let's see how it may be overcome.
8. SHORT TERM RESULTS: The Moon means a period of introspection  might be coming in which you abandon certain activities and spend longer listening to your intuition. An abundance of dreams, impressions, fantasies and emotions can be overwhelming, but you will embrace them even if they make you a little nervous.
9. LONG TERM RESULTS: 4 of Cups reversed means you will finally wake up to the world and its possibilities and make the most of your new enthusiasm in the novelty of the experiences. This period of apathy and agony will be over.
10. THE KEY FACTOR: The High Priestess is a further step from the Moon. All that introspection and interest in your hidden power and knowledge will greatly enrich your mind and help you understand the answer to a great problem. You will end up feeling more confident, patient and calm.

Summing it all up, it seems you are now going through a period of tiredness and distress. There is a central issue or relationship taking up too much energy, both mental and physical. The cards advise you to retire from these influences for a quiet period in which you can make a few careful decisions based more on your intuition than your professional skills.
After that, you will once more be free to join in a happy new venture you can share with your loved ones.
The King of Pentacles -and also those first 2 Pentacles I got at the beginning- show you as a very practical, able, pacific and contented person at heart, usually more oriented towards practical and comfort goals. Listening to your inner voice for a while can greatly enhance your knowledge of yourself and the options before you, and also give you a chance to forget past wrongs and recover from the resulting shame and stress.

Let me know if this was useful in any way. I hope everything comes out the best way possible for you.

Best wishes  :)

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