Plz may i have a reading?

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Plz may i have a reading?

Post by holborn900 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:39 pm

Wondering if anyone would mind a reading for me? I have just come out of a divorce and troubled time, and think i may have a couple of options for new relationships asa reuslt of all of the changes. Just wondering if anyone can look into whether this is the case or what the future may hold in this area. Dont worry about general

Thanks to all

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Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:03 am

:) Hi, Holborn,

If no one gets to you before I do, I'll give you your reading. You are number two in line, though, so I don't know if that would be tomorrow or sat.
However, maybe one of the other readers will be inspired by your question, in which case, they are more than welcome to answer.

See you, then  :smt002

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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:51 am

I am looking into this and hope to post something soon.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:33 am

Hi holborn

Let me get this right: after your divorce, you now have two opportunities for possible relationship and you are wondering which one might be the ONE?

Without going down the route of the cards and a reading - and it seems this is what I have been doing lately - what does your gut feeling say?

If you were a friend of mine, I would have asked: why do you want to jump into another relationship while you've just come out of a divorce? Is it fair on you and the other person(s) involved? No one can tell you which one is the right one for you or which one is the ONE for you; only you and Time can tell.

And, you also don’t want a General reading. Am afraid it does not work that way; readings come to us sometimes in areas where we may not wish to concentrate, but they come with specific messages.

I don’t know you, you don’t know me, but my gut feeling is telling me something is not right about this; that you should take time out and just go with the flow rather than cloud your mind with ‘Is she the one?’ or ‘What if?’ thoughts.

I am now going to refer to the cards and have chosen a spread which is: My Priorities Right Now. I am using the Rider Waite deck.
I asked: What are Holborn's priorities right now?

Main Priority:
Page of Cups

It looks like love and romance and messages, overtures, approaches in this department is a priority right now for you. Or, this can also mean that the dreamy, romantic, fun-loving young energy, the flirtatious spirit in you sees this phase as a priority. The Page is a young energy within an adult person; or it is a message or news of love and romance, and in its very element of being a water sign, it is ready to flow and run where it finds ground and potential to feel and be emotional. This is the Page, the Messenger, the bearer of such tidings and also a frame of mind that may drive a person towards such possibilities. But, don’t forget, the pages have not matured yet to see and reason. A Page can very much be an adult who is behaving or aspiring to be the teenager. These are beginnings, these are thoughts and ideas but not necessarily come into fruition.

What is blocking you?
Ace of Pentacles.

New beginnings in the area of money, finance and possibly new job may have an impact on you right now which may be putting some sort of a barrier in your perceived other priorities. Aces are wonderful new beginnings and the Ace of Pentacles indicates new openings and opportunities in the money, finance and a situation where you may have an opportunity to make something successful with regard to your earthly comforts and needs. How would then such a promising new possibility be standing in your way? Are you perhaps making this an obstacle in your path and running the danger of discarding such an opportunity to sacrifice something else?

Things I can change.
Knight of Wands.

Another court care here (same as the Page above) but this one is of the Fire element. It speaks of passion, fire energy, get up and go, on the move, in other words, a fiery personality. There are two sides to this Knight and only you can tell which bits you need to change to improve your life:

Fast, passionate, charmer, always on the go, makes things happen, daring, risk taker and a self confident person.

He can also be……

Superficial, cocky, brags and exaggerates, he is a charmer but does not deliver; words only. He can be foolhardy in the way he behaves and his passionate nature can sometimes turn into hot tempered anger.

I have given you the two sides of the Knight of Wands. See it for yourself as to which of these personality traits – if applying to you – need changing. I do not believe the Knight of Wands refers to someone else in your life, because court cards can also mean that. I get the feeling there is so much passion and energy within you that it needs to be channelled properly to bring you the highest good.
You be the judge of that.

Things I must accept.
Seven of Cups.

Here is a man faced with seven cups each full of some enticing item or an element of desire and temptation. Choices and choices at hand but not sure which one to take. Riches, glory, castles, a mysterious possibility…… all these options are looking at him and he is dazzled by them all. This man runs the danger of making the wrong choice because they all seem so bright and promising in their respective cups; they are all sitting on cloud nine  - the seven cups. What is it that he must accept or be careful about? In my opinion, I get the message from this card that not all that glitters is gold and we can only make one choice. We can either take our time in making that final choice and, in the process, get dazzled with all these gifts being shown to us (I did not say ‘given’ to us) or succumb and make a one single choice. Careful though to make the right choice.

How things will progress?
The Devil.

Oh, the tempestuous Devil; a major Arcana card. Deriving from the Seven of Cups, I see a possibility – a strong one at that – that you may run the risk of falling into some kind of a hedonistic lifestyle and be enslaved to the pleasures of the flesh. Hey, there is nothing wrong this; may be that is what you should be doing and go with the flow, but knowing very well, at the same time, that being subjected to the influences of the Devil is not a dead end street. You can always come out and make a detour and free yourself from those powers of so-called bondage and addiction – if you like – to the pleasures of the flesh, materialism and whatever it is that makes one think about the self and nothing else.

Perhaps now you are looking up at the ceiling and thinking what the hell is he on about?
For that I picked  three clarifier/advice cards and got:

The Chariot, Nine of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles.
The Chariot and the Nine of Pentacles for me stand for personal power and a sense of discipline. They both indicate the ability to fight and fend for oneself against all odds and in the end give you the right to enjoy fruits of your hard work. After the Devil, you may need to resort to finding your true path and thus the Chariot’s ability to manoeuvre through the obstacles and the Nine of Pentacles’ sense of self-confidence and discipline will make you realise that it is time you looked after yourself and take a step back to review your situation. The Seven of Pentacles shows a man, head down, minding his own business, working hard, learning a new skill and being an apprentice. Would new job prospects, further training or the emphasis on job satisfaction and progress professionally be the ultimate priority for you?

I hope the above made some sense to you and in a way I also hope they answered some of your questions.

As I said, we don’t always get the VERY answer(s) we seek from a reading, but I feel there is a lot her for you to chew on…… Or not?

Good luck to you my friend and I would like to hear from you if any of these made sense to you.


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Post by cedars » Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:23 am

You are welcome Holborn and thank you for your detailed feedback. I am sorry you could not post it in the open forum but I have taken your advice and am posting it here for others to see.

This is Holborn's reply to the reading above which he passed on to me via PM as he was having difficulties posting it into this thread. I have Holborn's permission to post his reply here as you can see below.

Holborn replied:

Thx so much for the kind reading. tried to post in the forum, but my computer kept bugging every time i'd post- and it wouldn't let me.
It all made a lot of sense. Thought i'd let you know just how accurate you are...

I am currently worried about passing my job probation, and am litreally putting my life on hold until i pass (i.e feel guilty about socialising etc) until i know that the income is guaranteed. I struggled to get this job, and have litreally noone that can help me if i lose it and have many debts etc, so retention of the job is litreally an all or nothing situation for me.This is why the cards showed that new begnning/job prospects are holding me back.

Re the first card you pulled -- i am idealistic about love, I would love to fall in love and have it reciprocated unlike my marriage, but this is more idealistic than an a reality owing to my current recluse state outlined above. And even if i did go out a lot at the moment hope of meeting new mates, there is no guarantee that my wish would be fufilled- hence the accuracy of the first card you drew. Thanks for the advice about my temper - it is spot on!

If not 2 much trouble, one last q in relation to the kind reading. Was just wonderng about the devil card. Was wondering if it felt as though i would be chasing physical pleasures (I presume you mean physical relations with the opposite sex over/as opposed to other pleasure such partying, alcohol etc) OR being presented and uptaking the such offers of physical relations ?

I doubt it is possible to make such a fine distinction and also in some ways - it is pointless to ask as only i can control such issues to a certain extent, but I thought i'd ask nonetheless. Thanks so much, and please feel free to post this into the open forum if you can, as mentioned I can't for some reason.

Many thanks again if this is the last time we interact
The Devil can be either the physical or any material bondage, addiction, excess behaviour...... it does not have to be exclusively sexual pleasure... it can be addiction to money, drink, hedonism, shopping, drugs, drinks...... you name it.. And, as you also said, you have the control within you to come out of such bondage.

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