Request a reading for Job/Career Please

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Request a reading for Job/Career Please

Post by mystar » Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:03 pm

Please give me a reading focussing on my Job/Career please.
Just a quick reading will do.

Thank you very much.

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Post by sweetsunray » Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:38 pm

Hey Mystar,

I did a reading for you with my Crowley Toth deck using the "Rainbow" spread of 6 cards.

_ _ 3 4
_ 2 _ _ 5
1 _ _ _ _6

Card 1 = rain: what is keeping you from realizing your potential and desires (Prince of Cups)
Card 2 = drizzle: first steps you need to take (6 of disks - success)
Card 3 = clear sky: who or what can help you (Lovers)
Card 4 = sun: the best you can hope for (The World)
Card 5 = rainbow: short term advice (Chariot)
Card 6 = golden pot: long term advice (Prince of swords)

1. Rain: the prince of cups is keeping you from realizing your potential and desires

Crowley's Prince of Cups can be seen as Rider Waite's Knight of Cups, but rather than a person the Prince represents an atmosphere surrounding you. The Prince stares dreamily into a cup with an asp in it, as if he's auguring. His carriage is surrounded by what seems to be a screen of vapor or clouds. He holds a flower, but it hangs down. It's as if his attention is so wrapped up into the cup, his dreams and desires, that the flower can slip from his hand any minute. The Prince's attention and sitting position make him seem soft and tender, but without much vitality or the groundedness to realize something.

When I saw this card in this position, it seems to me that you've enveloped yourself in atmosphere of dreams and hopes. And I'm getting the sense that you did receive some news of possibilities, that you had glimpses of opportunities coming your way. However, at this stage these opportunities are but tiny slivers and are not yet in a realization stage. Just the tiny possibility has already grown in your mind and has swept you off your feet, kinda like a woman having a stranger flirt with her and already picturing the wedding bells.

Nothing wrong with daydreaming and hoping, but when you envelop yourself in this cloak of dreams of the future without any real events yet to back the possibilities up, but only lip service, you might end up acting too lethargic to make the opportunities become true seeds in the real life.

2. Drizzle: 6 of disks are the first steps you need to take.

On this card you see 6 circles around a bigger circle, shoots outs like a star. The center is alight, pinkish, the outside blue, on a red orange base. Crowley assigned this card astrologically as moon in taurus. While the moon may be a symbol for the un- and subconscious, the dreamwold and the instinctive, taurus is practical, down to earth, stubborn and able to make quick cutting decisions. The two combined implies the ability of succesful businessmen who have become so succesful by remaining practical and yet have uncanny insight in what the market wants.

This card is telling you to ground yourself, remain practical, be decisive about what you know deep down will be the path to success, no matter how strange it may be.

3. Clear Sky: the Lovers can help you

The Lovers is a major arcana card, and therefore reveals that the forces of life itself can hep you... in this case the forces of making important, lifechanging decisions you will have to commit yourself to.

4. Sun: the World is the best you can hope for

The World is another major arcana card. It talks of life's phases that find conclusion. The best you can hope for therefore is to finish one phase in your career with praise and joy (the dancing figure), and that it's near time to tie the loose ends to start something new. Everything will have a start and an end, and nothing lasts forever.

5. Rainbow: Chariot for short term advice

The Chariot is once again a major arcana card. We see a knight in a golden armor holding a blue and red "shield" in front of the place where the solar plexus is supposed to be. The Chariot talks about willpower, about shaping the world after your own will. This is the true purpose of the ego and solar... to use our will to shape our life how it ought to be.

This card ties in with the 6 of disks. The issues our ego often comes across is that we often will things in life that are not right for us, or for things that have come to a conclusion and we need to learn to let go. However, if someone is in tune with the reality of his or her life, in tune what he or she ought to become to fulfill their potential where they use their talents to the betterment of all, then this willpower of the ego will indeed attract all what is necessary to succeed. Kinda like striking the iron when it's hot.

6. Pot of Gold: Prince of Swords is the advice for the long term

Once again we have an atmosphere in the Prince, but this time of the Swords. The image of the green prince ready to cut the lines of 3 other smaller figures with his sword may come across as aggressie, but in this case it shouts to me that you need to cut old ties. This Prince groups well with The World card. At the same time the Prince warns you against doing away with these ties too abruptly. The World card does that too... the World like the Prince of Swords indicates letting go, but also riding the whole thing out and to bid adieu in a positive spirit.

Wild Card: the Hermit

I "accidentally" picked a 7th card, the Hermit, another Major Arcana. I took it as the tarot wanting me to remind you that you know best what is good for you. The secret to success, to what you need to do, the light that will reveal your path comes from within you. You already know what you need to do and want to do. Trust on your innner guide.

Hidden cards
If I leave out the Wild Card and count the amount of Majors in the spread I get the number 3, which is represented by the Empress. The Empress stands for fertility, creating and shaping life. If I include the Wild card, then we have 4, which is the Empress' counterpart the Emperor, also a lifeshaper, but in a practical business sense. The message imo is that right now the shape of your career life and the shape of your life in general will have to flow together. The changes you are about to make in your career will shape your life in general, and vice versa. The two need to be one.

Hope that satisfies your question, all the best wishes,

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Post by suzisco » Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:18 pm

Fantastic reading :)

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Post by mystar » Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:23 pm

Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this reading for me.
You are a talented reader. :)

The first card description fits me very well. After many years, I started a new job search. I only sent out one application and was hoping I'd get the job.
I could have sent out more applications many places, but I didn't. I was not too sure of what or where to apply..reason is I want to change my career direction, and I didn't know where to apply. The one application I sent out was a place where there is a possibility for this change in direction.

As for the other cards, they seem like advice/guidance and future related, so I can't give you a feedback right now but I hope I can very soon.

I got the gist of the reading as, there are external forces in my life(Lovers) that will help me find the right opportunity,  where a new phase in my career begins(The world) but I need enough will power to make it happen(Chariot) and my instincts will guide me how to proceed(Hermit)

It seems like their is growth in my career (Emperor) and there is a personal growth as well(Emperess). How exciting!

I hope I understood this correctly, If not please help me understand.

Many thanks  :)

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Post by sweetsunray » Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:20 am

Yes, you got the main gist of it... but the Lovers is not about outside influence, or chance throwing you something on your path... like the Hermit and Chariot it is a card where the power comes from the inside: the difficult task of choosing. I had the distinct idea during the reading to make a choice between staying with the old career or jumping for the new one full hearted even if you are not sure yet how successful you are. Because the right choice in life will normally make life follow.

I'll illustrate it with a personal example of my past career change: I worked 4 years in private industry, companies, behind a desk. Others may have thought my job challenging, but for me personally it was very boring. And after 3 years I was fed up with opening a newspaper and look for a new company and job again, knowing that after half a year I'd be bored again. It took me almost a year to figure out what else I wanted to do, while I had a full year of leave from work for personal projects. I returned to my old last job, knowing what else I wanted to do, but first had to take an extra schooling before starting my applications for this new career. And 4 months back in the old job I was on a holiday in Baja California. During my road trip there I decided, I made the choice to start applicating for teacher jobs. When I got home it so happened that I had received a resignation letter from the old job because the company was going down the drain. My parents were in a panick, I was not. It felt just like confirmation that I had made the right choice, that life was simply making it easier for me. Normally my company had to keep me on for 4 months, but they offered a deal of 3 months and I'd only have to work for 1.5 month more with them. My parents thought it would be unwise to take such an offer, because if I didn't find a job in 3 months time I'd have no money support for being unemployed until after 4 months. And still I took it. 14 days after I had stopped working at my old job, I was able to start teaching... whie my old company still had to pay me for a third month. And since the first day I stood in front of pupils, I felt like I found my calling.

That choice of minein Baja would be the Lovers card. The choice to take the offer of my old company would be the Lovers card too.

I hope all the best for you!

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Post by cedars » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:24 am

Your explanation of the Lovers card makes great sense Sweetsunray!

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Post by sweetsunray » Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:42 pm

Crowley did something peculiar in the Lovers card to make clear how much the choice and knowledge of what is right comes from within and shapes everything else outside accordingly... it is not an angel blessing the marriage of opposites in the card, like in Rider Waite... it is the Hermit doing the blessing. The Hermit is the symbol for self guidance. And Crowley called the Hermit Yod, the divine blessing. In other words... the divine blessing does not come from the outside, chance and luck, but from listening to your higher self, to guide yourself and make choices and decisions based on that.

In the much older decks the Lovers isn't a couple to be married, but a man having to choose between two women, his promised wife or his secret lover. Because of this old image, some readers interprete the Lovers card as a sign of infidelity. However, in the middle ages marriages were arranged for you. They were business contracts and conveniences. Love had nothing to do with it. A lover though was the person the man would love. Therefore the man having to choose between two women, would have represented choosing between what the community would deem right (other people, rules, custom, reason) - aka the "safest" choice - or to follow his heart.

This image of the man choosing between 2 women became impopular once marriage was freed from its arrangements and gained a status of romance... once our culture allowed people to marry for love, the old image did not fit its meaning: choose wisely, and choosing is never easy. The choice to marry has become a scary choice by itself... remain single and pretend to have your pick, delay any decisions so to not miss out on future opportunities (safe choice), or risk a broken heart by following hopes and dreams.

Mystar, basically the Lovers card reminds you that choosing is important, to act on the choice is important, but that most importantly the choice must come from the heart.

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Post by mystar » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:11 pm

I think i have made the choice, the only problem is finding the opportunity. In your case you got one just in time :)

if these cards are suggesting (lovers, hermit and chariot ) i make this opportunity myself...i just dont know how to, other than simply trying harder..which i have been doing for quite some time ..

is there no card here that may show outside forces. no, i'm not asking for a job to land in my lap..but something that indicates its the right time for a change. i assumed the major arcanas indicated this..was i wrong?

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Post by mystar » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:20 pm

i wrote i've been looking for quite sometime, by that i mean, i looked for a long time and then gave up. then started again now..

if this change is a possibility, can we have timings too. i'm too tired of looking, hoping and then going back to what i was doing.

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Post by sweetsunray » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:44 pm

Well I called around to find the opportunity :-) This is what your reading is saying... You gotta make it happen. Don't worry about the previous job (keeps getting the money in). Previous you mentioned you had only applied for one job opportunity out of a paper. Many opportunities never reach the job papers: use your network, call people of the past, friends, friends of friends... make clear what you wanna do (the willpower of the chariot), and the more you search for those hidden opportunities, the more you will find.

Good luck out there!

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Post by mystar » Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:01 pm

no, previously i had applied to many and tried  hard, then gave up. this time though ..i only applied to one.
yeah, i will keep trying till i find one. the reading is encouraging. thank you.

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