This is the third time for me to request a reading in this forums !

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This is the third time for me to request a reading in this forums !

Post by Verisme » Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:52 pm

Hi, this forums has help me a lot with my previous reading especially to cedars who give me the reading, so now is the third time that i ask for a reading if you do mind , others are welcome too to comment , and this time is for my love life so can you give me a reading for my love life in coming future coz i'm kinda feeling confused right now, thanks in advance !

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Post by cedars » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:20 pm

Dear Verisme

Are you currently in a relationship? Are you seeing or dating someone at present?

I am asking these questions in order to form a question for your reading. Please don't give me all the details, but can you please elaborate a little bit on the nature of your reading request and I will be happy to give you a reading :)

If you are seeing someone, are there issues which are confusing you?

Thank you.

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Post by Verisme » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:03 am

to cedars :

no , i'm not in relationship with someone or seeing someone, right now i think i'm falling in love again with someone but not sure is it the real love for me or just because she is pretty and nice! i just want to know what is the near future would be like for my love life. thanks

best regards ,


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Post by cedars » Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:01 am

My dear Verisme

You say you..
Right now i think i'm falling in love again with someone but not sure is it the real love for me or just because she is pretty and nice! i just want to know what is the near future would be like for my love life. Thanks
If you think you are falling in love, I would like to tell you to go ahead with that feeling, as long as there are some indications that it is being reciprocated. At this early stage, probably you won’t see much of a response from her, (or may be you are already getting signs) but no one can tell you if she is THE ONE for you or the love of your life my friend. Even those who thought they had met the ONE for them have turned out to be the wrong one for them. By saying this I do not wish to discourage you from going ahead with what you are feeling towards this person unless you yourself can see reasons to put a hold on your feelings. Even one day when you marry and make home with the person whom you thought was THE ONE for you, but deep inside you may know he/she isn’t, but you still get on with life… I am probably painting a bleak picture of love and relationships, but I am trying to state some of the facts about life.

I feel you have just met this person and the feelings you have towards her are very private to you – that you have not expressed them to her yet. You are scared to move ahead in case she is not the ONE for you, and probably you would declare your love to her if you felt (or knew) these feelings promised a future. You may be trying to avoid pain or a let down if things don’t work out, but then again, you can say that about anything in life my dear friend, can’t you? Follow your heart but try to keep it under some form of control. The most important thing for you right now is to look for signs if you are getting the same vibes or responses from her. If yes, then you should just let go and enjoy the feeling---- whatever the outcome.

If a reader told you she was not the one for you but you still had those feelings…… would you listen to the reader and crush your feelings? Please answer that question to yourself when you have a few quiet moments.

I’ve been thinking what spread to use for your reading, trying to keep away from a Yes or No situation.

I have decided to use the following spread:
Situation: Known and Unknown.

Deck: Rider Waite.

Card 1. Situation: Four of Wands.
Wands: Element of Fire, passion, excitement, surge of energy and creativity.
I feel currently you are in a state of rejoicing the fruitful outcome of a situation whether this is home or family related or  a situation of success in the workplace or simply celebrating a new-found happiness. However, this state of happiness is not something that you are going through on your own; I feel it has to do with other people, perhaps a family fortune or the acquisition of something new, as I see two ladies bringing home fruits and flowers preparing the house for a party with friends and family in the background taking part in these celebrations.  
There is plenty of passion and excitement.

Card 2. What you do know: Six of Pentacles.
Pentacles: Element of Earth, earthly and material comfort.
This is a complex card which indicates a situation of give-and-take. There is giving and taking in life and it all depends who is doing most of the giving and who is doing most of the taking. We see here a benevolent and a charitable man holding a scale with one hand and giving away money with the other. There are two men kneeling in front of him and one is accepting the gift and the other one (facing the scales) has anticipations of receiving the same.
This is a situation in your life which you must be aware of at the moment: are you perhaps giving too much and getting very little in return or are you receiving plenty and not giving the same in return?  Or, could you be the charitable person and using your discretion as to who receives what and who receives nothing?
I get the feeling in your case that you may be ‘giving’ your energies towards this person or this situation, albeit without realising or only within yourself, and not getting the same from the other side. To bring this more to home, to your question of falling in love, are you perhaps giving all your energies into these feelings and emotions and not seeing anything in return? If that is the case, I feel you should try and find some balance here and expect something in return from the other side. Falling in love can be a wonderful feeling, but it is even better when it is reciprocated from the other person. Are things balanced in your own mind and heart, or is this ‘falling in love’ state only within your own heart and mind – one sided? My dear friend, please check and see on which side of the scale you are and try and make some modifications.

Card 3. What you don’t know: Temperance.
A Major Arcana card showing the Archangel, one foot on the ground and the other in a stream pouring water from one cup in to the other.
I see this message here not too different from the one above – the Six of Pentacles. But this refers to your own soul and inner self which probably you don’t know at this stage yet. There is an urgent need for you to get things into some kind of balance in yourself and find peace and equilibrium within and about the things happening outside or on the earthly realm.
Water is easy flowing and soil is firm and hard. Water represents your feelings and emotions and earth represents your mind and a state of being grounded. I feel you are stepping in both these situations unable to find a balance between the two. This is a beautiful card promising harmony and balance in your inner self by trying to implement moderation in everything you do, in particular towards your feelings at this time. I feel what this is trying to tell you is to examine yourself and find out or try not to get carried away with the emotions and also not to be too distant and ignoring those emotions. Tough job? All you need to do is ask yourself how fast you are going into this and perhaps find ways to slow down. Or, to try and control the panic and those butterflies in your stomach and bring about a sense of balance and why not some realism into your feelings. As soon as you find that balance and, indeed, the moderation, you may start to see things under a different light.

Card 4: What you could do (possible advice): Eight of Cups.
Cups: Element of Water, feelings and emotions.
We see here a man walking away, leaving behind eight cups standing upright and heading towards the unknown. He has got two mountains ahead of him. The moon in the sky reflects his state of uncertainty as he walks away, not knowing what lies ahead behind those mountains. Or, could he be following a new dream?
OK. Is this telling you to forget and move on? Only you have the answer to that my friend. However, what this is telling me is that there are possibilities of eight cups standing upright which may or may not present any opportunities for you. They may be a promise of something, but you might see an imbalance about them. Might have you been getting carried away with it all; all these emotions? Might you be seeing something which is not there, even though the feelings according to your inner self give you the impression of being true? This card is not denying the existence of feelings in your heart, but the question is: are they the right ones for this situation? This could also be saying, leave all behind and follow your dream.
This card shows movement; from one place to another; from one situation to another. All you need is the strength to do it.
Whether you follow this advice or not, I feel you should give yourself the time to examine your outer and inner self with positions 2 and 3 above.

Card 5: Outcome: Six of Wands.
Wands: Element of Fire.
This is the victory card and as number Six it is ruled by the Lovers card. It talks about choices made and the resultant outcome.
What this is telling us is that there is potential for a positive outcome in this situation, one that may be considered as ‘victory’, a positive step forward, a respite albeit it a short and a temporary one. Sixes are the calm after the storm of the Fives. Sixes promise peace and harmony and a new way of seeing things. I cannot say just because this card is ruled by the Lovers card that you will have found your soul mate in the end. However, all things being the same and the advice taken, there is potential for brighter things for you out there.

I know this did not answer your question the way you had put it – Is she or is she not? I could have easily picked three cards and found some sort of a positive or a negative answer amongst them. But I do not like doing that and who said you yourself are not able to change the course of events with your free will?

I hope this shed some light on your situation and especially on your inner thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you.

With my very best wishes.

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Post by cedars » Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:20 am

Here is the spread and the cards..... the best I could scan them.

All cards in the upright position.

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Post by Verisme » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:32 pm

To cedars :

You were right, i meet this girl just four months ago, and i never expressed my feeling to her, and  always suprresed my feeling so she does'nt know that i had a feeling to her, in fact i do the oppsite way that a normal man could do when in loved, what i know is that i've always excited to meet her every day but whens she is out of my sight or having a conversation with some guy in the phone that had interest in her too, it's makes me feel so blue, what i'm afrraid is now that maybe in a next few month she si going to change job in another company and i never had the chances to say my feeling to her and i just can't say it now because it just seem to sooner to express my feeling to her. Just as you said in the card 3 that i have a difficulties to find my balanced betwen my mind & heart, you were i right my mind and my heart seems always runs in the oppsite direction, when my heart say yes , my mind say no, and in the end all i do is nothing, and i felt like such a loser, maybe you were right too, to slow down everything so i can see clear and make the right decision and have some inner peace and balance with my self, i will try to do that. well anyway thanks for your reading and your efforts for giving me advice, you've been helpfull to me ! once again thanks

best regards


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Post by cedars » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:12 pm

hello Verisme
Thank you for your feedback and your comments about the reading.

I have some of my own comments on your response.
what i'm afrraid is now that maybe in a next few month she si going to change job in another company and i never had the chances to say my feeling to her and i just can't say it now because it just seem to sooner to express my feeling to her.
Does she have to know about your feelings straight away? Why not ask her out first; go on a few dates, drinks or coffee? You are scared that she may be put off by your feelings, but you do not need to go down that route immediately. I would be afraid too if someone in my office told me they loved me and I had not even had some form of social encounter with them. May be before you tell her about your feelings, just ask her out as friends; make excuses to talk to her more; be humorous and light-hearted. If it is meant to happen, then it will. If it is not, at least you would have tried and then when the next time you feel this way about someone, you will know what to do......?

Does this make sense to you my friend?

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Post by cedars » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:16 pm

Another point I wanted to add was: one does not have to be THE ONE for you in order to go out and have an affair with. One does not have to be your future life partner before you can start seeing her. Please do not put obstacles in your way before you have even met and known the person.

Love, hurt, flirt, rejection, acceptance..... these are all part of LIFE. Live and experience these feelings for your own emotional development. :smt006

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Post by Verisme » Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:43 am

To Cedars :

Hi, i just want to you to know my current situation that going on right now and ask for your advice again .
well this is the stories : right now i think i'm heart broken again for the second time in my life , although i've managed to tell her  how i feel about her (well more like a confession, because i tell her when i know thats she is going to be married in the next few weeks from now) and apologize for my sudden expression of my feeling towards her right now and i don't want to make it un easy for her, i just want to express my feeling so there is now burden inside my heart again, and she's accept my apology (she is a nice kind hearted person). And now 2/3 of my burden is gone but there is 1/3 still left inside my heart, i know that it is a part of life that i must live and experience it,  but it is such hard to do it, just to get pass this phase of my life, not even a single day that i have not think about her, every second i think about her, and when i think about her marriage i get so down, my heart goes bump bump bump, i try to forget it and keep my self busy, but it's no use because i see her everyday and she sit in a desk in front of me, and i don't want to runaway again but i can't helped my self just not to think about her. And now what i'm i going to do ?

best regards,


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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:24 am

I know it is very hard Very, especially when she is sitting in class every day with you, but it is something you will have to go through. I know, life is tough and no one said it wasn't. are getting stronger and stronger, as I can see through this last thread. The fact that you have told her about your feelings is a sign of strength. You are learning lessons that you are not aware of for the next time you feel this way about someone - because you will and this is not going to be the last one. Perhaps next time you will have gained a little more experience and learnt some lessons and will handle it differently. There are no guarantees that the other person will have the same feelings towards us, but all you can do is express your own and see if it is reciprocated. If not, am afraid, you will need to forget and get on with your life.

The best way for you under the circumstances is to accept that she is going to get married and just wish her all the best in her life. If you get invited to go the wedding and you cannot handle it, then you should NOT go! There is no point in torturing yourself all in the name of Love. Forget Love and embrace yourself and love yourself for now. All too often we give in to the feelings we have for others and forget ourselves and the care and self-love that we deserve.

What you are going to do? Whichever gives you comfort but nothing drastic, PLEASE. You are not going to leave school, you are not going to fall behind your lessons and education....... YOU come first. OK?
Believe me, you will forget about her and one day - soon - you will look back and feel the maturity you have reached and be grateful for the experience.

Friendly hugs to you Very and let us know how you get on.

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Post by Verisme » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:07 pm

to Cedars :

thanks for your advice and friendly hugs, btw i'm not in a school, we are co-workers in a company, and the hardest part for me to forget about her is i must interact with her everyday, and i can't leave from this company because i need a job and for me i't hard to find a new company who want to hire me. This is the second time that happened to me, the first time i just quit from my job without saying anything about my feeling and it takes me a year just to find a new job, and when i find a new job it started all over again, falling in love with the wrong person and in the wrong time, but i don't want to runaway again like the first time, but i don't know if i can handle this feeling. i don't want to ignore her but i can't face her either, that is the hardest part. well maybe if tried to see her just as friend nothing less nothing more maybe it will work. well thank's for your guidance, and support.

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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:10 pm


I believe you are learning.... some hard lessons about being a mature, responsible person.... all at the expense of your feelings my friend.
Yes, you should not leave this job or any job  for that matter when the person you feel strongly for is out of reach.

My very best wishees to you.

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