A Reading for Toos

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A Reading for Toos

Post by samantha234 » Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:52 am

Hi Toos,
I have your reading for you. I hope you like it!

 I asked should toos travel to a distant land to be with her husband?
  The cards are showing me that a big change has happened in your life which came on suddenly. This change has transformed your life and those around you. I also see that that the country where you husband is seems to currently be at war, there is alot of death and alot of explosions.
 I see help offered from an older man financially, could be your father, or your father-in-law, that is willing to help you change your life.
 I also see alot of anger and fighting disrupting your homelife. despite this I do see this man does help you so you and your children can join your husband. I see if you do decide to go, that all your wishes will come true and you will become a stronger person because of it.

 I asked, should Toos stay where she is and wait it out?
The cards say no, they recommend you go, because if you stay you will become too depressed and sad, and push everyone away from you in your sadness. The next card is the two of cups showing you that you know where you should be at this time! Accept the help offered and go be with your husband! It is still your choice but this is what the cards advise. Good luck in your choice and know our hearts are with you whatever you decide!
I hope this reading has helped in some way, please keep me posted!
                                                                          Love and Light,

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