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reading request

Post by ezza » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:22 pm

Hi All - Great forum! So happy I found it!
I need advice on my career.. My job is full of uncertainty at the moment and I am not sure if I should stick with it or head for another direction (which I started doing in a way)..
Please let me know what kind of info you need from me..
Thank you!

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Post by cedars » Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:37 pm

Dear Ezza

I see you have already taken some action with regard to your career which is always encouraged and I wish you all the best with it.
I have also picked three cards for you and asked the question: what does Ezza need to know with regard to her career path for the foreseeable future? (this is usually considered the next six months). I got the following cards from the Rider Waite:

Six of Swords. Knight of Pentcales. Queen of Cups.
The number Six in tarot numerology follows the strife and anguish of the five is a step in the right direction. In the Six of Swords we see a woman sat in a boat with six swords in front of her and she is being rowed away towards an island or what is considered to be calmer shores. She is leaving behind the difficult times and even at times cutting her losses, she prefers to move on and ahead to destinations where is potential for a re-start to build something new.

I feel you will not be alone in this journey of rediscovery in your career path. The Knight of Pentacles (Earth sign) and the Queen of Cups (water sign) may be people around you with whom you may have dealings (if not already). The Knight is a calculating and a cautious kind of a person. He could be the bearer of a business idea, a business partner or someone who has got a financial head on his shoulders. He can be very slow-moving and takes every pros and cons into consideration before making a decision. He can be thorough to the extent of being obsessive. He is a reliable person; one with whom you can trust to have success only if you can put up with his cautiousness, obsession and at times stubborn attitude.

On the other hand we have a woman here, the Queen of Cups who can be a mother figure or someone in your career path (although I feel she may be in your personal life) who may have an impact in your new journey. She is a sensitive and an emotional person; she is caring and also has certain psychic qualities. She is a water sign and therefore quite volatile with her emotions. Could this be you I wonder taking this whole situation with your emotions rather than a logical mind?

I picked two more cards as I felt the need for further clarification, and I got:

King of Cups  and The Fool.
We have here the male equivalent of the Queen of Cups – a father figure, equally emotional as the queen and one who is prepared to guide you in your path with love and understanding. He is known to be ruled by his heart than his mind, but he means no harm. I get the feeling in your journey ahead you may be surrounded by these two water sign people and if they are not family members, they could be people who will have an impact in your career and people who may give you a helping hand the support you need. Careful though, as these are both rather emotional people and whilst you may be in need of their loving nature, it is best to keep your feet firm on the ground and tackle your future project in a more balanced manner.
The Fool indicates new beginnings – a beginning which is taken at times without too much careful consideration but rather with a sense of adventure. There is an element of risk taking with the Fool and the unknown as he marches on oblivious of the ravine right ahead of him. He is sure of himself and will face what comes in his way with a sense of adventure and challenge. Some see the Fool as the first of the tarot deck and some see it as the last. It is numbered at zero and I see it as a new beginning with more on the way to be encountered. It will be up to you how you approach the opportunities ahead of you and perhaps at times of uncertainties, the help and support of the Queen and the King of Cups will be a much-needed cushion for you.

I hope this has resonated with you and I wish you all the best.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes


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Thank you!

Post by ezza » Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:43 pm

Hi Cedars,
Thank you for the reading.. I believe you are right..since I posted the question, I received some news that the steps I have taken are in the right direction, but I am definitely a long way from obtaining this position.. Although I am positive this is the right move. Also, no, I am not alone in this path, everyone working with me is facing the same dilemmas due to the imminent closure of the project we are working on, therefore we provide support for each other constantly..
Could the knight of pentacles be a woman? if it is, then I know exactly who she is.. and yes, we toyed with the idea of starting a business but I am not sure I can deal with the qualities you described above!
The queen of cups is definitely me.. I always felt I had a strong intuition but always tried to use my logic instead..recently, I am leaning towards listening to my intuition and things have been better... one of the reasons why I joined the forum... and yes, I am putting all my hopes in one basket (emotional behavior) because I have this feeling that this path will get me what I want.. but logically I should be looking into other possibilities, which I am doing but not as consistently as I should!
I am not sure who the king of cups could be.. maybe someone I haven't met yet? I just moved recently into a new city (8 months now) and this could be the new beginning you are referring to.. but I have a feeling these 2 cards are for the future, not the recent past..
I am always in awe of people with great abilities and I want to thank you again for taking the time to do the reading. I really appreciate it.
Kindest regards,

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Post by cedars » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:13 pm

Could the knight of pentacles be a woman? if it is, then I know exactly who she is.. and yes, we toyed with the idea of starting a business but I am not sure I can deal with the qualities you described above!
Yes, the knights can also be females.

The last two cards are indeed for the present and the near future. I dont usually like looking at the past in this type of reading.

Thank for your feedback Ezza; much appreciated. It seems you are using your abilities (both practical and intuitive) to advance yourself in the your career path and I wish you all the very best.

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