Reading for Swetha by Samantha

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Reading for Swetha by Samantha

Post by swetha » Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:55 am

Reading for finances and business.any improvement?

The cards are showing a major transformation in business and financial affairs. You have the 10 of pentacles which shows financial gain and wealth coming up immediatly and it shows that it happens through a partnership and a labor of love.

I also see someone is trying to take all this from you, maybe something to do with the attack the other day? It shows growth despite all this because you protect yourself well and our persistent.

I see there is alot of jealousy surrounding your success but i see that although a part of you gets tempted to walk away and abandon it all, you stay and stand your ground!

It shows you have someone come into the picture that guides and advices you, a woman who is very strong, she gives you the offer of financial help

on anger:
Ithe cards are telling me that there needs tobe more balance in your life between the spiritual and the physical realms. that when things get too stressful for you  and you feel trapped to rest and let someone else help you now and then.

I see the fool and it is showing me that you feel you are taking a risk with a light haired blue eyed woman, but have no fear, she is very knd and loving and lives to serve mankind. she will help you anyway she can.
the justice card shows me that everything will work out and justice will be served.
on abhishek and swetha's relationship;

let me tell without even looking at the cards that I can see you two were together in another life as brother and sister, that is why you both get along so well.
i can feel alot of affection and respect between you two, and you both have alot in common.
the cards show that he is holding on tightly to swetha.
it shows alot of happiness and love in your home though
I also see that you both help each other out  and make decisions together


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Post by swetha » Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:55 am

thanks Samantha, that really boosted up my confidence.

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further reading for swetha by samantha

Post by swetha » Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:31 am

First three cards:The hanged Man, 3 of swords King of swords
I see your heart is breaking over a man with dark hair and eyes.. He is very firm in his beliefs and stands by them. He can be strict at times and is very stubborn.On the good side, he is very protective over you and will fight for you. This has put you in a period of suspension. You feel as if you are in a rut and cannot move forward. You want more but are unable to reach your goal.

next 3 cards: the high priestess, 7 of pentacles, the hermit
I see you looking back over your life at what you have accomplished so far, seeking answers to questions that you have about your life. You are searching deep within yourself for your spirit guide to light your way through the darkness.

next three cards: 8 of pentacles, 10 of cups, 5 of cups
I see you working hard towards your goal and because of this a wish will come true for you with 5, 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months But I see that even though everything is starting to work out for you, you are still missing something. There is an emptiness in your soul. The 5 of cups is saying don't look back because even though you have lost 3(?) if you turn around and look ahead you will find two more in your future.

next 3 cards:strength,2 of cups,  10 of pentacles
 These cards are showing me that the relationship between you and abhishek will grow stronger. That is where your strength lies, in your love for one another. I also see that financially things will improve and you won't have the money problems you have now. In fact, you will do very well, and this is because you work together and support one another in all things in your lives.

next three cards: the moon, queen of cups, ace of wands
I see that right now certain things are hidden from view, You have to wait for the darkness to pass, there is a woman who will be there to help you. She has light skin and eyes, and light hair.she is very psychic. I see a new beginning and growth in business in the future for you.

So your career,your marriage, your financial situation all improve within the next 6 months. In three months, i will do another reading pertaining to your other question regd kids and see if the veil has lifted. Right now, as the high priestess and the moon suggest, the details are hidden from view. It is not time for you to know yet. I'm sorry! I hope the rest cheers you up though!

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