Practice one!

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Practice one!

Post by Confusedreamer » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:13 pm

Just a general reading. I don't mind if your new just think it would be fun! Practice away!

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Re: Practice one!

Post by George » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:47 am

Confusedreamer wrote:Just a general reading. I don't mind if your new just think it would be fun! Practice away!
are you asking for a reading?  or offering a reading?   :smt002
i will try to do a reading for you tomorrow!  i too tired to try tonight but have been dying to do some readings lately!  :smt006

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Post by Confusedreamer » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:20 am

Asking for a reading. I wish I could do readings. I got the cards but am kind of like what the heck. Hahahaha. Much appreciated.

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Post by Confusedreamer » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:21 am

Did you forget George?

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Post by George » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:42 pm

Confusedreamer wrote:Did you forget George?
Nope didn't forget about the reading just forget to post that i wasn't apply to do it yesterday like i had hoped.  It was a very long day! Sorry!
 I have been doing Tarot reading for a few years now (probably long then i remember).
  I am going to do a three card spread using the RW deck.  
The 3 rows are Past, Present and Future.
i will do it later tonight or tomorrow morning!

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Post by TarotModerator » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:41 pm


Tarot is a psychic thing. Not a direct order.

Don't push your luck.

Blessed be.

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Post by Confusedreamer » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:39 pm

I wasn't being direct. I was just telling people if they needed someone to practice on I was willing. I was saying it with a light hearted attitude. If it was taken the wrong way I am sorry. I know someone people don't want people to practice on them they want experienced people. I was letting others no its ok if your new or just practicing.

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Post by George » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:50 pm

George wrote:
Confusedreamer wrote:Did you forget George?
Nope didn't forget about the reading just forget to post that i wasn't apply to do it yesterday like i had hoped.  It was a very long day! Sorry!
 I have been doing Tarot reading for a few years now (probably long then i remember).
  I am going to do a three card spread using the RW deck.  
The 3 rows are Past, Present and Future.
i will do it later tonight or tomorrow morning!
As i said three card spread with 9 cards total, three in each row.
I drew the Knight of Pentacles (R), VI of Pentacles (R) and The Tower.
A young man coming from a well to do family trying to juggle money as he gets out on his own and moves towards the present with the Tower. (Don't forget to be chariable.)
For the Present I drew The Devil, Temperance, and V of Cups.
In the Present coming from the Tower crashing down which is not as bad as the card looks.  It just old concepts coming to a end to make way for new ones.
The Devil looks and bounds lovers and has them bound by certain old concepts and ideals which one must try to break away and grow from it be it in love or money (with all the coins in the past).  Temperance sits on the Devil meaning you must be able to forgive and forget, to be able to accept those ideals and concepts in yourself and others.  Just be ready to at least listen if you disagree.  The 3rd card is the V of Cups that will lead us into the Future position. But lets reflect on this card for a second in the Present it shows you looking down towards the cup looking for something and searching for what you need.  The card shows five cups three a spilled and other two behind you are upright and still full.  Learn from the spilled but don't forget about the two behind and look for answers there.  Cup repsents spiritual, love, the conscience self.
In The Future we see The page of Swords, X of Cups, and Justice.
Coming from the end of the Present we look forward to The Page of SWords, young man going out with sword in hand ready to lead his own way. (btw not necessary a young man but the ideals of a young page going out into the world.)  WE see the next card as the X of Cups, a happy card with a couple with children looking out wards towards a rainbow and 10 cups.  Which is a major step from all the pentiacles in the  beginning of the reading and end with a lot of cups.  The last card is Justice meaning that with Temperance you were able to find balance going into the future if you pay more attention to the cups instead of the coin.
Over all there is two major arcanda cards leading from the past and hooking to the present.  Then the major ending the reading... a lot of soul searching by the time we get you going into the future and wanting to end with a strong out come.  it depends on what you take into the future.

any feed back helps me grow so please feel free to be honest and say yea or nay about things.  i like to hear from you about your reading.

btw, i think TarotModerator might have thought you were being pushy by asking me if i had forgot so soon after my last post, etc.
"Tarot is a psychic thing. Not a direct order".  most likely meanin:  give me a chance to respond before you start asking about the reading etc...
i say don't worry about it as i didn't get that you were trying to be pushy or demaning.  Sometime some folks get really really demaning for something they are getting for free and sometimes its just people are excited to get a reading.  i felt no negativeity on your part so all is good!   :smt003
and i always thank those that are looking out for us Tarot readers. :smt006

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Post by George » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:20 am

Confusedreamer wrote:Asking for a reading. I wish I could do readings. I got the cards but am kind of like what the heck. Hahahaha. Much appreciated.
I kept meaning to come back to this post!   :smt004
What deck do you have?  are you finding learning the meanings hard?  How do you put all the meanings together to make a reading, etc?

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Post by Confusedreamer » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:42 pm

I have the Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck. The meanings are what get me. I try to do a reading and get the spread and when I look up the meanings I feel like I am looking at Spanish.

For my reading thank you. I think I grasp what your saying. I am most excited about the X cup. My husband and I have been trying for children for two years and hearing you got a card with a happy couple and children makes me excited. Also in the present set I am about to graduate College so the young person going out into the world will be me come June.

You were right I was not trying to be direct or pushy about the reading I was just super excited.

Thank you for the time you took out for me. Anytime you need someone to practice on I would be more than happy to be that person.

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Post by George » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:16 am

Confusedreamer wrote:I have the Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck. The meanings are what get me. I try to do a reading and get the spread and when I look up the meanings I feel like I am looking at Spanish.

For my reading thank you. I think I grasp what your saying. I am most excited about the X cup. My husband and I have been trying for children for two years and hearing you got a card with a happy couple and children makes me excited. Also in the present set I am about to graduate College so the young person going out into the world will be me come June.

You were right I was not trying to be direct or pushy about the reading I was just super excited.

Thank you for the time you took out for me. Anytime you need someone to practice on I would be more than happy to be that person.
you are welcome and glad to hear you like what you read.

i looked up your deck and looks very close to the RW deck.  Most people recommend you learn with the RW deck because it is the easiest to learn but from how your deck looks, (assuming i found your deck) it's not as hard as it seems to learn because the images are so close to one another. so don't give easily about learning and getting to know your deck.    
try looking at the images of the card and tell a story and don't focus too much on the book's meanings... sometimes what you see and feel is more important then a book's definition. that's how a lot of tarot readers have learned or recommend that you learn the meaning of the cards.  when i try to learn from the book i just wasn't getting it, then i learned to read the cards with intuition and telling a story with the pictures. i was able to finally read the tarot with out going back and forth to the book during a reading.

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Post by Confusedreamer » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:22 pm

I bought a book of meanings and I would look them up online as well and a lot of the times the meanings I found were nothing like what I thought they were. I just feel like its all written in Spanish to me.

If I am doing a reading my for myself if I try to read the meanings from the pictures how do I know I am not seeing it the way I want it?

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Post by George » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:40 pm

Confusedreamer wrote:I bought a book of meanings and I would look them up online as well and a lot of the times the meanings I found were nothing like what I thought they were. I just feel like its all written in Spanish to me.
Even in Spanish it all comes down to the human condition and how we react to it!   :smt002 The Tarot can be our insight into the soul.   :smt020  It already sounds like you are seeing things (intuition) in your cards so use your own interpretation rather then your book.  Books and online sources are helpful to learn the basic images and symbols and what they are but your own background and meanings will add a richer interpretation of the cards, if you ask me.  Cups aren't just something that holds water they are spiritual etc... wands are labor, swords are conflict, pentacles are money. And they more meanings then that.  We i did your reading tons of Pentacles in the beginning then it turn to cups.  money to a more spiritual or soul searching ideals etc.  so books help with those little meanings in the card.  If you see what i mean.  :smt003    
Confusedreamer wrote: If I am doing a reading my for myself if I try to read the meanings from the pictures how do I know I am not seeing it the way I want it?
It is hard to stay bias when doing your own reading which is why most will tell you not to do your own readings.  I tend to think you that you can do your own readings especially if you are just practicing and trying to learn.    Intuition is the key to seeing what is there and not what you want.  In turn, the Tarot can be used to hone your intuition as some believe Tarot is a good tool to do that.  

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