Respectfully request a reading please?

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Respectfully request a reading please?

Post by crissydawn3 » Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:11 am

I humbly request a general reading for the new 2012 year on family, health, career & financial matters due to recent events that have opened my eyes up a bit to a few things. I am 36.. 37 on February 25. (Female)
Will this year be a better year for me and my children? Can anyone help me? I don't ask about love because the love of my children are truly enough for me right now.

Thank you in advance!


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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:39 am


I will do a general reading for you, not focusing on any particular matter. I want you to understand that I only use the Celtic Cross and RW deck. In this sense I draw a random card to indicate the "overview" as the first card. This card may very well direct us to the underlying issues. Cards are numbered and has specific attributions. This is what will decide the path and house you are at in the road from 1 to 10.

Blessed be.

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:35 pm


I tried a lay, but cannot read the cards. Will do another tomorrow.

Blessed be.

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Post by crissydawn3 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:03 am

Thank you Payewacker .. I appreciate the try.  Is it a regular "thing" not to be able to read the cards? I'm only curious since I am just starting out. I attempted to do regular celtic cross on my friend but some of them didn't make any sense. I just got the original Rider Waite Tarot pack conceived by A.E. Waite..any tips or suggestions would also be welcome & appreciated

Thank you,

crissydawn3 :smt006

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:57 am


Sometimes it does happen. I have specific cards which I don't include in readings or discard the reading in that sense. When you have to many reversals the reading may also be off-base.

I will be posting your reading soon, with the 3rd setting. You can go to "how much do you want to learn about Tarot" in the Tarot forum, there I have a list of links to doc's I host on Google. You can also go to "Tarot Discussions and Ideas". You will find extensive topics to browse through.

Blessed be.

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Post by crissydawn3 » Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:07 am

Would it help a bit if I was more interested where my career will head for me this year than anything. I would like to be able to do so much more for my kids.

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:53 am


I will look for you and keep it in mind.

Blessed be.

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Post by crissydawn3 » Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:12 am

Again. Thank you .. & that link helped me as well learning my way around a reading

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:20 pm

Hi, I attached a jpg of the lay. You will see three cards in a row at
the far left, these are the 3 cards of advice only and is not part
of the reading.

I read the cards in the "Upright and Reversed" orientation, using the
RW deck and the Celtic Cross Spread.

The Significator;
The significator is either a choice of the Major Arcanum cards,
describing a specific matter or from the Minor Court cards. Allow the
Querent to shuffle the deck at least twice with the significator
included. Remove it from the deck and place at centre. The cards
should now be shuffled three times and cut three times by the Querent
or reader. Some readers prefer their Querant to shuffle, others may
not want the Querant to touch the cards, this is a choice made by the
reader. If chosen from the Minor Arcanum, remove the four cards, one
from each suit depicting the level of the Querent in their social,
business or personal environment, this is a card the reader may want
to use to ground the Querent, or understand it as a pivot; all the
cards refer to a central point or person.

Many theories exist round the Significator. The original intention of
this card was to represent the Querent. It also plays an important
role when reading the Celtic Cross. When selecting this card, it may
be reversed or upright. In either orientation, we can’t only look at
the face value and consider it to be the dominating influence; it may
indicate an external force at work. It is important to consider the
direction the Significator faces. This is particular in the placement
of cards 5 and 6. In whichever direction the Significator faces, card
5 indicating the past, must be placed behind the Significator. Card 6,
indicating the future, must be placed in front of the Significator. If
you have a card which faces straight out of the spread, card 5 must be
placed to the left and card 6 to the right.

Keeping in mind the following: (These are only guidelines).
Ages: 16-22; Pages
Ages: 23-35; Knights
Ages; 36-50; King for men, Queen for woman
Ages; 50 and above; Emperor for men, Empress for woman. Using
divinatory meaning only.
Husband and wife: King and Queen.
Knight and Page: Siblings, Single, no Children.

Select the four Court cards to match as described above. These cards
should now be shuffled face down, and placed in a row, the Querent is
now allowed to, with their intuition, gliding their hands over these
cards, choose a specific card. This card must now be turned face up
and the Querent may be represented by this card or characteristics are

Looking at the lay-out of the Celtic Cross, we see the Significator
being covered by Card 1. The significator is not assigned a specific
numeric value, in the Celtic Cross. Considering that the assignment or
numeric placement, being 1-10, Aleph-Yod, The significator may be seen
as “The Fool”, not assigned, yet an influence to be considered. As
Significator, your Querant may slot into any position, having a
stronger influence on any specific card. If we have the Significator
as a Wands Court card, the rest of the spread, where we find Wands
cards, we may consider a stronger influence throughout, underpinned by
the Significator.

Choosing a Significator from the Major Arcanum, Lovers would be a card
for a Querants personal relationship, Justice for legal matters, Wheel
of Fortune-Financial. The Fool can be used to describe a new direction
or life-changing decisions.

Queen of Pentacles (Reversed).
Card Description.
This Queen is seated under a rose arbor on a hillside close to a
stream. A red rabbit, messenger from earth is in the bottom right
corner. Her throne is richly upholstered with a tapestry of pears.
Leaves and a flower are found on her crown. A goats head adorns her
armrest and goats legs are carved on the back and sides pf her throne.
There are also cherubic figures with horns; these are gnomes
representing the elementals of earth. Gently holding on her lap we
find a pentacle which she is admiring.

Meaning: “A regal and respected woman, or security, wisdom, prudence and wealth”
A regal and respected woman, known for her generous nature but never
someone you can fool or take advantage of. She has respect for money,
but is not ruled by it; a wise and prudent manager who provides an
example to others of how best to use and distribute real wealth and be
comfortable with it. Like the King, she is intelligent, and she has
greatness of soul which commands respect and admiration among both her
peers and those she rules. If this card does not represent an actual
person, then it describes a situation of well-ordered comfort, which
comes not merely from having financial security, but in knowing how to
use money wisely. The card also represents hope in the form that you
have the ability to overcome obstacles with prudence and wisdom.

A kind and generous woman, an excellent and careful manager, with both
intelligence and intuitive knowledge. Like the King, she may either
favor you, or she may be indifferent. She is attractive and very
persuasive; she knows how to get her own way, not through feminine
wiles, but simply because she knows what she’s doing. If not a person,
the card represents security, wisdom and prudence, financial security.

A suspicious woman, distrusting all around her, and mistrusted in
return. An interfering woman, one who needs to control situations at
any cost. If not a person, the card represents a situation of
suspicion, fear, even evil. A suspenseful situation in which you
cannot be certain who to trust, or if anyone can be trusted.

Card 1
This is obviously a very important card as it describes and directs
the reading as a whole! This card explains the current influence the
Querent is experiencing. We can also consider that what this card
describes is “in happening, now or that which sets the flavor”.
Another factor we want to consider is that this card is the thought
not come to fulfilment yet. This card is governed by the Magician and
therefore, the Magician creates his Universe or controls all the
different suits of the Minor Arcanum and specifically the Aces.
Therefore it is placed over the Significator. The influence of card
one is seen throughout the reading, and must be brought into
perspective, regarding the other cards and their specific placements.

The entire deck with the Significator to one side should be fanned
face down. The Querent must now select one card from the deck. The
card is turned face-up and placed over the Significator. This covers
the Querent.

The Emperor.
When we look at the Emperor, and his representation, our thoughts
immediately go to a person who has successfully conquered and
established influence, wealth, wisdom and power. Being an imposing
figure with the added power, you may feel threatened by his presence.
He has a stern, authoritive approach and will not easily be influenced
or redirected. In essence, we also need to understand, that nothing is
strictly compounded. This we see in the move, from the High Priestess
to the Empress. The vestment of the Empress is the Link to the High
Priestess. Considering this, we see that the Empress is the door into
this World, the faculty of life and how it is interacting in the
spiritual and physical world we have. The High-Priestess is the
Spiritual “Oracle”, where the Empress brings the esoteric knowledge to
the physical world, in applying her knowledge and understanding more
practically. She is also the epitomy of fertility

The Empress is the female aspect of the Emperor; she has the
understanding of how things fit together in her Sphere of existence.
She brings life, understanding and fertility to the Emperor. She is
also the one who ensures harmony and protection in the Home.

Because she understands the intricacies of this World and we, who
inhabit it, she serves as a mediator to ensure a harmonious

The Emperor may also be a perfect example of a Father figure, secure
and successful in business and his personal life. A stable, mature,
authoritative, powerful leader. A person with the qualities of reason
and conviction. Leadership and ability to sustain worldly power with
wisdom, patience and compassion. He is also a fighter and will face
his challengers or obstacles with valor. This person normally sits at
the centre of his environment and has a good personality or friendly
dispensation.  His planning is methodical and well organised. He has a
brave heart and the ability to fight for what he wants. He is
instinctively creative but sometimes also a dreamer. He is alert,
proactive and aggressive in the way he manages people and his
financial affairs.
Seeing the Emperor, sitting on his four-square throne, we must
understand that he is also the ultimate Judge, as he is the one to
pass the law to those applying it. He can also be ruthless,
dominating, stubborn and a difficult person to deal with. He can apply
his power balanced and be fair in his decisions or judgements, but he
can also be completely the opposite. His position can easily abuse to
include rule by Force, Male domination, ignorance and violence.
Authority, accomplishment, worldly power, stability, wisdom, ambition.
Leadership and ability to govern wisely. Compassion. Protection.

Card 2
In this card we see dualities, a pairing between thought and motion.
We can also see that although it may be a pairing, it might also
signify the possible opposing forces within oneself. Therefore card
two in essence signifies obstacles, even though the card itself may be
positive, it would not necessarily have a positive influence, thus the
division. This card can also indicate obstacles the querent is not
aware of, actions and influences busy unfolding without the querent’s
knowledge. We can consider this card as the "container" of a person's
Aleph (first thought).

Therefore the person's perception or mind is altered through card 2,
placed with the upright to the left. And in this, the obstruction
being contained in card 2 is an archetypal influence, which can
translate into any level of energy, be it archetypal, existential or
cosmic. This position is the "carrier" of any person's thought, or
environment. His/her, Bething - Beth (thoughts on the primary

As this placement is ruled by the High Priestess. We receive our
intuition through the left, and the right hand is the "practical"
side. That is also why we shuffle anti-clockwise with the left hand.
The right is used to "assist"

Two of Swords.
Card Description.
A Woman blindfolded and crossing two broadswords across her chest, she
is displayed as sitting on a bench and in the background a view of a
rocky beach. With a waning moon in the background.

Meaning: “Balance”.
Here we find a blindfolded woman, protecting herself with two
broadswords crossed. With the moon in the waning phase we can see that
you need to consult your intellect and intuition more than your heart.
Above all, your common sense should not be forgotten. It also
signifies that a truce has or will be reached, a stalemate. This is a
position of “calculated trust”, a precarious situation of balance and
harmony. This card is not about winning or losing, it’s more
impartiality from both parties, an uncomfortable business or personal
relationship, based purely on achieving a mutual goal.
You have or might enter a business or personal relationship in which
both parties are working together to achieve a mutual goal. The deal
is that, both of you don’t really trust each other enough. You can see
this relationship based on a game of chess, by which every move must
be well considered and done to only ensure balance. Although you may
work together in harmony, always check your back. Make sure that
whatever you do, you strengthen your position. Be sure this is what
the other partner is doing. You may be able to balance the situation
using your intellect and experience.

Card 3: This crowns you.
This card describes your perceived goals in this matter, and if it
will be achieved at this time. This card is essentially the ideal aim,
it is also the fruit of Aleph (Primary thought) (1) animated into your
Beth (container) (2) and subsequent Beths (thoughts on the containment
of Aleph). We can understand it being the first movement in Gimmel (3)
(first result of the pairing of 1 and 2), by which it has not met with
resistance, being Dalled (4).

This card describes the near future, understanding that card one is
your current situation, card two, how you will deal or contain card 1,
in card 2. Card two is an obstacle in its own right, for it is a
limiting factor to the untamed energy in card two. This card, in
describing the immediate future may explain what you may receive,
whether it is what you want or perhaps not your goal and may explain
what may happen, whether you like it or not.

This card, being ruled by the Empress, is the first point at which
fertility and development can be described.
We have a defined structure in the allocation or links to the Hebrew
Aleph-Beth. We see that Aleph—the spark, moves to Beth—the container,
and then to Gimmel—the action, movement or possible result of the
interaction between one and two. In essence, we are looking at, “What
has this partnership produced?”

We also need to consider the “overflow”, three is a result, but how
does it influence the rest of our path? How are we going to perceive
the resistance encountered in the fours?

If we consider three, we also look at a very basic, practical and age
old structure, the triangle. The number three is but another way of
expressing the idea of a triangle, earliest symbol for Deity, inasmuch
as it is the simplest closed figure (signifying endlessness) which can
be formed of straight lines. The emphasis upon three, or the triangle,
is also a symbol of Deity-being without beginning or ending.

Suares:   Gimmel, no. 3, is the organic movement of every Beth/Bayt
animated by Aleph
Gimmel is the third logical term in the formative/ontological
alphabet. 1: Aleph: the contained.   2--Beth: the container.
3--Gimmel: the relationship (linkage, functional movement) between the
two: the motion (Gimmel) of matter (Beth) animated by Spirit (Aleph).
If Aleph is Spirit, Beth is matter, in the sense of a generalized
container for Spiritual/psychological energies. Gimmel is their
interaction and the fruit thereof.

Moon (Reversed)
The Moon has a magnetism which attracts and control. It speaks to our
animal nature, and draws on the subconscious thought, inducing
volition without conscious thought. The only way to avoid its
dangerous aspect is to deliberately assume conscious control. In
short, to avoid the dangers in this card, you must learn to use your
mind, your conscious intelligence, at all times. You may not surrender
to your instincts; you dare not give in to your emotions. You are
learning, in the paths of the Tarot, to draw on your subconscious and
develop your psychic abilities. But this is the point at which you
must put those abilities under conscious control. What differentiates
people from animals (which are affected by the Moon without knowing
why) or from non-conscious elements (like the sea, which is affected
by the Moon without thinking at all.) is our intelligence. Use your
intelligence now, and from now on, or fail in your quest. You can no
longer operate solely on your instincts.


                               Deception and danger to a lesser
degree of importance. Instability, unimportant errors, silence.
There are hidden forces of tremendous power operating around you, you
may not be able to control them, but you can avoid being controlled by
them. Watch your step!!
If this card represents you, then you are being told that, whether or
not you are ware of it, you possess tremendous psychic ability, most
of it latent. Up until now, you have probably made little or no use of
this ability. This is the best time for you to develop and learn to
control it; you will need it in times ahead. But act wisely. Either
your misuse of this ability, or your refusal to use it all, can lead
you dangerously astray.

Card 4 This is beneath you.
In card four we are looking at the past events and influences. It
describes the foundation under discussion; a specific event or
different things happening in the immediate past which, because of
their influence on you, are the reason, or direct cause of the
situation you find yourself in. Consider what is represented in card
four. We look at foundations, boundaries, concrete facts. These are
factors which cannot be changed. Here we need to consider the
influence the past events had on the mind and spirit and the resultant
frame of mind created by this card. We now link card four to card one,
describing the current influence and contemplate card five as that
which is “in happening”, recent past, to the current, giving way to
Card 6.

Understanding the Fours. We must now follow the route energy has
taken. First we find Aleph, moving into Beth, which is the container.
Then into Gimmel which is the first action or result, and is now
becoming being or physical existence, being the response to life, as
we find in nature around us and within us. It becomes the biological
or organic life, as a result of the activity in Gimmel. The discovery
of Newton, that between two objects, there is the same response to
movement, but in the opposite direction. We see that Dallet is the
concept of action and opposite reaction. In this resistance, we can
see the continuation to the archetype of life in Hay (5)

“Dallet: spelled Dallet-Lammed-Tav, 4.30(40).400: Resistance/Response
(Dallet) is a resistance based in its own controlled organic movement
(Lammed) rooted in the capacity to resist to life-death (Tav). Dallet
is a door which can be open or closed to the energy/movement of
Gimmel. It contains its own movement (Lammed), which meets the
uncontrolled movement of Gimmel with a controlled response. With
Dallet, all the pre-conditions for life have been met, and it will be
realized in the next letter He/Hay.

Drawing a closure on Dallet ( 4.40.400), we see that it elevates
itself into the Existential, Mem (Death card) and ultimately in the
Comic, being 22 - Tau/Tav (Cross)—Ultimate sacrifice. The interplay of
the life-death principal is becoming very clear and
continues to He/Hay, where we find response to life, as life responds
to resistance. We can spell He/Hay (5) – The Hierophant:
Aleph-Hay(1-5) or Hay-Yod(5-10).

Source: Revived Quabala and Hypertext.

The Star
Consider the imagery of the stars. From the earliest times people have
been fascinated and guided by these heavenly bodies. Astrology shows
how the stars influence the day to day cycle or influences of our
lives, and even those with no knowledge about astrology still seek for
advise in the stars, and pay heed to them. Travellers use the North
Star and The Southern Cross to find their way. People have always seen
pictures in the arrangement of the stars and created legends about
them. Now, in our own time, the stars take on yet another important
meaning as slowly but surely we make our way toward them.
The stars represent the universe in all it’s mystery and potential for
growth, learning and power. They symbolise what is out there, still on
the material plane, but yet beyond the confines of this world. In many
ways not just in astrology, the stars direct our life. In the Star, we
are given the opportunity to assume control of that direction. As the
Tower suggests the use of power  unwisely results in total
destruction, the Stars shows the potential of that wisdom and
understanding, which is true power. Greek myths relate that the
Olympian deities set humans among the stars to immortalise them.
Arcanum seventeen shows the beginning of your immortality.
At this point in your quest you become a teacher as well as a seeker.
The stars arrange themselves at your direction, giving you the power
that the Magician only attempts to employ: to be at the centre of the
universe, to change the heavens at your will.
But to gain and keep this power you must put something back. The young
woman in the picture is pouring life force, symbolised by water back
into the earth plane, even as the stars above her head arrange
themselves to their power into her. It is the beginning of a
transformation: the stars above her head do what she does, because she
is beginning to become what they are. It is a prime example, if a
different definition than the Magician’s, of “as above, so below”.
The young woman represents eternal youth and true beauty. The stars
above her symbolise the potential to achieve your goals, and more
importantly, true understanding of what those goals should be. The
water in the stream symbolise serenity (greater than patience); born
of the knowledge that you will overcome all obstacles. It is a
generous portion of both her knowledge and her power that she returns
to the Earth to revitalise that from which she sprang. The stars teach
that even as you prepare to go on to a higher plane of knowledge and
achievement, it is important to remember that your roots, and
therefore the basis of your strength, are in this plane. You must
consider not only where you are going, but those who will come after
Wisdom, immortality, spiritual enlightenment. Hope, happiness, intellectual fulfilment. Satisfaction, hope, bright prospects, destiny, insights. Progress toward your goal; understanding to what those goals should be.

Card 5; This is behind you.
This gives the influence or set of circumstances that is busy
happening now and will soon end; the situation which has just passed
or is now in passing. In effect, events or circumstances in your past,
as shown in the first few cards, created a general personal
environment in which you were operating. This environment is now busy
changing, either because you took steps to change it, or because some
influence is forcing a change.

Finding ourselves midway from Aleph to Yod, somewhere there has to be
a resistance stronger than we find in 2, 3 or 4. However, don’t
consider it to be any substantial resistance as it is not a structure,
but a fixed point in itself. We can look at it as an Alternating
Electrical Current. One moment positive, the next negative.

The most appropriate definition of He/Hay as defined by Suares in the
“Hay (5) which is Life for when there is response to motion of
material moved by the spirit we have Life. Thus the first four Autiot
are the seeds for the primary seed of Life. Hay is spoken like a
breath. The new born child comes to life with a breath (Hay) caused by
its response (Dallet/Daleth) to the motion (Gimmel/Ghimmel) of the
doctor's hand (Beth/Bayt) on its backside awakening in it the spirit
We find that five is a fixed point, a swivel. It creates a defining
point of balance by which the life-death principal has the same amount
of influence both ways.
Looking at all the fives we see all of them describe a certain loss,
struggle or devastation. Then with the Hierophant, we find the 50-50
struggle of the life death principle acting upon each other to create
the environment by which these influences can be seen and experienced.
We can therefore consider that it’s neither positive nor negative, but
both at its own time, in its own space-frame. Yet it creates a
rhetorical process in itself.

Position Five is that which is “in happening”, a matter of “push and
shove”, that is why we see that this position explains what has
happened, and in continuum, with the right amount of opposition from
your own actions. Perhaps we can say, it’s that moment of indecision,
which may affect you negatively or positively. It brings into
perspective your previous actions and the influence it has on you at
the current moment, whether you like it or not.

Eight of Pentacles
Card Description.
A young person at work carving pentacles, 6 is completed and he is
adding the finishing touches to the last two. In the background are
hills with a castle visible.

Meaning: “Success through knowledge and craftsmanship”.

The eight of Pentacles refers to success by means of knowledge and
abilities. These are already acquired and not necessarily developing
thereof. This card shows your success happening. You are on your way
to achieve recognition by means of your experience.

Success, ability, craftsmanship. Knowledge.
In this card it is obvious that your success lies in your own ability
and craftsmanship. Here it is not about learning the ability, but
already having it. In being eight, you know what you want, how to get
it and where to go. You have planned your future well and are on your
way to success. The success you will deserve or earn is based on your
own knowledge and skills.

Card 6,
Biological process:
Reproduces itself.

Looking at the sixes we are reminded that in each achievement, we find
hardships and turmoil. We also see that these can reduce us to
nothing, or we can withstand, uphold and rise above the circumstances
we are presented with. Considering that Vav is a reproduction of
itself, it is with hindsight and consideration, that we can determine
what may happen in our future. With careful planning, remembering the
pitfalls, we move on, and find a future that has a brighter promise.

In position six of the Celtic Cross, we have a premise for a future
development. This is not strictly the near, but more the longer term,
that which happens after tomorrow, next week, etc. We should consider
our focus to be more in the future, as this card is linked to five,
but is a continuation of five into six and then seven, eight, nine and

If we consider six, Vav (6), spelled Vav – Vav, we see the
reproductive copulation in itself. Vav is the male fertility added to
the numeric sequence and we find the full copulation in adding Samech
(60), the female receptor, as seen in the existential level of

The progress from Aleph (1), including the resistance from Yod (10) or
life-death principle, is becoming more complex in itself, as we
continue in the archetypal level of consciousness. We find that at
this stage we encounter numeric values, exceeding Yod (10), as we move
closer to the existential level.

The manifestation of the existential level is more profound and can be
considered more literal and as a base of reproduction, in the
archetypal level, (Cards 1, Magician to 9, The Hermit), considering
that we are basically touching the existential level, in the numeric

Thus we have Vav (6), Samech (60) and Mem as final in 600. If we look
at a basic upliftment of Vav into Samech, we have the bondage and
future restraint in the Devil, (60) Samech. When we blend the two
cards and positions, the positive and negative aspect is revealed,
considering the mirror of Vav, being Samech. Yet, bringing Vav into
the existential, releases its fertility and becoming a positive or
negative point of reproduction in itself. If we place The Lovers (6)
and the Devil (60) next to each other, we see that the relationship
may turn out to be more of a bondage, with greater desire for the
physical manifestation of our sexual and mundane needs.

All the sixes and position six is controlled or ruled by The Lovers.
We need to look for the possibilities of a union, coming together, be
it in a relationship with your lover or a basic friendship or business
partnership. Our focus can also be directed to being a blending of our
own desperate opposing characteristics, those forces within each of
us, choice or seduction, stability or chaos? In another sense, we may
see 6 as a breakthrough or cutting away from 5, by which the energy we
bring along, that of change and hope, multiplies within itself. If
this energy is not managed or maintained within itself, it may bring
along the bondage as seen in 60 Samech.

Therefore, this is before you.
This card describes the future influence or set of circumstances you
can expect; the change in personal environment that either should (if
you are advised what to do) or will (if you go with the flow) take
place. The near past described by card 5 is giving way to the new
situation as a result to the actions you have taken. If the situation
in card 5 has been described exactly and a specific timeframe can be
added to it, card 5 and 6 can act as timing factor, as that which is
described in card 5 timed until now, card 6 can then be applied adding
the same time period but into the future. In general readings the
timeframe is also general and can be from a few days to 12 months.
When asking a specific question, you can include a time period of say
within the next two months etc.

Knight of Swords (Reversed)
Card Description.
In a setting of wind blown clouds, trees and birds, we find the Knight
of Swords on horseback. On the reigns and knight’s coat we find birds
and on the breastplate of the horse we find butterflies.

Meaning: “As if scattering his enemies”.
The Knight of Swords is the personification of the wind and “power of
action”. The birds represent messengers from the Air and the
butterflies represent sylphs, the elemental spirits of the Air. The
Knight of Swords is a young man who is as his parents, selfish,
treacherous, self-serving and cruel. Because he is young, it may not
seem as if he has the power and authority to do you harm. But, within
his own sphere of influence he can do you tremendous harm. He is most
likely to be backed by others as well, those who can help him to do
even more harm. This is someone who is testing his ability to become
what the King and Queen already are, so he is likely to be less subtle
and more violent
Again you are warned to watch your back; you have a dangerous and
influential enemy, or you are in a potentially explosive situation.
Wasteful extravagance, imprudence, incapacity, poor leadership. A
foolish or conceited person. (A warning against conceit or

Card 7: This is you.
This card represents you. In general it puts you in perspective in
terms of the circumstances of the reading. It shows your stance or
attitude towards yourself or towards your situation. It also reveals
how you are likely to behave or react in this situation. Therefore
this card signifies the Querent’s self, his attitude to the matter.

The Hermit.
Almost all religions have their own legends of a vision quest, or of a
great teacher or prophet who searches the world seeking truth-or God.
The Hermit teaches that there comes a point in your spiritual
self-development when you must withdraw from the temptations and
demands of civilization and go into the desert to search your soul for
the meaning of your own existence, and to find God. The Deity cannot
speak clearly to you when you’re distracted by the demands of
day-to-day existence. The search for truth must be pursued alone. This
is as much a search for Self as for God, but the imagery suggests that
you will receive divine inspiration in your search, if it is an honest
one. The lantern represents your knowledge and understanding, which
you must use to light your way in your search. The staff may be
understood as God, a strength you can lean on to keep you steady
throughout your search, and protection against enemies you may meet on
the way. Leaving behind the trappings of civilization and seeking only
for the truth, the Hermit allegorises the experience of

Self-examination, moderation, wisdom, silence. Hidden truth. Prudence,
withdrawal, circumspection, caution, solitude. Learning through
experience; a seeker. May also foretell an upcoming journey.

Card 8: This is your house.
This card represents your environment, or surroundings, in this
situation; that which is going on around you at this time. It shows
your effect on people especially those close to you, or closely
involved with you, it also shows your general effect on events. More
importantly, it shows what kind of effect, other people or events, has
on you, what they are doing and how they are reacting and what their
intentions are regarding a situation or in these circumstances.
Therefore it signifies your house, your environment in the affair—the
influence, people and events around you.

The World (Reversed)
Being the last number of the Major Arcana. In this representation, you
are the adept you have tried to become throughout your journey.your
transmutation(shown in the previous card, Judgement) is complete, and
you have achieved the perfect synthesis of body(material),
mind(intellect), soul (self-awareness), and spirit (subconscious).
The world symbolizes complete mastery and understanding of your own
inner nature and of the forces surrounding you. You know what is good
and what is right in the universe and understand it’s intended order.
You can also now, trust your judgement regarding which actions to take
at any given moment. You have attained the status of full adept.
This card is the reverse of the Tower, in Arcanum sixteen, destruction
resulted from misuse of power; the failed adept assumed authority
which he or she did not in fact have, and reached for a goal he or she
had no right. But here you attain an even greater goal than anything
you could have wished for, or even imagined, at that earlier level.
There is no possibility of destruction, because it is no longer
possible for you to make the wrong choices. Everything you do is
right. And you have the right to everything you have. You know who and
what you are; you know why you are and you know the reason for your
existence. All of these answers serves to prove your individuality and
individual worth. This is the reward for your efforts.
Negation, sacrifice of love or goals. Flight. Stagnation, inertia,.
Payback for evil deeds.
You have learned the lessons required for the incarnation (or
situation, if the question revolves around mundane things), you are
what you need to be. You know all you need to know; you have
accomplished all you need to accomplish. You can now go onto other
things, knowing tht this task has been completed to perfection.

Card 9: This is your hopes and fears.
This card reveals your inner thoughts about a situation; it shows how
you feel about people, events and circumstances surrounding you at
this time including your feelings about yourself and your chances of
success or failure.
You need to understand 2 things clearly.
First. The card describes how you feel, not what has happened, is
happening or will happen. Not everyone’s emotional perspective is
always right. Your reaction may be reasonable given the current set of
circumstances, but it could also be entirely wrong!!(Not being able to
see the forest from the trees).
Second. This card still affects the final outcome, whether your
emotional perspective is correct or wrong. As an example, if you have
to take action, but is afraid to, how positive or successful the card
predicts, a big possibility you will still fail, because you can’t
make the change or move.

The Empress
When we look at the Empress, and her representation, our thoughts
immediately go to an “earthly person” A woman closely associated with
growth, fertility and the understanding of how existence works in
harmony. In essence, we also need to understand, that nothing is
strictly compounded. This we see in the move, from the High Priestess
to the Empress. The vestment of the Empress is the Link to the High
Priestess. Considering this, we see that the Empress is the door into
this World, the faculty of life and how it is interacting in the
spiritual and physical world we have. The High-Priestess is the
Spiritual “Oracle”, where the Empress brings the esoteric knowledge to
the physical world, in applying her knowledge and understanding more

The Empress is the female aspect of the Emperor; she has the
understanding of how things fit together in her Sphere of existence.
She brings life, understanding and fertility to the Emperor. She is
also the one who ensures harmony and protection in the Home.

Because she understands the intricacies of this World and we, who
inhabit it, she serves as a mediator to ensure a harmonious

Understanding, Fertility, Abundance. Harmony. Practical potential

Card 10: Final outcome.
This is the result. It reveals what will happen or is going to happen;
the culmination which will result from the influences shown by all the
other cards in the reading. If this card is a Minor Arcana Court Card,
it represents a person, who holds the key to the realization of all
things predicted.
This is then what will come. You need to remember one thing, all the
previous cards put together creates this outcome, should you not
follow the pointers, and your final outcome will change.
Consider that life exist around choices you make, sometimes it’s
easier to make the correct choice if you know the secrets of the
Tarot, so is it also important to remember the choice you make should
fit what you want!!!
It is this card the reader concentrates his or her intuitive wisdom
and remembers the divinatory meanings of the other cards including the
significator. This card should be a Major Arcanum (Secret) card. An
eleventh card may be drawn to bring matters into perspective, if the
tenth card is unclear.

Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)
Card Description.
On a black horse we find the Knight of Pentacles surrounded by
fertile, plowed lands. He is balancing a Pentacle in his right hand,
oak leaves are found on the crest of his helmet as well as on the head
of his horse.

Meaning: “A young man with an adventurous spirit, investment, new career”.
As all the Knights, the Knight of Pentacles exhibits the same
qualities as his symbolic parents. This card also includes elements of
moving (Air), either arrival or departure or travel. This is a less
mature image of the King and Queen; he has their potential, but lacks
their experience. He may still be a nice person, but is not
dependable, and sometimes a disappointment to himself and others close
to him. He may be impatient at times, and less willing to assume his
responsibilities. Whether this is personal trait, or one he will
eventually outgrow, depends on other cards in the reading. If this
card does not represent a person, then you are being told that you
could be more than you are if you’d simply settle down and work at it.
This card also includes investment, searching for a new career or
means of income.

An idle young man or one who is negligent and irresponsible.
Carelessness, discouragement, stagnation, apathy. If not a person, may
indicate being unemployed or discouraged. This card may also show a
lack of focus on your part, the inability to choose or work toward
goals wisely. Stagnating investments.

The Significator
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed).

The path which was followed in all the “lays” initially directed to
the Queen of Wands. She was reversed in the previous lays, and in this
lay we find the Queen of Pentacles, reversed as well. I don’t want to
attach a certain feeling or influence to this, but I think we can
consider some negative influence on your financial affairs at this
moment, but more importantly, your clear and substantive mindset .
Stipulating the Significator, relies upon you as a person and the
influences around you. We always include the positive and negative
environment and need to consider it as the underpinning segment of
“YOU”, however, at times you need to know that negative circumstances
changes your point of view as well as the way in which you conduct
yourself. If we consider the numbering of the Celtic Cross, we can
easily see, that this card is not contained within the “bracket of 1 -
10”, we can form the classification of the Fool(un-numbered) around
this card, it is the Innocent awareness we have, and it may be good or
it may be bad vibes you experience. In the Celtic Cross this card
precedes card 1, and is therefore part and parcel of the Major
influence you are covered with or surrounded by. In the Queen of
Pentacles (Reversed), we see a situation which may direct to be
unfavorable to you at this stage. Perhaps you are prejudice and don’t
discern the actual events or compelling influences. This can be
formulated within your own mind and events which happened whereby you
selectively created a set of historic events to explain the current
affairs. In retrospect, we may find you, thinking about your thoughts
all the time, IOW a permanent debate going on within yourself trying
to validate or qualify your thoughts and your actions. In doing this,
you may lose sight of your goals and how to achieve them.
Reading card - 2 The Emperor (Upright), we can consider a positive
influence in your environment. Remember that this is the first spark,
being card 1, and will be with you to the end of the cycle or reading.
Your request regarding your career is therefore portrayed by the first
card (as it should be, and not known to me).
Authority, accomplishment, worldly power, stability, wisdom, ambition.
Leadership and ability to govern wisely. Compassion. Protection.

Tyranny, he rules his house and work with critical urgency, tends to
dominate by force and excessive displays of childlike fits of rage.
Although he may be a good planner, this person is unstable and
immature, he may give so much attention to detail that he eventually
loses sight of the matter at hand.

However, I get the feeling that this may be an older man, or someone
who is in a position whereby you are “governed” by him, at times
positive and at times very restrictive. What I find strange, is that
you are “blocked” by the blindfolded Two of Swords, your main obstacle
and card 3. If we draw a line from the Queen straight through
regarding the key words, I feel as if my hands go “numb”?????? These
are the energies I’m experiencing? Moving on to include card 4 The
Moon Reversed:(Frustration, impotence, theft. Unfulfilled
expectations, disappointments, abandonment. Arrogance leading to
losses instead of gains), it seems as if you feel like a “tarantula on
steroids”, not knowing what to expect and fearing everything around

Considering the Queen of Pentacles (Reversed) and the Emperor, I
connect the two by their Zodiac—Both are Aries. Although you may not
be Aries, the environment is that of an Aries personality:
Aries Strength Keywords:
- Independent
- Generous
- Optimistic
- Enthusiastic
- Courageous

Aries Weakness Keywords:
- Moody
- Short tempered
- Self-involved
- Impulsive
- Impatient
- Insecure at times.

In this sense, perhaps there was a period of great stability, and
suddenly you find yourself on a roller-coaster ride? Consider the
descriptions in a "situation". You are constantly at a point of
defense, although you may not know the real problem or issue, you are
experiencing the symptoms. On another note, as I said before, The
Emperor will remain throughout, Card 10 is The Knight of Pentacles
(Reversed), can you see the link to the Queen of Pentacles and the

Card four is your past and it will remain where it’s at. We have 3
levels of existence, (1-9) archetypal, (10-18) existential and Cosmic
(19-27). The Star, being in the existential level, means “that what
exists”, bringing it back to the archetypal, it links to Strength.
Therefore, what you achieved was done on your own steam and by hard
work, you managed to overcome unnecessary obstacles and learnt your
skills, by taking charge of your future and pure tenacity, this is a
quality few people learn. During this period you also attracted some
very bad vibes or some we may say as outright enemies-
This is card 5—The Knight of Swords (Reversed).
Again you are warned to watch your back; you have a dangerous and
influential enemy, or you are in a potentially explosive situation.
Wasteful extravagance, imprudence, incapacity, poor leadership. A
foolish or conceited person. (A warning against conceit or

We have now achieved the first three card spread within the CC.
Looking at the lay, and interpreting from left to right (6, 1 and two,
5). We look at the direction the people on the cards face. The Knight
of Swords is attacking you from the left (behind your back)! This is
why we also find the Two of Swords in the middle, you are at all your
defences with no idea where the next attack may come from, this is
your blockage and that which will slow-down your progress. This may
also be a person, look around you, maybe you will be surprised who
this is, as in the keywords—watch your back for this one! The
Knight of Swords is a young man who is as his parents, selfish,
treacherous, self-serving and cruel. Because he is young, it may not
seem as if he has the power and authority to do you harm. But, within
his own sphere of influence he can do you tremendous harm. He is most
likely to be backed by others as well, those who can help him to do
even more harm. This is someone who is testing his ability to become
what the King and Queen already are, so he is likely to be less subtle
and more violent

Wanting to explain or expand more. This may very well be happening
now, or started a while back, but it will slowly disperse if you
ignore the “bad habits” of this influence or person. I remind you of
the Strength you had before. Just be careful, plan your actions with
wisdom and patience. This is a matter you need to clarify and isolate
as soon as possible. The actual placement is in house six and as such
may be a persistent and re-occurring problem. It is linked to 6-the
Lovers and also to 15 the Devil, which explains or refers to

Moving over to the third card in the three card spread, we find the
Eight of Pentacles and the best reference to your financial strategy:
In this card it is obvious that your success lies in your own ability
and craftsmanship. Here it is not about learning the ability, but
already having it. In being eight, you know what you want, how to get
it and where to go. You have planned your future well and are on your
way to success. The success you will deserve or earn is based on your
own knowledge and skills. In this statement I again refer to Card
Four—The Star and it’s mirror Strength.

At this stage, referring to the first few cards, you have no other
place to be than where the Hermit is, in “self-examination” and taking
stock of what is happening? Card 7 refers to the “YOU” in this
equation. The Hermit is also the last card in the Archetypal level.
The next one to move into the existential level, is 10-Wheel of
Fortune. If we look at the Hermit card, he carries a lamp to light his
way, you have that lamp, just lift it higher, and it will light your
way. The answers are all locked within yourself. We get so
pre-occupied with “things” happening around us, that we lose the faith
we had in ourselves. On the Strength card, we see the infinity symbol
above the woman’s head. Therefore your strength has no boundaries, but
you fencing it off in a square box, seen in the Emperor, you allowed
this to happen, so we see in card eight that your environment is not
as you have hoped it to be! In the World (Reversed), we have a plain
and simple message. That which is in happening has influenced every
part of the “YOU” to a point where it may no longer be making “sense”?
This we attach to the four images at each corner on the World Card.
Bull—Finances, Lion---Opportunities and vitality, Man—Love matters,
and Eagle—your mind and thoughts.

In card 9 we jump back to the Archetypal level, and yes, don’t be
surprised at what the Empress has to offer? Isn’t that what you wish
for? Is it not very befitting to have this lady in house 9, and the
Emperor in house 1. Your biggest hopes and fears are contained within
this particular arrangement?

The Empress:
Ruling Planet: Venus,

This planet is the force of Passion and sex, associated to Aphrodite,
Ishtar, Inanna and Astarte. These Goddesses, or most of them are not
only associated to love and sex, but some also to war and strife.
It is comparitive to the Force of Fire(passion), but related to Water
and Earth.
Sex, Lust, Inspiration, Affection, Beauty, Desireability, Sex appeal,
Seduction, Love affairs, Art, Beauty, Adornment, Social graces,
Harmony, Friendship and Happiness Fertility.
Major Arcanum Key Words:
Understanding, Fertility, Abundance. Harmony. Practical potential.
Doubts and difficulties. Indecision. Selfishness. Vacillation, ignorance.

The Emperor:
Ruling Planet: Mars.

Aries  March 21 to April 21
Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted
Selfish and quick-tempered
Impulsive and impatient
Foolhardy and daredevil

Major Arcanum Key Words:
Authority, accomplishment, worldly power, stability, wisdom, ambition.
Leadership and ability to govern wisely. Compassion. Protection.

Tyranny, he rules his house and work with critical urgency, tends to
dominate by force and excessive displays of childlike fits of rage.
Although he may be a good planner, this person is unstable and
immature, he may give so much attention to detail that he eventually
loses sight of the matter at hand.

My dear, I’m really going of the reading in this context. Let us have
a look at Mars and Venus, although these may not be in your charts, it
may give us an indication to “what’s happening” and why?

Although Mars and Venus embody opposite qualities, they are alike in
their sensuality and passion. But where Venus is the unifying
principle of attraction, Mars is the divisive, scattering principle of
out-thrusting energy, separating one thing from another. It is the
active force of the individual ego in the world, expressing the
separate self and fighting for its rights. Mars symbolizes the human
libido, not merely sexualized energy but human energy pure and
simple—the Chi. It represents how you go after what you want, your
drive and energy to be active, your sexual and aggressive urges, ego,
individuality, survival, initiative, motivation, courage, conflict,
force, vigor, mechanical ability, competition, sports, combativeness
and war. It is the energy behind your feelings, whatever they are, and
thus represents passion.In the physical body it rules the muscles,
male  Mars in your chart is where your energy is directed and
released, and where you have strife, discord, and tension if not
handled properly. In a female chart it represents her image of male

Aries and Scorpio, the two signs ruled by Mars, are opposite Libra and
Taurus ruled by Venus. Any aspect between Venus and Mars in your chart
shows how you relate to the opposite sex and your instinctual sense of
when to be aggressive or passive.
Mars’ original symbol, not the one popular today, was an upside-down
Venus, a cross above a circle. This signifies the subjugation of the
spirit by matter, or the primacy of the desires of the flesh over
higher aspirations. With Mars the need to be an individual is more
important than the need to relate or to be part of mankind. Men are
indeed martial, and women more Venusian—thank the lord and pass the

Mars is retrograde 11 weeks every 25½ months, 9½% of the time, and is
found in about 1/10th of all charts. Your Mars is retrograde if there
is an “Rx” after its numbers in your chart. Only Venus retrograde (7%
of the time) is more rare. Since Mars symbolizes exteriorizing your
energy to go after what you want, the internalizing and delaying
aspects of retrogradation are the most problematic in its case. Mars
retrograde individuals need to turn their desire energies inward to
discover their own motivations, perhaps doing things repeatedly until
they understand why they are doing them. This can be the result of
early life experiences that blocked the normal expression of desire
energy and the ability to prove themselves. Freud had Mars retrograde
in Libra, fueling his lifelong study of his own and others

Looking at the Empress and considering “finances”, we are also
reminded by the Eight of Pentacles. In being card 9, the indications
are that you may see an improvement. However, don’t consider it to
happen in a day or two, give it some time, you have to achieve the
Empress, to attain the benefit. You need to remember that cards 1, 2,
3, 5 and six, has to be completed, should you just “wait and see”.
Going beyond this level, we join to Hanged Man. So, in the
existential-(now, what exist and what to do) is to attract the
intentions of the Hanged Man, being: The choice must be yours, and
the sacrifice must be a willing one, because the goal is worth it to
you. Both sacrifices and goal may be on any one level. But whatever
your goal is, there is the need to sacrifice your childish or selfish
illusions to achieve your adult dreams. Just as God created humans in
the divine image of the man or woman you choose to be. However, there
is also another message in the card. The only person you are entitled
to sacrifice to attain your goals is yourself.

Moving to the last card, The Knight of Pentacles (Reversed). Card 10
signify attainment and describe a continuous act. You have completed
the road from 1-9, IOW, in card 10 you move to a higher level
(existential), after card 9 being completion in the archetypal level.

Being card 10, and a Minor Arcanum Court Card, it may describe a
person, or a situation.
An idle young man or one who is negligent and irresponsible.
Carelessness, discouragement, stagnation, apathy. If not a person, may
indicate being unemployed or discouraged. This card may also show a
lack of focus on your part, the inability to choose or work toward
goals wisely. Stagnating investments.
In this placement, we also
need to take consideration to the Empress. Being a Major Arcanum, she
tend to influence negative cards around her, not really canceling
them. Referring to my statement above, we can look at the reversed
attitude with moderation. However, don’t discount it entirely. It may
just indicate delays in your achievements.

Three cards of advice:
These cards do not form part of the reading at all, but impart advice only.
King of Wands,
Card Description.
This King is master of his element, he has as companion a live
salamander. He is comfortable and at home in his desert setting. He is
also looking outward with anticipation as the Knight and the Page. His
emblem is both the Lion and the salamander. The King is dressed in red
and green-fire and leaves. He has as pendant, a lions head.

Meaning: “A man of status and wealth, or the time has come to take
action in business matters”

         The King of Wands, also set in a desert, has salamanders and
a lion carved on his throne. This King is associated with Leo due to
the lion, representing the lion of St. Mark. This association can also
be drawn on the World card. The King of Wands also brings to mind a
man of status and wealth, who excels in business and finance; he is
generally a man of humble origin who has succeeded due to a stroke of
luck or, most often, because of his own intelligence and
determination. He is likely to be a person whom you admire for his
position and his accomplishments. If you are a man this person could
be seen as a rival, but an honest and fair one. If you are a woman
this represents a family member or close friend, but always a good
advisor. If this card does not describe a person, it indicates that
the situation is favorable, or at least fair, to you, and that the
time is probably auspicious to take action in business or financial
matters. The aspects and characteristics of Leo can also be attributed
to this King.
Upright: Brave, generous, enthusiastic, somewhat dominant.
A man of status and wealth who is friendly toward you and willing to
help you with either money or advice. He is conscientious, honest and
intelligent. If he is your rival, he will be fair and generous. If a
friend, you are well advised to take this persons advice. If not a
person, the situation itself is an honest one: things appear as they
are. There is also a possibility of unexpected good news, maybe an
inheritance, a career advance, success in an ongoing or upcoming
business venture. Unexpected help or advise which will make your
venture easier.

Three of Wands,
Card Description.
A mature man looking out over the sea, searching the horizon, waiting
for success. Three wands are planted around him and he is slightly
leaning on one. Ships are returning on a calm and serene sea.

Meaning: “Opportunities bring success.”

This card is a card of success brought on by acting upon the
opportunities presented to you, the world is opening up to even more
exciting opportunities for you to explore. It shows that the strength
and determination to succeed, is in your grasp. You made your dream a
reality, although it is now starting to bring your success, much work
is still needed to achieve your goal. This card also hints at movement
(in your career, business), or to a new location. It also indicates
that feeling of pride or even power.

New opportunities, strength and determination, enterprise and
commerce. Maturity and strength. Good business venture.

Ten of Swords.
Card Description.
A prostrate figure lying face down in a puddle of blood with ten
swords driven into his back. Black skies and dark clouds overhead, the
sun rising over this deadly scene.

Meaning: “Sorrow, tears, affliction”.
Apart from the Nine of Swords, the Ten also predicts calamities,
sorrow, affliction and total loss. Nine predicts death, without any
repose. The difference in the ten, is a remote glimmer of hope,
however don’t even count on it. This card predicts pain, failure and
desolation... at the best this card merely nullifies good luck; at the
worst it intensifies the misfortunes predicted by other unfavorable
cards. Even friendships or other close relationships will be
temporary, or insufficient to help you overcome this unhappy ending to
your plans and schemes. Any gains will be brief ones. What is worse,
this disastrous ending may undermine your confidence in yourself from
now on. You will have to work hard to prevent that from happening to
It is extremely difficult for anyone to really give advice if you have
reached this point. This card is the concentration of all that which
may go wrong. The fact that we see a sunrise means that you can do
something about it, but, it will take time, and very hard work to get
all of these things sorted out and hopefully return to some state of
normality. The period you are in or may enter will be a life changing
experience. If you maintain your inner strength, draw on all your
resources, you will make it through. Expect to feel exhausted and
defeated. You need to keep focus and not be swayed by circumstances,
do whatever you can to heal yourself and keep this experience as a
point of reference to protect yourself in future. Even friendships,
relationships and partnerships will be unstable and insecure.

Although we have the Ten of Swords, don’t be concerned by it’s impact
as a deciding card. It is part and parcel of the advice given to you.
At face value, and in a reading it may be very, very unfavorable. But
in this placement, it may speak to you, explaining the feelings you
may have. If we look at this card it describes doom and gloom, and
this may be the point at which you are now. Look further and see the
sunrise, that is where we have life and sustenance. We draw a parallel
to the three of Wands and the King of Wands, in which case, both has a
very positive attribute and give you guidance to what you may do. It
gives you the opportunity to look beyond your current affairs. These
cards are both linked to the Sun, and as such “success cards”.

I hope that this reading gives clarity to you, if you have any
questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Blessed be.
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Post by crissydawn3 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:41 am

Thank you for the reading as well as the detailed explanation. It is a bit confusing to me but essentially am I correct in interpreting that I need to buckle down, work hard, and keep working towards my ultimate goal?

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:58 am

Hi, Yes: Card six:
Moving over to the third card in the three card spread, we find the
Eight of Pentacles and the best reference to your financial strategy:
In this card it is obvious that your success lies in your own ability
and craftsmanship. Here it is not about learning the ability, but
already having it. In being eight, you know what you want, how to get
it and where to go. You have planned your future well and are on your
way to success. The success you will deserve or earn is based on your
own knowledge and skills. In this statement I again refer to Card
Four—The Star and it’s mirror Strength.
Card 9 and 10
Looking at the Empress and considering “finances”, we are also
reminded by the Eight of Pentacles. In being card 9, the indications
are that you may see an improvement. However, don’t consider it to
happen in a day or two, give it some time, you have to achieve the
Empress, to attain the benefit. You need to remember that cards 1, 2,
3, 5 and six, has to be completed, should you just “wait and see”.
Going beyond this level, we join to Hanged Man. So, in the
existential-(now, what exist and what to do) is to attract the
intentions of the Hanged Man, being: The choice must be yours, and
the sacrifice must be a willing one, because the goal is worth it to
you. Both sacrifices and goal may be on any one level. But whatever
your goal is, there is the need to sacrifice your childish or selfish
illusions to achieve your adult dreams. Just as God created humans in
the divine image of the man or woman you choose to be. However, there
is also another message in the card. The only person you are entitled
to sacrifice to attain your goals is yourself.
Moving to the last card, The Knight of Pentacles (Reversed). Card 10
signify attainment and describe a continuous act. You have completed
the road from 1-9, IOW, in card 10 you move to a higher level
(existential), after card 9 being completion in the archetypal level.

Being card 10, and a Minor Arcanum Court Card, it may describe a
person, or a situation.
An idle young man or one who is negligent and irresponsible.
Carelessness, discouragement, stagnation, apathy. If not a person, may
indicate being unemployed or discouraged. This card may also show a
lack of focus on your part, the inability to choose or work toward
goals wisely. Stagnating investments. In this placement, we also
need to take consideration to the Empress. Being a Major Arcanum, she
tend to influence negative cards around her, not really canceling
them. Referring to my statement above, we can look at the reversed
attitude with moderation. However, don’t discount it entirely. It may
just indicate delays in your achievements.
When you have a reading on the I/net it's always best to print it and lay the cards as well. Then you will understand the progress all the way.

Blessed be.[/quote]

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:58 am

Hi, Yes: Card six:
Moving over to the third card in the three card spread, we find the
Eight of Pentacles and the best reference to your financial strategy:
In this card it is obvious that your success lies in your own ability
and craftsmanship. Here it is not about learning the ability, but
already having it. In being eight, you know what you want, how to get
it and where to go. You have planned your future well and are on your
way to success. The success you will deserve or earn is based on your
own knowledge and skills. In this statement I again refer to Card
Four—The Star and it’s mirror Strength.
Card 9 and 10
Looking at the Empress and considering “finances”, we are also
reminded by the Eight of Pentacles. In being card 9, the indications
are that you may see an improvement. However, don’t consider it to
happen in a day or two, give it some time, you have to achieve the
Empress, to attain the benefit. You need to remember that cards 1, 2,
3, 5 and six, has to be completed, should you just “wait and see”.
Going beyond this level, we join to Hanged Man. So, in the
existential-(now, what exist and what to do) is to attract the
intentions of the Hanged Man, being: The choice must be yours, and
the sacrifice must be a willing one, because the goal is worth it to
you. Both sacrifices and goal may be on any one level. But whatever
your goal is, there is the need to sacrifice your childish or selfish
illusions to achieve your adult dreams. Just as God created humans in
the divine image of the man or woman you choose to be. However, there
is also another message in the card. The only person you are entitled
to sacrifice to attain your goals is yourself.
Moving to the last card, The Knight of Pentacles (Reversed). Card 10
signify attainment and describe a continuous act. You have completed
the road from 1-9, IOW, in card 10 you move to a higher level
(existential), after card 9 being completion in the archetypal level.

Being card 10, and a Minor Arcanum Court Card, it may describe a
person, or a situation.
An idle young man or one who is negligent and irresponsible.
Carelessness, discouragement, stagnation, apathy. If not a person, may
indicate being unemployed or discouraged. This card may also show a
lack of focus on your part, the inability to choose or work toward
goals wisely. Stagnating investments. In this placement, we also
need to take consideration to the Empress. Being a Major Arcanum, she
tend to influence negative cards around her, not really canceling
them. Referring to my statement above, we can look at the reversed
attitude with moderation. However, don’t discount it entirely. It may
just indicate delays in your achievements.
When you have a reading on the I/net it's always best to print it and lay the cards as well. Then you will understand the progress all the way.

Blessed be.

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Post by crissydawn3 » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:50 am

Thank you very much! I appreciate this & learned quite a bit better from this reading being able to go by what you've said & seeing the layout ...  :smt003

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:05 pm

Thank you for your feedback,

Blessed be.

PS, Sorry if I sounded rude, I hit the key and voila. Hope all goes well for you in 2012. I keep record of all my readings, so if you have any questions later on, feel free to ask.


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Post by crissydawn3 » Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:43 am

I don't understand where you sounded rude ... it's quite ok
I do apologize for being away for so long. Work has taken up so much of my time these days. I do hope that it's all worth it in the end.
Thank you again Payewacker

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