Reading request...two parts

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Owl of Minerva
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Reading request...two parts

Post by Owl of Minerva » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:54 pm

Hi...I'm new here and I wouldn't mind a reading. I read for myself a reasonable amount, just I'd like someone else's perspective on a certain facet of the issues that are to come.

Me and my boyfriend are on opposite sides of the political spectrum and I'm not sure how he will react to events that are scheduled for the latter half of this year. (Scheduled as in, by them "upstairs" as my healer calls the Spirit World).

The first bit is straightforward enough.

I'd like to know what lies in store for us. I'm 26 and he's 28 (both Scorpios - me 25-Oct, him 4-Nov), we live in different cities and have been off-and-on for three years and have known each other for seven (long slow-burning relationship as I always was used to having men as friends rather than lovers - now I know it is because I was a straight male in my last (couple of) past life (lives) - still don't know whether I had one or two lives during the twentieth century). We met by accident but I know it was "accidentally by design" as everyone says we are made for each other (we were ironically in the same political party at the time, we met at their conference! but I was given hell by my parents when I ruined their plans for a nice quick marriage by changing sides about two years ago!!!!). I fear that my political commitments will also take me directly into his local "patch" (from synchronicities emerging) and that that might harm our relationship, which I treasure as much as I do my political ideals, particularly as we almost broke up for good after the 05 election over here but bravely held out for a time when we could come back together on more amicable and less argumentative terms.

I do visualise him still with me at the end of this all, and he might have to be the one who changes this time round (he is someone who believes politics is where you get things done for people and although he has his ideals, he works well with people on the opposite side - he has to in the bedroom, after all! - and suggested when my side once or twice looked like winning that he might join us so he could continue to make a difference; I know his motives are very honest, he's not just a carpet-bagger...we know too many of those to be guilty of it ourselves!), but still, I want to know the best way to deal with him while all this is going on.

:smt008 Dave is the man I will marry if all goes well, and (this won't change anything but) I was wondering about his spirit past, e.g. are we soulmates, who was he last time(s) round and so on, would be nice if it comes within the scope of the spread. He does believe in reincarnation - he has recurring dreams about being pushed off a Roman aqueduct - but finds it a bit of a morbid subject over dinner!

If it is at all possible I would like to know which cards were pulled, it makes it a bit clearer for me to be able to duplicate a visual representation of a spread and meditate on it myself, that's all. Feel free to use any deck that's going, I'm not sure what the policy on this is here, but some forums I've been on you have to specify which deck you are using so people can get a clear idea of what's going on. Also from using many different decks myself, I know that some have different characters, Crowley Thoth  and Marseilles/1JJ Swiss are different from RW and modern decks use different Major Arcana titles and so on.

I'll give you a lot of feedback as I know it is important for any reader to get a good discussion going.

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reading request

Post by samantha234 » Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:38 pm

Hi Louise,
 i would love to do a reading for you! Will have it friday, ok? i'll post the cards for you also, not a problem!

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Owl of Minerva
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Post by Owl of Minerva » Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:49 pm

Very kind of you, Samantha (or can I call you Sam?). Take your time, don't rush.


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Post by samantha234 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:18 am

you can call me Sam! :smt006

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