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Post by pn00790083 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:04 pm

Good day.
I just would like to know what life has in store for me as I have been feeling very uneasy lately.
-Will I have a better career in the future?
-Will I have a successful marriage?
-Will there be times when I encounter someone from the past?
-Will I be able to reach my childhood dream of being a writer?

If you guys need any additional information, please let me know.

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Reading Request

Post by .Sara. » Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:09 pm


       If you want a reading just give me permission to cast your cards like this:

I (name) give you permission to cast my cards about (topic) and I allow you to post it on this forum page.

If I receive that I will do a reading for you. I suggest you ask for a general reading because you have a lot of questions and the guides will give you the information according to what you need to hear. Thanks.


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Re: Reading Request

Post by pn00790083 » Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:21 am

.Sara. wrote:Hi,

       If you want a reading just give me permission to cast your cards like this:

I (name) give you permission to cast my cards about (topic) and I allow you to post it on this forum page.

If I receive that I will do a reading for you. I suggest you ask for a general reading because you have a lot of questions and the guides will give you the information according to what you need to hear. Thanks.


I pn00790083 give you permission to cast my cards about Reading Request and I allow you to post it on this forum page.

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Tarot Reading Delivery

Post by .Sara. » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:55 am


I read a 10-card spread. This is the message the guides wish to give you.

7 of Cups : Page of Cups : XI Justice Reversed : 10 of Pentacles : 2 of Wands

Ace of Pentacles : 10 of Wands : V Hierophant Reversed : III Empress Reversed : VIII Strength Reversed

You have a few choices to make right now. You've asked many questions but the guides want to know why you can't answer them for yourself? They say you already know, or at least a part of you does, they want to know why you haven't tried to find the answers within yourself. They say they can tell you the answers but that wouldn't move your forward/teach you anything. Don't become frustrated because of this - they are meaning to help you - they only have the best intentions in mind for you. But if they honestly try to tell you you will not advance. This is something which you need to figure out for yourself because it is part of the lesson you are learning right now. They understand if you are frustrated over figuring these things out, that's okay, but you have the skills to do it and if they tell you you will not use them. So they want you to know that you already know the answers and that they will help you help yourself find them but there is no use in giving you the answers because you will not learn anything from them. Do not be discouraged it is a lesson everyone must learn at one point or another. Confusion can be frustrating but learning how to deal with it will be your ultimate reward and it is very rewarding because it will help teach you how to deal with things like this from now on without having to tear your hair out along the way. Look forward to it - they know that isn't what you want to hear but it is for your highest good. Like they said above - they are here to help you and they will - as long as you help yourself along the way too. They say to focus on the goals you want to achieve with each - your focus will help manifest the best possibilities for each one.

They want to talk to you about assessing your feelings and emotions. You feel very easily and sometimes it gets a little overwhelming so they want you to analyze your feelings and emotions to try to understand them in order to control them a little better. It's wonderful to feel emotion but you don't want the emotions to take over you to the point where you are having a hard time controlling yourself and you become frustrated or hard headed over it. It will be a task for you to sort through your emotions but it is highly advised - because you will learn a great deal along the way. It will also help you center your thoughts and see things clearer when you need to deal with them. It is a good starting point to master emotional advancement/control over yourself. It can be enjoyable once you get past the surface of it - to assess yourself means you have to see both the good and bad in yourself, which can be hard for anyone but once you do see it you already have mastered a lot and you can gain immense knowledge and understanding through it. The guides want to encourage you to do this process they say if you stick to it you can gain tremendous understanding and advancement in the long run.

There is something that you are not getting that you want - you're seeing it as an injustice but not getting it. This topic is a little touchy so they want you to understand that they are just trying to give you advice over it not tell you how to feel or what to do with it. They understand that you are frustrated over it but not all of it is bad. They say that there is something going on through it which is positive and that you should take some consolation from that. You're not happy that it isn't going your way and that's okay it just that they want you to not be angry over it. They don't want you to stress out over it. What's done is done and it's hard to change things and also beat yourself up along the way so just relax over it and try to focus somewhere else. They don't want you to be discouraged over it because they know it's something that matters to you but to just see it for what it is and then brush yourself off and move on. It's okay that it didn't work out, things like this happen, don't be too effected by it if you can. Things will always work out in the end - so just keep moving forward.

You're gaining a pretty successful family life. Some things still need to be worked out but all in all it's pretty good. You should be really grateful for this. Most people don't have what you have. Gratitude helps manifest more of the same so remember to always be thankful for the good things going on in your life. The guides say that this family life is very enjoyable - so enjoy it.  It's a well rounded area of your life and it's something that you can draw strength from and be happy about.

They guides want to talk to you about your wants/goals. They say you have some soul searching that needs to be done. So you can clarify what you want and what you are wanting to work toward. They want you to figure out these goals at your own pace but also to do it with purpose. Know what you want and how to get it - what you don't understand will be filled in by the guides if you give them enough energy to work with. So focus on what you want and make a game plan to get it. The guides will start pointing you in the right direction and as you go along you will be able to fill in the blanks with concrete action/answers. This is very important - this is how the guides can help get you what you want and where you want to be. So remember to figure out what you want, focus on it, and help map it out with them and they will show you the way.

There are some opportunities ahead of you. They are currently still up in the air but they are definite possibilities for you. They want you to know this so you feel positive anticipation towards it. The guides can use whatever positive energy you throw at them to set these opportunities in stone for you. So try planning and brainstorming. They want you to focus on what you want and they are asking you what you want. They say you are a little hazy on what's ahead for you, which is fine but if you can define it some more for them they can really use that knowledge to your advantage. They say that you can accomplish a lot you just don't realize it so that is why they are trying to push you in this direction with this message.

You're worried about your future workload. You're not looking forward to it because you think it might overwhelm you. Currently it hasn't been set up that way so the guides are wondering why you are stressing out about it. You're anticipating the negative with it and you just might get it because you'll start to manifest it. So they want to warn you that it isn't as bad as you've made it out to be so just calm down about worrying over it. It really isn't that bad - there will be a decent size work load but it will be manageable - nothing that you can't handle. So don't worry about it so much because it's already bothering you and you haven't even gotten to that point yet. Take things one step at a time, just keep moving forward, it will all work out in the end.

The guides say you might need to be a little un-orthodox to get what you want. Nothing wild or crazy just you might need to think out of the box to get what you want. Don't worry about other people judging you, they'd judge anything and everything anyway but if you do forge your own path with this you can be pretty successful. So don't worry about fitting the bill/mold you already do that enough, you need to expand your horizons and be a little more unconventional. This type of thinking will help get you where you want to be, by breaking the mold you'll achieve more. Just know the balance - some rules need to be followed, others can be broken. The balance will dictate if you are successful or not but that's what tweeking is for. So try something see if it works, if it doesn't change your strategy but they encourage you to go down the path "less traveled" to gain what you want.

You have a little growing to do - you need to reassess yourself and figure out what type of person, the zenith of who you want to be, is and define it for yourself. You need a little push in the right direction and that's what the guides are trying to give you here: in order to grow yourself and advance you have to see where you are to where you want to be. Successful, understanding, confident, fair, the complete package. You have to strive for it in order to gain it - to be set on the path headed directly towards it. See who you are in order to see where you want to be, figure yourself out a little more, decide what you want to keep and what you want to change. You need to allow yourself to grow in order to do it and to do it the easiest, so they want you to think over this and see if you can come to any conclusions over it.

You need to find some more personal strength in yourself. Gain inner strength and confidence with you in order to handle everything you deal with on the outside better. Grow yourself on the inside and master your emotions and control your thoughts in order to master the outside. In order to deal with everything in the best way you have to feel secure within yourself. Knowing that no matter what happens or what gets thrown at you that you can handle it - even if the outcome isn't what you want or isn't in your favor because that doesn't matter. What really matter is knowing that you feel confident enough to deal with problems and come out unscathed in the end, maybe a little bruised or beat up but never scathed. Master your feelings on the inside first in order to master the situations on the outside. The foundation you build within yourself will dictate a lot of outcomes from different scenarios that you will have to deal with.

Good luck!


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