General Reading Request

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General Reading Request

Post by sagmoonrising » Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:59 pm

I would like to request a general reading. For example, an outlook for the next 6 months or what tarot would like me to know? If this is possible that would be great! If my question is not phrased correctly please let me know.

Thank-you,   :smt006

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Post by sagmoonrising » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:33 pm

Thanks! I checked out the 12 month spread. It explained each position and it seemed pretty telling.

Thanks Again,  :smt023

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Reading Request Reply

Post by .Sara. » Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:01 pm


       I don't cast cards according to a monthly time frame. The guides usually give you the message you need the most, it doesn't matter what time frame it is because things are always changing. If you want a general reading just say:

I (name) give you permission to do a general reading and post the reading on this forum page.

After I receive that I will post the reading on this page.


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Re: Reading Request Reply (Sarah)

Post by sagmoonrising » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:08 am

.Sara. wrote:Hi,

       I don't cast cards according to a monthly time frame. The guides usually give you the message you need the most, it doesn't matter what time frame it is because things are always changing. If you want a general reading just say:

I (name) give you permission to do a general reading and post the reading on this forum page.

After I receive that I will post the reading on this page.


Sounds great!  Thanks so much for offering Sara. Please give me what message/s my guides would like me to know at this time.

I sagmoonrising give you permission to do a general reading and to post the reading on this forum page.

Thanks Again-      :smt051

M. Nalini
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Post by M. Nalini » Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:34 am

From personal experience can say that Sara is spot on! So, whatever your spread and read will be much, much better than that online thing. Good luck sagmoonrising!  :)

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Thank you Nalini!

Post by .Sara. » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:46 pm

Nalini: That was very kind of you to say. If you want you can facebook me and we can be friends if you want to keep in touch. ... 3602333430

Sagmoonrising: I will post your reading very soon.


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Tarot Reading Delivery - by .Sara.

Post by .Sara. » Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:18 pm


                      This is the 10-card spread that I cast for you. This is the message the guides wish to give you.

XX Judgement : 7 of Wands : IX Hermit : 10 of Cups Reversed : Ace of Wands

I Magician : VI Lovers : XIX Sun : 6 of Cups Reversed : 10 of Pentacles Reversed

You've come to a conclusion about something. This "calling" is very important, it was a decision which needed to be made. Now that it has been made the real work begins. Do you have a plan to accomplish this goal now? What you know now might not be enough - it's time to do some planning. Write down what you know and how you plan going about it. Any holes in your logic will need to be filled in. Don't worry about not having all the information to fill it in right now - that will come with more time and experience. But if you lay this ground map down now the guides can help solidify certain steps on your way to achieving what you want. Remember that is is important - the guides can not always see what you see and they don't always know what you know so if you are able to write it down or etch a clearer picture of the goal/plan in your mind they can help fill in the holes or guide you to a place where you can fill them in yourself. They are willing & wanting to help you so it's good if you use this technique because it will give you the best possible outcome to achieve what you want. Also be mindful of this goal as much as you can - the more you focus on it the more energy you put into it and that gives the guides the "fuel" to carry out the work needed to set things up for you. Don't be discouraged because you don't have all the answers to figure out how to go about it - the guides will help you solidify your plan well. They are also telling you to have hope about it because they can use that positive feeling as more fuel to set up the events and help you. There is a very good chance that it can come to pass the way you want it to but they are asking for you to help them by doing this "work" (manifesting). As they work with you to set up the events this teamwork between you and them will give a lot of energy into the "project" and that will give it the best chance for success.

You have a feeling of being in-between things - like in-between a rock and a hard place type situation. You're not too sure how to handle it exactly and you are starting to hesitate with yourself - this is affecting your confidence level and your starting to feel pretty stuck. You're also becoming worn down over this situation/process and you're having a hard time breaking yourself from this troublesome cycle. First realize that you are doing this - once you realize that you can change it. You have put yourself into this cycle and you can get yourself out as easily. So once you realize that you are keeping yourself from breaking free of this exasperated fighting position you can start to stop doing what you are doing. Then slowly start to turn your perspective around and focus on what's going right around you, it might not be as strong as your focus on what's going wrong but that's just because you're so used to seeing the negative that your mind has gotten used to going back to it. So start focusing on what is going right and start building on it. Slowly your mind will shift away from the negative and start looking for other positive, while this is happening the negative will start to melt away and not only will you have an easier time dealing with troublesome situations because you are thinking more positive and clearer but also you are attracting more good into your life because your focus helps pull in more of what you are thinking (manifestation). Focus on what you want as you have to deal with what you don't want - that will keep you moving in the right direction. This is the ebb and flow of things in life anyway - but this technique is majorly powerful to help you deal with that.

Ex: Positive outlook = positive energy = positive manifestation vs. negative emotions (worry/sadness) = a negative point of attraction = crumby results for the guides to use in order to help you get out of it.

Time for you to do some grounding in yourself. Time to center and collect yourself from everything that has happened in the past to this point. Once you collect yourself you'll see the amazing journey you have already come from. The lessons you've learned etc. not just the issues you've had to deal with because what really happened is you learned this lesson and then you learned this lesson and that has made you grow powerfully as a person. Once you piece together these lessons you can see how far you've really come and that should give you some major confidence boosters! Grounding also helps you collect your scattered thoughts. There is a lot of stuff happening all the time and the mind is always racing to deal with it and then other times the mind checks out for some rest & relaxation - but if you do an inventory check of everything that is going on and everything that has happened the mind will be able catch up and it will allow you to realize what REALLY has happened hasn't all been a bunch of trouble but A LOT of growing which should give you a huge feeling of accomplishment and confidence. The guides want to tell you GOOD JOB! You're doing well keep on it don't turn around because you're starting to align yourself with a very positive path of advancement.

You don't have that successful emotional or family situation just yet but that isn't the problem because you can attain it at anytime if you just manifest it and work towards it but it is the thought of not having it and dealing with it which is causing some heartache. And it's okay to feel this way - most everyone would - but it doesn't serve you very long to feel sad about this because that doesn't move things around to get you where you want to be. The guides aren't trying to beat you up about this because they understand but they are trying to give you the "formula" to help you get on the best possible path to get what you want. The formula is just Work/Action + Manifestation + Positive energy = Goals but they are calling it a formula because it is that powerful and it can be used to attain great things. So it's okay to feel crumby about what bothers you now but you could also feel really good about getting what you want in the future and start working towards it because that will fuel the guides into action and they will set up events and give you ideas along the way. The guides are definitely wanting to help you get what you want in this area so they are encouraging you to use the formula and they say that you can tweek it as you go along: You will realize what will need to be changed according to the results you receive. Remember to keep your eye on the goal of what you want because in this case it CAN be attained.

There is an opportunity for you. It is a good one and it is the next logical opportunity on the path you are currently on. Be mindful of this so you keep your eye out for it. This opportunity will give you more knowledge to base you next moves on. It will help grow your abilities and emotionally maturity which is extremely advantageous for future ventures. This opportunity will be presented to you and the guides encourage you to go for it. It might need some getting used to but it will help in the long run. It isn't anything bad just not what you are used to is all. But it is a good opportunity and it will lead you to bigger and better goals and choices. Don't overlook it when you see it because it is a type of opportunity that you would be on the fence about that is why the guides are telling you now so you realize when it is handed to you that you make the choice based on the best amount of information at hand. They want me to reiterate that they want you to have this position and they encourage you to go for it and you should want it too - so don't pass it up because it is good and it will move you forward.

The guides say you have the tools/skills to be successful handling the scenarios which come at you. You are actually more adept than you give yourself credit for. You actually don't know how powerful you can be when you put all your skills on the table so this is your wake up call from the guides, realize how astute and adept you are and can be if you utilize yourself correctly because you can use these abilities of yours to your great advantage when dealing with different situations and in life in general. To realize this the guides are encouraging you to assess yourself and list your abilities out, become conscientious about them because once you do you can call upon them more effectively and you will start growing this skill set even subconsciously once you realize the scope of them. So do a little homework on yourself, part of that soul searching they were talking about above, and come to a deeper understanding and conclusion about yourself at this point in your life. Once you put all your ducks in a row and dot your i's and cross your t's and bring everything together you can sort out how much of what's been going on is actually being fueled and handled by your skill set which is pretty amazing once you come to your realization. You can actually depend on yourself more, far more, than you think you can because you haven't realized what you are capable of yet. So like I said above this is your wake up call - assess yourself and come to this conclusion because you will be able to advance yourself far better and faster once you do.

The guides want to speak to you about love. They know it's on your mind and they are willing to be generous in this aspect but they are asking you what you want? They can help tweek and influence certain aspects of what you have in order to better them for you but in order to do that they are asking you what you want, they are also asking you to be reasonable. They can't influence past what someone is willing to be influenced. But they can definitely "fluff it up" for you. So they are wanting me to ask you again: What do you want? What do you want changed? Added? Events? Traits? Deeper connection? List it out for them and they will see what they can do - they can definitely do some work in this area they just need you to point them in the right direction because there is no point in them guessing what you want - so right now they are waiting for some direction from you and this is the opportunity that they have to ask you so make sure you give it some thought and send it up to them. They want me to reiterate again that they can't influence someone to be different than who they are but they can influence the events and thoughts given to them to give you a little more of what you want in the relationship.

There is some good stuff going on around you too, if you haven't already seen it then now's a good chance to do that because the guides want you to enjoy the good stuff too. It's not unusual to be distracted by the negative stuff to the point where you can't see or truly appreciate when the good stuff comes around but at the same time you can only appreciate it when it does come around and they want to make sure that you realize that so you can do it. There will always be good and bad times it just sometimes the bad overwhelms the good and you stop looking to enjoy the good when it comes back around so make sure that you do; and this is for your benefit, to take a breather from what's going on around you and enjoy what life has to offer too. Life isn't always bad but the good needs to be appreciated when it does comes around. The guides just want to make sure that you are balancing out your life and giving the good as much of your focus when you can as you are dealing with the bad. It's good to have this balance because it helps ground you and you can deal with more things better if you do have this understanding that no matter what there will always be good too. This should give you hope and the guides can use the feeling of hope as very powerfully positive energy to use as they help set things up for you. So if you connect the dots you can see how this all circles back around you can use it to your advantage so that's why the guides are bringing this up.

There is a relationship which is currently "souring". The guides don't want you to be too concerned with it. Sometimes people just outgrow other people and that's what is happening here. So don't read anymore into it than that, don't blame yourself or think it was your fault. This other person just wants to move on and it's their time to do it so they are. The guides are giving me a, "There's plenty of fish in the sea" type feeling, not that they alluding to a significant-other type relationship - "There are plenty of fish in the sea who can also be your friends too and they might even be better friends than this one person" type feeling. So don't be too crushed over it, it's just part of growing up, part of life, just dust it off your shoulders and keep moving forward. The guides say you can definitely manifest some better friends anyway so in the bigger scope of things it shouldn't even faze you. They want you to be whatever about it, just shrug it off and keep moving forward. They say there isn't much you are losing even though you might not feeling that way right now. It's okay to go through the motions of feeling crumby about it but don't let it grow into a self bashing session because you don't deserve that and that isn't what has happened at all anyway. So remember think positive, keep moving forward, you still have a lot to be thankful for and what you don't like you can manifest/change it, so keep your head and and keep moving in a positive direction.

They want me to talk about your ultimate goal of a successful all around happy life (family/financial/career) they say it can be yours you just have to work at it. They have given you the formula above so you don't have to guess your way through it. Just remember that there will be some holes in your plan that you can't fill in yet and the guides understand that and don't want you to bother about them now anyway. There is no sense in worrying over what can't be helped. As you move forward you will receive the knowledge and experience to help you fill in this holes and the guides will be there with you every step of the way making sure you have the opportunity to get these experiences. So there is no reason to feel discouraged about getting where you want to be. They want me to reiterate again that it can be yours you just have to work at it and give it some time to develop. They want you to feel really pumped up about this because not only can they use that energy to help you manifest it but they also want you to be happy over it. To understand that you CAN have it and it just needs some work which they told you you already have the abilities and tools to get it. So you're half way there just see it positively because no matter what happens that positive outlook will put you on the best path to achieving what you want, whether it happens in the end or not is sometimes left up to multiple complex scenarios (ex. God) but at least you KNOW that you have achieved a victory in putting yourself on the RIGHT path to it. They want me to clarify that you CAN have it, it just depends on a lot of different circumstances and the formula so keep working towards it and feel good about getting it. Most of the time people receive what they already feel belongs to them so that is a good point of reference for you to start with and the guides say they will help you in manifesting this.

Good luck!


M. Nalini
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Post by M. Nalini » Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:21 am

Oh! You are most welcome Sara, I'm not much active on FB but nevertheless would absolutely love to keep in touch with you.

Have already dropped you a couple of lines there.

Cheers and do keep up your wonderful and helpful spirit!  :)


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Post by sagmoonrising » Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:56 pm

What an amazing reading. I really appreciate the time you've spent. I'm so appreciative. I thought I would send you a PM if you don't mind!

Thanks so much!   :smt060      :smt054

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Post by sagmoonrising » Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:59 pm

M. Nalini wrote:From personal experience can say that Sara is spot on! So, whatever your spread and read will be much, much better than that online thing. Good luck sagmoonrising!  :)
Thank-you so much Nalini for helping me find a great reading!

All the best!    :smt050

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Reply to Sagmoonrising

Post by .Sara. » Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:23 pm

I'm glad I could help. Feel free to pm me if you like. Thanks.


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