Free reading in return for feedback from .Serah.

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Disirnott Tarot
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Free reading in return for feedback from .Serah.

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:06 am

Hi everyone, I have some free time and I would like to offer 5 free readings to the first 5 people that ask. The only thing I ask is for your permission to shuffle for you and your question. Once I have that I will do your reading and post it on this thread. Then I would like if you could leave me some feedback on the message. My messages are really detailed so I am only able to offer 5 free readings at this time and I would like to offer it to people who have not had a reading from me in the past. So if you would like a reading please post your permission and question and I will let you know when I have your readings scheduled. Also, please follow all forum rules before you ask for a reading or I will be unable to accept your reading request. Thanks.

Disirnott Tarot

Disirnott Tarot
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:19 am

1st reading claimed by Heartk0re. Completed
2nd reading claimed by Figment. Completed
3rd reading claimed by Heartk0re. Completed
4th reading claimed by s_coy2005. Completed
5th reading claimed by fisk_82. Completed.  

I will go ahead and close this session of offered readings. My scheduled has changed such that I am unable to put too much time into giving readings online. I'll be back when I get another round of free time. Thank you to everyone.

Last edited by Disirnott Tarot on Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:42 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Post by s_coy2005 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:37 pm

ooh i would love a reading.. i love readings..

Disirnott Tarot
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:53 pm

S_coy2005 please leave me your question and permission to cast your cards and I will post your reading as soon as possible. I have a few others before yours so it might take a few days. Thanks.


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Post by s_coy2005 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:01 pm

Disirnott Tarot wrote:S_coy2005 please leave me your question and permission to cast your cards and I will post your reading as soon as possible. I have a few others before yours so it might take a few days. Thanks.
yes you have permission to cast cards and the question?? well the topics are love, finances, OR whatever comes up first

Disirnott Tarot
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:54 am

Got it. Thanks s_coy2005.


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Post by fisk_82 » Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:04 am

Dear .Serah. i would like to request a reading from you if you don't mind. If it is okay, i will post my question.. thank you.

Disirnott Tarot
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:59 pm


Please post your questions and permission for me and I'll post the reading as soon as possible. It will be a few days because I currently have a few in progress. Thank you.


Disirnott Tarot
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s_coy2005's Reading

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:16 pm


7-Card Reading : General

King of Wands Reversed : 10 of Pentacles Reversed : Queen of Swords : XX Judgement

9 of Pentacles : Ace of Wands : 9 of Cups

We wish to bring you up first before we go deeper into the message. You have problems when is comes to your optimism in the career field. And we aren't strictly speaking about jobs we are speaking about just getting what you want with goals in this area. You have the tools and abilities but for some reason you don't have much hope in this area. You can feel pretty down about it sometimes and we want to speak to that. Why do you feel so down about this? What has happened to make you feel so hopeless? Do you have any goals you wish to complete which have left you feeling this way? We'd like to know a little bit more so your guides can help you. Right now we are looking at you wondering what's going on. Did you lose something wish made you feel disappointed in this area? We aren't sure. So if you could tell us we'd like to help. Regardless we are treading on. We'd like you to brighten up about your prospects and chances. We'd like you to feel a little more comfortable with the way things are working out. Even if it's just going with the flow for awhile and not caring enough to let that little bit of anxiety you can harbor fall away. This is just the first step. Once you are feeling a little more optimistic we'd like to get you on a path to get some better opportunities. Try to "freshen" your outlook and we'll see what we can do to help you then.

We want to talk about money, family, success the whole shebang. We feel like you currently have a little better than mediocre outlook on things. You're hopeful but it's like there is something there that is blocking you from really expecting the best and we want to know what that is all about. What is holding you back from expecting the best? Better than the best like the zenith? Do you think this isn't possible? We, the guides, don't understand this if you can enlighten us we'd appreciate it because than we'd have a better idea of how to help you in this area. Until then if you can gain some more optimism and a brighter outlook we'll be able to see some better things open down your future path. Right now things are cloudy because you are expecting okay things to happen and even then you are unsure about how good they can be. So we can only see so far down that path because you are unsure of what's coming or how to feel. Regardless if you change your perspective on things your future outcome changes. That is why we are bringing up your current position in life and not your future. We don't want to say that we see nothing down it because that isn't the case but if you change your outlook to optimistically expect some better things we might be able to see what opportunities we can more solidly bring up during the course of these messages. Currently it's hazy so that's why we'd like you to work on yourself about this topic.

Sometimes you can be closed off toward things and people and we want to bring that up now. You can put a wall up in front of you; between you and other people and it can be hard for other people to bridge that wall to get to you. You feel closed off but the wall is your wall. And we aren't blaming you or anything like that. But we are just bringing it up for you to be aware that sometimes people can have a hard time getting through to you and it can leave them feeling put off from it. So this is just something for you to think about and if you feel like it's sometime you'd like to change about yourself here is a good place to start if not than that's fine. It's up to you but it can be hard getting people to approach you when you have this wall up, the guides sometimes have trouble with this because they'll want to send people your way but they'll hesitate because of that wall. So this is something to keep in mind when you need to use it.

There is a decision that needs to be made. It's a decision which should be currently on your mind and if you don't know what we are talking about it's one of the more significant things going on right now which needs you to make up your mind about it but it hasn't happened yet. You are so close to doing it that this isn't a tarot card to warn you about because you are so close to doing it but you need to do it. And we want to tell you why. What's happening right now is you are at an impasse with the guides because until you make up your mind about it we can't let anything else flow through to you. So whatever you've been thinking about which needs a decision made is what we've been waiting for. There are a series of things which are going to come after the decision is made but right now they are getting bottle necked because you need to make the decision on it. Once that is done the energy can start flowing without being hindered and the tension with things can start to flow away. So make the decision and move on because we don't want you staying in this mental zone of going back and forth because you won't be able to move forward with the steps that are waiting to unfold until you do.

We want to talk to you about feeling comfortable in your skin, feeling comfortable with your current status in life and feeling overall confidence with how things are going. Right now you are doing well handling things but we'd like to see you feeling a bit more confident overall. And we want to repeat that it isn't that you are doing badly, that isn't the case at all, but if you bump up your current level of operating to a slightly more confident level than more things, on our end, will start to open up for you. We are speaking about opportunities. If you feel better ready to "take on the world" than more opportunities can be handed to you so we'd like you to work on that. That way when you switch into a more confident persona we can have everything ready to hand to you in the way of opportunities and there are a few which we can start working on straight away we just need you to give us a little more confidence. Think about it like work experience. The more work experience you have the more opportunities can open up for you in the job market so with what we are speaking of if you feel more confident you have open that next level of opportunities to be granted to you from where they are made, which is up in our level (where the guides are at). So that's where it all starts from and this is what you need to do in order to get a few more things to come your way.

Speaking of opportunities we'd like you to have more of them and another way to get them is to want them. If you want by giving us what you are working towards we can see if any opportunities in the area will fit to your qualifications and we can send them on down to you. Right now there is some sort of block on them and it's because you haven't really given us the "order" of what you want. We work off of a life road map if you will and you haven't solidified your road map for us. Now we aren't asking you to detail it down to the intricacies of it because that's impossible but if you give us a loose map of where you are and where you want to go from here and fill in the spots in between we can better help you by following your map. Right now we, the guides, are walking around blind up here because though we know you want opportunities we don't have any specifications of what opportunities you want. So we aren't just going to throw them your way if you aren't interested in them. We hope that this concept makes sense. Just send us up more ideas of what you want to come your way so we can start working on them.

And to close we want to say that you can have what you want. Whatever you want with life you can have it. We've seen the impressions you've had of what you want and we are sitting over here in this spiritual plane creating things for you and we don't see a reason why you can't have what you've though about. Now the first step in getting it is to do what we've advised above but these are just the first steps. Soon, once you get the ball moving a little more, we'll be able to start lining up opportunities and contacts, and more things will start happening and you'll be led down that path you want in life, especially the career path. You just have to see the signs and then jump on the opportunities when they arise but that should be obvious when they do, just remember to be confident when they come up. We hope that you take the advice in this reading to better enrich your life because if you do take the steps mentioned above we'll be able to put you on a brighter & faster moving path.

Good luck!
The guides through .Serah.

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Post by fisk_82 » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:45 pm

Dear Serah,

I will post my request on a new thread. Thank you.


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Re: s_coy2005's Reading

Post by s_coy2005 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:47 pm

Disirnott Tarot wrote:s_coy2005,

7-Card Reading : General.
sorry i didnt give you feedback i adore your reading and thanks for taking the time to do it :)

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Post by decentgal » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:41 am

Dear Serah

Is there any slot empty for a reading ?I would love to get one from you .

Disirnott Tarot
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Reading Request.

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:46 pm

Hi Decentgal,

At this time I am no longer offering gratis readings. I only offer them when I have open time in my schedule. Hopefully I'll get some free time soon and I will re-post when I can offer more. You can always check out my facebook if you want to see what I am currently offering. I usually post my deals on there. Thank you for your interest with me :)


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Post by lazzysundayy » Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:44 pm

Disirnott Tarot

I'm glad you are back on the forum, whenever you find time please check out this thread. ... hp?t=80097

I had made a request for a reading from you about 2 months back in that thread.


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