Request reading from .Serah

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Request reading from .Serah

Post by Figment » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:48 am

I have been through some big life changes the past year and my birthday is Tuesday the 17th. I would like an open reading concerning what to expect the rest of the year. Thank you so much.

You have my permission to post the reading.


Disirnott Tarot
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Reading Request

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:05 pm

Thanks Figment.

I'll post it as soon as possible.


Disirnott Tarot
Posts: 35
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:55 am


Here is your 5-card reading I did. The guides come through me as I type so that’s why they refer to themselves as we. The cards I cast were:

7 of Swords : 4 of Pentacles Reversed : Knight of Pentacles Reversed : 8 of Pentacles Reversed : I Magician

We know you asked about a 12 month reading on what’s to come but the way that we, your guides, do the reading is to tell you what you need to do to give you the best results for the year. Of course we can tell you what’s coming but what is better telling you what’s coming and it most likely changing concerning the multiple possibilities of what can happen or telling you what to do now to give you the best year ever? We leave that up to you to decide for the purpose of this message we are going to give you the now to change the later and make it better. If you do want an overview of the year it looks overall great but we are going to make it better and here is how. By telling you want you can change now you can influence the path to give you better results later and what we want to bring up is the way that you worry. And that you can hoard worries until it becomes a system. So what we mean is you worry about if you’ve worried enough about things. It’s quite uncommon how you can systematize your worries and very interesting of the point of view of the guides; and though sometimes amusing for us to watch it’s little worrisome for us. Currently you are doing fine balancing your worries. You systematize your worries by worrying about one thing enough and then you pick the next thing on the priority list to worry about and as long as you worry about things “enough” you can put them back on your mental shelf to worry about later. You are very organized with your worries, the guides can actually see the shelf you’ve built on this side (the spiritual plane) and we can see what you have currently taken off the shelf to mumble over. Like we said, at this point it’s harmless but there is a dark possibility in the future and that is why we are bringing this all up. When you are on a certain path, let’s take for example this systematized worry you have, that path can go multiple ways, it can grow and change and even darken and that is what we are here to speak to you about. Currently you are fine with your habit of worrying but down on your road there is a really black patch (we are just trying to paint a mental picture so you can conceptualize it better) and that black patch has the possibility of becoming disturbing. Now you are still on this side of that dark hill so you might not even take this warning very seriously because though you might see the wisdom in watching out for this you might not see the seriousness of it evolving. And yes, we admit, there is a chance it might not evolve, that is why we are warning you, and it is good to be warned if you wish to change your path on it. What we see is the possibility of becoming obsessive with your worrisome hoarding to the point where is might be “significant”. So as you start off this new birthday year we hope for you to keep in mind what we’ve told you, as you change what is in the now the future will change right? So work on this with yourself and get a brighter future, clean up this path that we see because if you don’t do any clearing of it, it might start to become a curved or twisted path.  

We want to talk to you about money. About saving money. We want you to have a little bit more of a nest egg than what you currently have. And we aren’t saying that you don’t have enough but we feel like you might need a bit more of a cushion than you have now. We don’t want you to stop spending money but we want you to start putting a little more away to be saved than usual and we want to tell you why. You have a decent nest egg right now but bigger things might come down the road at a later point and we want you to be able to have that cash flow if you need it, we are speaking to you about opportunities that might arise which might make you wish like you had more money. So this isn’t a warning about money, about saving money because something bad is going to happen, nothing like this. This is just what we are currently foretelling for the future as we see certain opportunities which might open up that make you wish like you had more money so it would be in your best interests to save a little bit more. But we also don’t want you to stop spending money because a good flow of money keeps the energy moving with money. That why you aren’t saving too much and blocking the flow of money and you aren’t spending too much and opening the flow of money too fast. We are trying to find you a good balance and currently, though you are doing well, we want you to save just a little bit more every month or so, so you can have that reserve if you need it later down the road. Now the opportunities we are speaking of might arise and they might not but if they do we do see you needing more money at a moments notice if you want to jump on it and this is a good place to start. So start saving more money and in about a year we will speak to you again about what to do next here.

We want to speak to you about being more optimistic with money. You are a vivacious person so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to place more positive optimism where money is concerned. We are telling you this because optimism brings in opportunities which have optimistic money results, it’s like the ebb and flow of the universal system, we call it manifestation. We want you to have these good optimistic thoughts about money so we, your guides, can pull that optimism and use that energy to fuel us into creating opportunities for you.

We want to speak to you about your work flow/ work load. We want you to take on a bit more, we feel like you have plenty of opportunities to broaden your horizons by learning more these next few months and we hope that you take those opportunities to learn some exciting stuff. These opportunities to learn will come in handy down the road because the more you learn and branch out your knowledge base the more your guides can pull from it and create some solid exciting things which we can send your way. We hope that you harbor a lot of excitement about this in the coming year as we are hoping to give you new possibilities of self-reflection and emotional understanding. Just remember that this all starts with you taking that initial step and learning something new and it doesn’t have to be anything boring, we’d like you to learn some new things which also interest you along the way and with that optimism of doing more and creating more we will be behind 100% offering you new possibilities to try out what you’ve learned. So put on your thinking cap because if all goes according to plan we are going to have an adventurous 12 months.

We wish to speak to you about your skill set. We hope that you will broaden this with that extra learning we spoke to you about above but we also want to take the opportunity to tell you that you have done will working on yourself. We want to encourage you to keep going and keep moving forward as we feel that this might bring different wonderful surprises your way. We want to tell you that you have done very well and we are proud of you. This is just an update on how we think you are doing when it comes to your abilities to handle things. We wish you to continue along on your journey through life with happiness and optimism and we hope that you will come back to us and check up for you next reading when you get a chance. Until then keep moving forward, you are doing well, and we hope to bring those opportunities we spoke to you about closer if you complete the advice given above, until then we love you and good luck.


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Post by Figment » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:13 am

Thank you so much for taking the time to do a reading for me.

You have given me much to ponder.  I am confused about the section concerning worrying about things.  Does the black patch mean there is likely to be something that will be significant and detrimental?

All is good advice which I plan to heed.  I'll post later with results.


Disirnott Tarot
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:34 am

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:56 pm

The black patch is the gray area the guides see in the future if you start worrying to the point of it becoming a problem. At this point it isn't a substantial worry it is just something the guides want you to be aware of so you can control yourself before it gets worse. That's all :)


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