Requesting a reading from .Serah.

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Requesting a reading from .Serah.

Post by fisk_82 » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:55 pm

Dear Serah,

I have been in failed relationships on past years. I was born on Tuesday, April 13th, 1982. My life in general is good.. I learn many things from past years.. The good aspects and bad aspects from life, the good thing and the bad thing that i have and learn to improve it to be a better person. I achieve quite much in other areas of my life, except on relationship area. I guess i still need to learn something on this area, or maybe i should change something on my own behavior and emotion.

I would like a reading concerning what to expect on this area for a year ahead and if it's not too much some advices about what i've done and what still i need to improve. Thank you so much.

You have my permission to post the reading on this forum.


PS: I'm sorry for the bad english.. english is not my mother language.. Thank you :)

Disirnott Tarot
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fisk_82's Reading

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:39 pm


The guides usually come through and speak in the reading so that is why they use the word we.

5-Card Reading : Love

XII Hanged Man : XIX Sun : 7 of Pentacles Reversed : King of Pentacles : IV Emperor

So you want to learn more about your area of love and we can help you with that we just need you to be an active participant in wanting to take the advice, that will be up to you if you agree with the advice or not. Currently you do not have any foreseen relationships coming your way and we want you to know that because we'd like you to be able to change that if you like. If you want a relationship...a good one, we can help. You just need to help us manifest one. And what that means is believing that you can have one, that it is coming and taking the right emotional steps to want it. Sounds simple doesn't it, well it requires emotional control and that can be difficult but we'd like to tell you more about that so you can decide for yourself if you'd like to try. We, the guides, are "sitting" up here in the spiritual plane waiting for orders from the ones we guide, in this case you, and when you send up what you want we get to work to see if it is feasible and if we can get an opportunity in front of you. So current, as we have said, you don't have any foreseen relationships in the near future but we'd like to change that for you if you'd like so this is what we want you to do. First of all we need to you have optimistic hope about getting what you want and getting it in the near future. Than we'd like you to send us the type of relationship you'd like and the events that you'd like to meet this person, etc. Now we can do our best to give you exactly what you want but depending on multiple circumstances we might need to tweak the plan a bit, but usually that is just to get it physically created. Back to the manifestation concept. If you can do this we, your guides, can have a much better time setting something up for you. Now granted it might take some time because we'd going to have to set up the different people, plans, events, etc to get it to all come together but we can do it...that's our job. If you have trouble understanding this concept we encourage you to check out some more information online or in books which might give you more details on how to use this concept to your advantages. As for our part, the ones actually creating the opportunity to meet someone, we just need the details we've described above and you can always check in with a reader to get an update from us if you want to know if you are doing it right or how far along we are to finishing it. And that might give you some optimistic hope to carry on and keep working at this because manifestation is tricky and if you harbor doubt over it, it work just as fast to counter act all the energy you've put into believing it so that is why it can be hard for people to initially figure out but this is a great chance for you to give that a try and see if we can put something together for you.

We'd like to bring up all the good stuff happening in your life. You have been working on yourself and trying to better yourself and you should feel happy and proud of yourself. Most people do not understand the dynamics of confronting themselves with what isn't working and trying to change that into a more positive aspect of themselves and that is very mature and progressive of people. So you should be very proud of yourself and hopefully you are riding the flow of the other good things happening around you. We are bringing this up because your emotions can dictate a lot in your life. Just like that manifestation concept we brought up above it is part of the formula to add in your positive energy in order to receive positive results. If you've never heard of this concept it is easier to read a little bit more about it so you can feel more comfortable with the information we are giving you and you will be able to connect the dots a little better. Use your positive emotions to drive you forward in everything else you want, especially in wanting the positive relationship aspects in life. The positive emotions you harbor can be beacons for what is to come, that is part of the positive manifestation process. We know this sounds abstract but that is how it works so you might as well use it to your advantage. Use your positive happy feelings as the lens to focus on what you want to come and you'll be putting up that order to us, your guides, with all of those positive feelings and we can use that to create those opportunities you might like with bringing others closer or having others help you learn lessons in life and all that good stuff. So use the positive emotions you have available to you to bring forth more positive things by using the feelings when aspiring to what you want. (Look up manifestation if you have any questions about this.)

We, the guides, can give you what you want through your manifestations, (partially with visualization), we can produce the opportunities you want in this relationship are through the process of manifesting. Whatever you think about and want with positive emotions and harbor faith and belief in we can pull from that and like we said above start moving energy into bringing what you want closer to you. You can use visualization to figure out what you want and we will be able to see your "orders/wants" through that. Then we can create the possibilities of it occurring and send it down to you. So use this concept to your benefit by utilizing it's advantageous parts. Once you start giving us orders we can start seeing what is feasible in it in creating it. Now it might not be exactly what you've asked for because we have to incorporate many things into the mix. Also, manifestation can be a tricky process to figure out so we encourage you to stay encouraged as you try it because depending on your belief system and doubts you may also be working against yourself. But this is the formula of the universe, when people want something and they start working towards it, it is us, the guides, which put it together from their visualizations and actions and wants and beliefs etc etc. So everyone manifests already, even you, you do it daily (every moment you are manifesting what you want) but now we are trying to see if you want to trying purposefully manifest for yourself and this is how you do it. You think positively of what you want, you give us the plans or desires of how you'd like this to happen, you stay constructive working on it and keep faith and we will pull from that energy and move things around behind the scenes. Now if you are unfamiliar with this approach it can be confusing but isn't that what is understood? You work hard and you believe and put in energy and goals and plans and you get what you want. Yes, that is called manifesting to us. It is just people usually do not understand that manifestation is an actual process which we, the guides, use to get you what you want. So we want you to try to manifest the types of people you'd like to meet. You are already working on yourself positively so you can just add this concept to the things you are trying right now and the more you use it and try it the better you'll become. Now we don't want to sugarcoat it and say that it is easy but it is what you can use to get what you want in bringing relationships closer in your future. Just remember to list out the types of relationships you want, etc. This is a good road to go down if you want to take charge of creating something you'd like more of, which in this case, is some opportunities in manifesting a relationship in the future.

We want to tell you what you can have. You can have the secure, financially stable, all around good person with a great family lifestyle or you can have someone who isn't emotionally ready for a relationship and it can be frustrating to be with and those are the types of people that you are going to be wading through in life anyway but we want to tell you that through manifestation you can choose which you'd rather have the better chances with. We are calling it chances because depending on how good the manifestations are you can literally manifest the exact person you like (reasonably of course) or you can get half results if you struggle with yourself over it or don't put in the necessary information, it all depends upon you and the quality of what you want and your hopes/fears/and dreams. And that is why when anyone does a tarot reading, at least with the standard reading types, hopes/fears/and dreams are a part of it. It is because through that visualization and goal setting that you are asking your guides (or God) what you want and to send it to you. And it is through the power of what you want that you can have it. It sounds simple enough but you have to really want it and control your doubts over it because doubts counteract all the energy you put into it. So we, the guides, are sitting over here in the spiritual plane creating opportunities and events and scenarios for you to meet the person whom you like. And in your case, you can have what you like, and if you manifest it you can have what you like faster and with a higher chance of success (depending on your manifestations). So this is what we suggest because manifestations can be tricky to figure out if you've never done them. Read up about manifestation, there is a lot of information out there, and then implement it in your life. And then when you feel like you have made reasonable progress (at least min 2 weeks) come back and ask a tarot reader (or whom ever else) to do a reading for you on your progress and we, the guides, will say "Well you might need to tweak this or you are doing really well in this but you might change this," and it can be a work in progress. But this is a very powerful method to get what you want so we encourage you to try it. And you might ask why, during the entire course of this reading, we choose to speak to you about manifestation (especially if you aren't too familiar with it) it is because instead of just saying, "We don't see anyone in your near future," we are saying, "We currently do not see anyone in your near future but here is what you can do about it," so you can get some constructive instruction on what to do to change that if you don't like it and manifestation is the process you would use to change it around. You have been working on yourself and doing well, working on yourself emotionally, mentally, physically etc is an amazingly advantageous thing to do but with this concept, if you understand it and take the time to learn about it and implement it, it will take your self-betterment to a whole other level because this concept is something that can "open doors for you" and we aren't just talking about the relationship area, that is just one place you can use this. But we encourage you to learn more and we hope that this message will help benefit you. We understand if you are wondering what type of reading this is but .Serah.'s guides give information through practical self-help ways so we hope that if you don't see the advantages to the message that you would at least trust that the guides have your best interests at heart, because we do and we hope this is a message which gets to you in a very beneficially manner.


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Post by fisk_82 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:40 am

Dear .Serah.

Thank you so much for the reading. Is this the law of attraction .Serah. and how to apply it?
I used to practice visualization and see what i want on the past during my meditation.. but recently i'm not doing it anymore... That comes from my doubt as human :).
Well, i guess this reading comes from my own doubt.. I focus my own direction on career path right now and i doubt my self that i can be success also in a relationship... Once i learned that.. this universe will bring you what you expect consciously and unconsciously. You can control what you think consciously but you can't control what you think unconsciously. And there are times when your fear and doubt control your future because they work on big part of unconscious world. One way to control it is by doing meditation...

Well.. thank you again for remind me of that... I will clean my self and being more and more positive.. And i will try to apply your advice..

Best regards,


Disirnott Tarot
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Post by Disirnott Tarot » Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:32 pm

Yes they are talking about the law of attraction a.k.a manifestation. Meditation is a great way to try to control your doubts. Try starting it up again because if the guides are bringing it up in the reading than they really think it will benefit you. Good luck :)


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Post by fisk_82 » Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:25 am

Okay thank you .Serah. :)

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