Reading request please, Crystal Oracle reading

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Reading request please, Crystal Oracle reading

Post by marshmallu » Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:46 am

Hello!  :)
i would like a reading please.
my name is

Nathalie Martinez
Female, 16
Birthdate: December 5, 1990

thank you!

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:53 pm

Hi  Nathalie

Since you had not asked a specific question, I drew some cards for you and let us see what their messages are:

Quite a strong card as far as curent movement in your life is concerend. Things are on the go; you may make initial contact with a person, with destiny and events may start unfolding in front of you. You will be able to express yourself, speak your mind up with a new strenght and clarity of mind. If you have not started sensing these qualities, it is because they are in their early stages; you will start to get a clear picture soon. It is almost like karma playing its part in your life and destiny coming forward in unexpected ways.

This is the card of nostalgia, innocence and all feelings of bygone days. If you are longing for someone from the past, from your childhood, or havent heard from them for a while, the chances are that you may encounter them. It may be time to exchange gifts with each other, think of the times you spent together and re-kindle that association once again. Enjoy the good feeling that this brings to you.

This is a positive card in itself which signifies new energy, creativity, new ventures, jobs and business opportunities. It also stands for an element of risk-taking. All I can say is when you are presented with such a situation, just take care not to make any immediate decisions. The Ace of Swords may present you with the tools to overcome these obstacles that you may be facing. This being a powerful and a positive card, I would advise that you use its positive influences to work towards you rather than against. I know this paragraph comes across a bit like a bumbo-jumbo sermon, all I can say is the strenght that you will have with the Ace of Swords, should guide you through any possible obstacles you may be facing.

Any hard times or dis-ease that you may have had or are currently feeling, is a passing phase. Have faith in you and the Supreme higher self that is within you to see that there is hope on its way. Hard times can be overcome and dis-ease can be healed. Just have faith and ask the Universe (God) to deliver it to you. These times may be sent to us to test our faith and our resolve. Truest in the Divine and your hope will come from there.

Here is a man who is hanged upside down, one leg crossed on the other and he is happy. His face lit and his head is surrounded with a bright light - almost like a halow. No one forced him to take time out; he chose this of his own accord to get in touch with himself and sort things out in his own mind. This is his choice, please note, and he is happy with that state that he chose to put himself through. In time, he will see the light and choose his path after the period of interospection.

If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot make decisions, or take the step that you are not sure abuot, please take time to yourself. Dont stop living life, but look at life from a bystander's point of view in order to assess which bits of yours need re- tuning.

I'm afraid this has become a very general reading and I do hope some aspects of it resonate with you.

Please let me have your feedback, if you can.


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Post by marshmallu » Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:21 am

thank you very much
it was very helpful, and yes i did recognize with alot of the things you have mentioned actually.
It's a little bit clearer now that you have given me this reading, i know what to focus on and a bit of what to expect
once again thank u!

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Post by Forest Of Mysteries » Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:13 pm

Hi Natalie, I saw that you mentioned having a Crystal Oracle Reading :)  I use that Oracle so if you would like a reading from them just let me know :) They aren't the same as tarot and so won't detract from or affect the advice from the lovely tarot reading that you have already received, The Crystal Oracle gives insights into the crystals that may be most suitable for you now and can make a beautiful reading.

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hi,faraa here..

Post by faraa » Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:11 am

I would like to request for my oracle tarot reading :) .Please consider my request.I have specific questions,
1.want to know about my marriage(when,ARRANGED OR LOVE)its future especially in terms of financial status and compatibility.
2.want to know whether I will have the opportunity to study further and about my career path.
3.A current problem is I am jobless and seeking for good chance,plus thinking of studying further would you please guide in this regard that what is suitable at the moment. :)
I will be really grateful.Thank you. :smt006

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hi,faraa here..

Post by faraa » Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:13 am

I would like to request for my oracle tarot reading :) .Please consider my request.I have specific questions,
my name is :faraa B
D.O.B : 8.4.1979
1.want to know about my marriage(when,ARRANGED OR LOVE)its future especially in terms of financial status and compatibility.
2.want to know whether I will have the opportunity to study further and about my career path.
3.A current problem is I am jobless and seeking for good chance,plus thinking of studying further would you please guide in this regard that what is suitable at the moment. :)
I will be really grateful.Thank you. :smt006

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