kind request for a reading from cedars........?

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kind request for a reading from cedars........?

Post by religare231 » Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:57 am

hi cedars,

i don't know why my mind is so scattered......lately,i am getting preoccupied with the thoughts of my career and will i get any happiness in see after the death of my father last year........the situation seems to be getting stability at an all time place even to stay...

since i will be graduating in 2013...a don't know whether i should try getting a job or should i just do my higher see my thoughts are conflicting me............please guide me cedars.........i will be grateful......

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Post by religare231 » Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:42 am

could you please reply cedars

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Post by TarotModerator » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:17 pm

you should not and, with respect, cannot push readers for a reply. I can see you have expressed similar 'impatience' in the astrology section.

Please note our readers give their time freely and they have a life besides coming to this site.
If you dont hear from them, it either means they have not logged in, are busy with other things, or just dont feel like responding to a request straight away.

After two days of posting your request and expressing impatience, may hamper your chances of ever getting a reading from a reader.

Besides, let me take this on behalf of Cedars.
Readers cannot tell you what to do. I am very sorry about your loss, but no reading or reader can tell you what is the best choice for you or what course of action you should take for your life. That remains soley your decision.

Whether you should try getting a job or continue with your educaiton is only and only your decision. Readings may play an advisory role but you still have your own free will to act as you please.

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Post by cedars » Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:41 am

i don't know why my mind is so scattered......lately, I am getting preoccupied with the thoughts of my career and will i get any happiness in see after the death of my father last year........the situation seems to be getting stability at an all time place even to stay...

since i will be graduating in 2013...a don't know whether i should try getting a job or should i just do my higher see my thoughts are conflicting me............please guide me cedars.........i will be grateful......
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I am sure things could not have been easy for you and you have my deepest sympathy.
I will agree with the Moderator that no one can tell you what to do. Not even spirit guides can tell you what to do. Sometimes we get a strong feeling on what step we should take about a certain situation and if you see that coming from your higher self, it is still your personal choice to act or not upon it.

I do not do Yes or No readings. That will be far too responsible a thing and I do not believe in them anyhow.

Why do you doubt at this budding age of 20  if you will ever get happiness in life? Please discard such dramatic thoughts immediately and get on with the matter at hand! You have hardly started your life yet.

I will pick some cards for you and ask the question: What guidance does Religare need at this stage in her/his life?

I am using the Rider Waite deck.

Page of Swords.  Five of Wands. Strength. The Magician. The World

The Page of Swords, if he is a person in your life, is an Air sign – Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Pages are young energy, the seedling of our thoughts or someone else’s, coming into our life. The Page of Swords – if a person – is someone of a sharp mind, good in maths and figures and technology. Sometimes he is very sure of himself and would just talk loudly to assert his point. If this is not a person in your life, or coming into your life, I feel it is reflecting your own mind and your aspirations. He may be full of himself at times and whilst he will rush to sort out situations and solve issues, he will do them as a matter of factly  and boasting in certain ways.  He may not be reliable with his timing, and will be undeterred if he was late or never showed up. I do not wish to paint a negative picture of this person or of this energy, but he is, after all, a young energy and belongs to the sign of Air. Talk talk talk!

The Five of Wands is showing us five people all raising their wands and having some sort of debate or an argument. Fives usually signify strife, disagreements, troubled times, but there is always a lesson to be learnt at the end of such an argument. Voices may be raised, arms may be flying high above our shoulders, but if those arguments are done wisely and in good spirit, the outcome could be beneficial to all involved.

The Strength is a major Arcana card which signifies the strength within and not the outwardly physical strength. We see here a woman dressed in white with garlands on her head taming the lion with her attitude rather than her physical strength. No matter what the issues is, the inner strength will be on your side to guide you and sort out the uncertainties surrounding your life at the moment. If you feel the absence of such strength, just ask for it and it will be given to you by Universe.

The Magician. Again, another major Arcana card shows us all the options and possibilities that we have and gives us the opportunity to use all or any one of them for our ultimate purpose. He is offering the power of mind, the ability to reason and express, the tenderness of emotions and the opportunities of the material world. What are these opportunities you may ask? The chance to work and study? The chance to be flexible with the opportunities around you? Everything is possible according to the Magician. It will be up to you what course you take – or the case may be – how many options you choose to achieve your goals.

The World. This is the ultimate attainment and coming into fruition of your dreams and desires. I cannot tell you which aspect of your dreams or which aspect of your desires that will be coming to a conclusion. But it is the end of a cycle, a journey which promises a happy ending and Attainment.

I hope these four cards gave you the insights you needed at this stage in your life.

Best wishes.

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Post by religare231 » Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:39 pm

bless you cedars.........for taking time to sort out my confusion...........

you were bang on with all the four cards.............yes i am a student of science  and technology and within me i do desire to make it big in my learning and spreading my knowledge.........i feel you are right......we as human beings tend to be get bogged down by the events that happen in life......we must realize that since god has brought us into this world..........then surely he has something planned for us.........from now on i shall do my best to attain something in this life......i know my efforts will bear fruit one day.........

thank you once again cedars.......

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Post by cedars » Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:13 pm

You are welcome my dear.
Go forth and realise your dreams and aspirations.

Blessings to you.

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