Request for a Personal Reading

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M. Nalini
Posts: 46
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:33 pm

Request for a Personal Reading

Post by M. Nalini » Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:17 am


Would like a general reading from Serah about what's ahead in next three months. Thanks in advance.

Disirnott Tarot
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:34 am

Reading Request Reply

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:41 am

I'm on it :) I'll post it as soon as I can. Most likely in two days. Thanks.


M. Nalini
Posts: 46
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:33 pm

Thanks Serah!

Post by M. Nalini » Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:32 am


Thanks much, really appreciate it. Will look forward.

Disirnott Tarot
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:34 am

Tarot Reading Delivery : 10-Cards

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:15 am


               Here is the 10-card reading I did for you, the guides said they had a special message for you. Please read below and I have listed the cards. Sometimes the guides came through directly, other times it went back to me translating for them. If you have any question about the message just ask. Thanks.

2 of Pentacles : King of Pentacles : Ace of Pentacles : 0 Fool Reversed : King of Swords Reversed

V Hierophant Reversed : 8 of Cups : 2 of Cups Reversed : XVII Stars : 10 of Cups

You have a choice to make now. You can go in either of two directions. The path forward or the path backward, the guides don't know about you, but the forward path is so much better than the latter. Don't allow yourself to be come crushed over this situation you are dealing with. You can of course to go down a darker road if you want but it won't lead you back into the light. Your decision over how you will deal with your current situation will decide which path is next laid at your feet. And the more you go down one path the harder it will be to go back and change paths later so the guides highly motivate you to make the right decision and keep walking down the positive path. You don't need to feel like you don't have options. You still have a lot of options, and from those options you'll find more opportunities, but you won't be able to attract those opportunities well unless you are on a positive path. Negative choices usually lead to negative paths & negative outcomes. If you choose the darker road, you'll start fighting with yourself over how to get back to the positive road later on and when your current emotions over the present situation dies down a little bit, you'll automatically want to get back on a happy & positive path. So that's why this next choice you make is so critical. The guides don't want you to make the choice according to your present mental attitude, they want you to see yourself down on the path trying to make a happy and fulfilling life and make the decision based on that kind of mental attitude. Because that is the only way you can get what you want and right now you're lashing out because of some troubles in your past and you aren't thinking things through clearly. So the guides highly advise you to reconsider the repercussions of all paths before you choose one and remember that the one you choose will be hard to change later. So make the best decision according to the best 'you'. Don't give up so easily on yourself because at your best you wouldn't do that. And to properly make a big decision like the one in front of you, you need to be at your best. The guides say don't put the emotions your feeling right now into the decision unless you want those same emotions to be at the end result of your path. Therefore, if you put negative emotions like anger, hurt, frustration and worry into your decision making you will, in turn, get them back at the end of that path you have created. So make the right decision with the right emotions which you want a return on.

You're worried about your family, but you're family isn't as bad off as you think. They have figured things out for themselves on this issue already. And if you are hesitant over whether this is correct or not, just ask them to be honest about it. They had already figured things out awhile back about this issue that has been plaguing you so you don't need to feel like you need to help fix things, you maybe need to put a band-aid on it but not fix it. That has already been done by the others in your party and they don't need any help in figuring things out for themselves concerning the issue in question. As far as they are concerned, they know what needs to be done by what has already happened. And they never would want you to be unhappy in something unpleasant, they were more worried that it didn't work out for you, not that it didn't work out for them or didn't work out at all. They were, and still are, just focused on you and because of that you don't need to feel like they need any help in getting over anything. All they are worried about is how the outcome and situation has affected you and now they are trying to figure out how to help you out of it. But if you were in their position wouldn't you feel the same way if someone close to you was hurt? Wouldn't you get angry or sad on their behalf and try to figure out how to help them? You wouldn't need that person who was hurt to help you or help you get over the fact that something unhappy happened to them, you would want them to accept the your help graciously and not ask too many questions. The best way to deal with your family is to help yourself, not them, and the guides have already told you that they don't need the help anyway. So move your focus away from worrying about them since that has been on your mind and back to helping yourself because that is the only way to get out of the situation you are in and get back on a happy, positive and productive path. The guides say, don't block out your family either, they are just trying to help and deal with it in a way that is best for them and you have to deal with it in a way that is best for you but you can't compare yourself to them because they are on the other end of the spectrum concerning the situation, you can only help yourself at this point. So if you want to help them, help yourself first and they will automatically receive the benefits of that.

You want the opportunity to make this situation right? Do you want the opportunity to get what you feel like you've lost? Well, you can get it the guides say. You can get it and have it but you have to change your perspective around. You can't manifest a new opportunity when you're stuck on the negative ending of the old. You have to turn around and see the positives of what can come in order to bring them closer. It all depends on the path you choose. But you have to be willing to choose that path and you have to be willing to see what can come in order to manifest it. It's going on come down to your beliefs but you can have what you want if you can believe that you can have it. But does that sound so hard? If the guides tell you that you can have it, it means that you can have it, so you don't need to question yourself on the possibilities of it actually happening you just have to accept that it can happen and focus on it happening period. But you have to get into that mind set that you can get it or you're going to be fighting with yourself over this issue until it happens.

Back to the issue that the guides keep bringing up, so you attempted something, and in this case, fell off “the bike” and scrapped yourself, so what the guides say? The guides want to know what's so bad about trying something to see whether it would work out for you or not, you accepted the challenge and stayed in as long as you could, does that mean that you have to beat yourself up for it not succeeding in it? Or beat yourself up for trying it? You think you'll figure out what you want in this world without trying things like this and sometimes having a bad ending? You think you can find a good relationship without experiencing some crappy ones along the way? Usually not, and the guides will tell you why. When you aren't experienced at relationships and your "new" to the market of them you don't know what you want, and you don't know what your manifestations are doing. So you'll attract a "good" (learning) relationship to teach you what you want. So has this relationship taught you what you want and don't want? You bet it did. Do you know what you want now? Of course you do. You think you could have manifested the next relationship you can have with as much fervor as you can now without experiencing the last one? No you couldn't. So why are you so sad over what happened? Yes, it ended badly, but don't half the things that you try first in order to figure out what you want the next time around? This situation ended badly but the results of it don't have to. You've learned a lot and now can turn that around and manifest what you do want. And the guides say you can have what you want if you allow yourself back into wanting it. Don't allow what happened this last time to affect your future so deeply that you allow yourself to miss crucial opportunities to get what you want. Use this last experience as fuel to get where you are to where you want to go, not as a last brick in your wall that you've been building and "let go" from there. Use what you know now and the emotion over what has happened now to drive you into getting what you want further and faster than you would ever have been able to do before you experienced this. Don't let this bring you down - let this be the catalyst to push you past your boundaries of getting you what you want. But it all comes back down to belief. So use this catalyst as a jump start on your next experience and journey.

Now let's talk about what happened so you can use this information to put your current anxieties to rest. It wasn't a good relationship therefore it was good that it ended. Why do you have to worry about it anymore? Why are you not allowing yourself to push past what happened and look toward the future of what can happen next? Especially if it can be better than the one before because you are able to decide how you want the rest of your life to unfold in this area but you have to let the past go in order to do that. Obviously, at this point in your current path, he wasn't a good match. And don't beat yourself up about how long you stayed in the relationship either. You did the best you could right? You know you did, so why let that bother you. At least now you know the results of what was going to happen. You didn't quit halfway and then wonder if you should get back into it. You got the ending that can help you close this chapter in your life, not the ending which led you down a worse path. Use what has happened to get to the next step in your journey, not go around in circles over the journey which has lead you here. That relationship has served its purpose and now you must serve your purpose in getting rid of it and moving on. Don't become so engulfed in it that you lose yourself along the way. You allow what has happened to be the jumping point for your next conquest or adventure. This is just another diving board to get you to the next turnpike in your life, not the last attempt at one. The feelings you harbor can be difficult to deal with but they can also be encouraging to you to push past where you are now and into a better feeling place. You can turn the way you feel around and create what has happened into a victory not a loss. You were victorious over him because you didn't “allow” him anymore. That was the victory the guides said. And now you need to find peace over that so you can refocus your path on another journey which can lead you to bigger better things. Not wallow on what could have happened or what did happen. It happened the way it happened and there is nothing you can do to go back and change that. You can only use what you've learned and the emotions you are feeling right now into the jet fuel you need to propel yourself to your next landing, until you do that you'll always be cycling around this topic until you keep moving down into a big black hole of emotions.  So don't allow yourself to go down that dark path unless you willing to live with yourself at the other end.

You want to get back into the swing of things. Well, first of all, stop feeling bad for yourself and sad over this issue. You did the best you could right? So why are you ashamed of that? So it was a crumby relationship right? So what the guides say?  You need to ask, “What's next that I need to experience in order to grow stronger in myself?” You have to take on that tough mental perspective or the world is just going to keep chewing you up and spitting you out until you learn that you're way stronger than you think you are and that you can gain anything you want if you just have the right mental attitude and take the right steps. So what are the right steps you ask? Well, not being sad or disappointed about what's happened in the past, or even what's just recently happened when you did you best over it. What's next? Start acting like you would if you were already over it, because the guides say that we become who we pretend & want to be and you can do it just as easily as that. Then you turn your perspective around from a negative one to a positive one and allow yourself to keep moving forward. And then what's going to happen is you're going to start to manifest things, really good things, and especially the opposite of the things that you didn't want or like. So out of the old wounds you will grow a bigger better relationship and experience in life and that way you are always constantly growing and learning with yourself and with others. And that's the mental attitude you need to take. That life is a journey of learning and when you fall off the horse you just pick yourself right back up and get right back on because you are stronger than what life can throw at you and you can do whatever you put your mind to right? Well, yes, but you have to get into that frame of mind to see it yourself too, because until then you're just going to keep manifesting the same things that you are hating right now, and that's going to keep you going in circles and keep you angry at the world and at yourself. So do yourself a favor and allow yourself to get over it. Once you do, you'll see that life has a lot more to offer and life is willing to offer you great & wonderful things if you're willing to accept them, you just have to take the lessons first in order to gain the knowledge to get at what you want, that the master formula. So don't allow yourself to get hurt over something and keep that hurt with you until you start closing yourself off to the world and yourself. Use what you have learned to get to the next plateau, and the guides will let you in on a little secret, you're already at the next plateau you just have to open your eyes and see it.

Don't be so concerned over things that happen like this, the main goal in life is to learn and advance your self. This was a great lesson in emotional development and advancement if you allow yourself to learn the lesson and put the rest behind you. You have a job to do in life and that's to learn everything that you can before you pass on to the next plane of existence and you can't do that if you give up so easily when bad things happen. You have to see the bigger picture in things, and especially in this scenario. You’ve experienced a bad relationship right, so what have you learned through it. Soul advancement, emotional development, understanding, resilience, patience, hard work, etc etc, the list goes on, but you have to turn your focus from looking from the negative to seeking the positive in it if you ever want to be okay with what happened in order to move on. See yourself as an open vessel, gaining as much information as you can before you reach the next leg of your journey. And journeys should be riddled with things that are both learning experiences and successes. And what you've just gone through is just another learning experience and you have to get into that frame of mind so you can dust it off and keep moving on. And there are a whole bunch of better things for you to experience that can be way more enjoyable then what you've just gone through. But why would you allow one relationship to block you off from the whole bunch more enjoyable experiences? But you have to understand that in order to be okay with it. Remember that life is a learning journey and you need to be able to take the good with the bad, including crumby relationships, because that's the only way you could grow, learn, and then move on to bigger & better things.

The guides want to talk to you about partnerships now so you can better understand what was happening with you from a spiritual perspective or the guide’s perspective. A partnership is purely for the basis of learning lessons. So he taught you some lessons and in this case he was too stubborn to learn some lessons of his own but for the purpose of you did. However, you aren't able to receive the benefits of it until you allow yourself to let the past go and move on. You have to be willing to look forward to the future, to use what you have learned in order to get what you want. But don't you want to do that? Don't you want to feel better about yourself and about life and be able to use the information you have gathered through this last situation in order to move on and gain what you truly want? Well, you can do that, but you have to allow yourself to be okay with what happened. And you shouldn't have to, but in your case you need to forgive yourself because you blame yourself too much over what has happened and in this case, none of it was your fault, and you already know that but you keep going in circles over it because it ended badly to you. Well, from the guide’s perspective it ended well because you learned some things and unfortunately it didn't work out but in this case would you have wanted it to, with the way he was acting…and his family? So it ended the best way possible didn't it? You did your best and you didn't stick around someone who treated you badly. But again, you have to see it that way too because if you're just going to look at the negative of it then that's what you'll keep manifesting...more negative. For the purpose of a partnership you learned and so, as far the guides are concerned, it still served a purpose. So you need to see it that way too, it wasn't a waste, it wasn't like you didn't learn anything. And you don't need to feel like you wasted your time, because you learned a lot of lessons and made great strides in emotional development the guides say, and that isn't easy, okay, so don’t look down on this past encounter, look at it as a hurdle that you went through in order to become stronger and now all you have to do is allow yourself to be as strong as what you have earned, because only then will it have been a success to you.

The guides want to talk to you about hope now. They say that hope is so powerful an emotion that it can "move mountains" even if you can't see all the advantages of it. Hope has a lot of positive side effects besides the obvious advantage of it. It can do a lot of things, and it's hard for the guides to explain it because a lot of it has to do with spiritual side effects and people don't usually understand what they can't see. Hope, to the guides, is one of the most powerful emotions available to you because they can use it as material to harness more events to happen for you. It's almost like a reward system the guides say. Hope is something that they can pull from to bring better things closer to you but you have to have it in order to for them to pull from it. But now that you know that, you need to gain it, and keep it, and protect it from leaving because the guides can do wonders with it they say. So this is something for you to work on. Gain hope within yourself and hope for the future and, in turn, gain your reward from the guides for feeling this way. The guides say that they have something nice planned for you but they need you to gain hope in order for them to present it to you properly okay. So make sure that if you want what they are offering to you that you take this tidbit of information and use it to your advantage because the guides say that hope can bring you things that you wouldn't normally expect it to and because of that they can use the emotion of hope, when you have it, to bring you good things too.

So you want that well-rounded happy family life right? You want that partnership with another to bring happiness close to you. Well, the guides say you can have it, they say that there is no reason why you can't have it. You, like everyone else, deserve to be happy and deserve to get what you want but you have to be open to getting what you want and that's putting yourself on the right mental path in order to get it. You want a happy family life, well then you can earn it by working towards it and getting it but you have to be willing to take the bumps and bruises along the way. Because when you work towards anything there are going to be slips up, there are going to be moments where you have to sigh your troubles away, and get frustrated and even lose sometimes but all of that is you working up to where you want to be. And the guides say you can get what you want if you work at it, you’re not there yet because you need to work on yourself and you need guidance to figure out what you need to change about yourself. (The guides start talking directly here) So talking to us (the guides) is good for that because we can teach you where you need to make your slight adjustments in order to gain what you want but you have to be willing to hear what we have to say and you have to be willing to work on yourself and change yourself. But that goes back up to what we were previously talking to you about, about life being a journey, and needing to work through things in order to find your way and learn to conquer your current course in life. Because you’re headed in the right direction but you're doing the wrong things and we, the guides, want to help you get on the right path for the best results. So make sure that you work on your self and if you have any further questions on what you need to change about yourself in order to get what you want, ask Serah because she'll help you.

Good luck!


M. Nalini
Posts: 46
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:33 pm

Thanks so much Serah!

Post by M. Nalini » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:59 am


Thanks very, very much for such a detail and in depth reading. I'll try to follow the message of the guides and what they have said. Wish me luck in the endeavor, will keep you posted about how I'm sailing through.


Disirnott Tarot
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:34 am

Hi Nalini!!

Post by Disirnott Tarot » Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:51 pm

Hi again,

It's good to speak with you again. I just created a new facebook page and I hope you'll like it.

I got rid of the old one, it just wasn't working out very well. But I've updated my website too and hope to post a lot of good information and deals on it so I hope you'll check it out. I hope everything is going well with you.

Warm regards,

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