Mixed content Question.

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Mixed content Question.

Post by daizyblackrose » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:05 am

Born: 02/26/82 - Everett, Wa 1:52 p.m. pst
Gender: F.

I wondering what one could see about my love, past, present, and future.
And also of everything else in the same sense, if your ok with doing that. I am open to anyone to do the reading, not picky here.

Thanks Much Before Hand,
Real Name Devona (Daizy) ^u^

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Post by daizyblackrose » Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:50 pm


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Post by pinkbear » Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:08 pm

Hi, i'd like to give it a try on love life, past, present, future

You 've been trying to build up something through interacting with other peoples, the same issues are just re-occuring, situation turns good and bad alternately.
Sometimes you just pretend not to see it,  and could feel lonely and on your own in the end.

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Post by daizyblackrose » Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:33 pm

Ok. Me and have been having money issues alot lately, and I have been trying to get us back on track by reminding him what needs to be paid for and what he does not need to buy at the moment. He has a video game addiction that's hard for him to brake, among many other issues. None the less I have been his shining light thru most of his problems. But at the same time, I have put myself off to the side to the point that I forgot bout my issues.

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Post by pinkbear » Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:15 pm

Thanks for your feedback, please don't mind if I didn't interprete well~
I used another spread.

Looks like the idea of walking away occurs, but you still stay and slove that problem, you're always there caring and supporting him.
This situation is going to last for a while or he just repeats his bad habits over and over, could it be that you are always his guidance and taking too much care of his issues?  Maybe you can try to motivate him to put energy into workplace, looks like either he is not into his job or he just lacks the idea as to build the solid foundation for his family.  

Do hope things work out for you !

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Post by daizyblackrose » Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:11 am

That sounds like him up to the point til you get to the work part, he puts a lot into his work when he's at work.
And the parts before that sounds on the mark.
Back when him & I were just starting out he had some emotional issues and something happened to where me and him had been barred from seeing each other for a little while.
During that time our parents kept in touch and up dating us with how the other was doing.
Their was one time while his family was at out and I was allowed to visit again.
He had one of our friends over visiting and he got emotional to the point that he was going to kill himself cause I was there and he couldn't do anything with me as part of a agreement we made with our parents in order to see each other.
I tried to talk him out of it but he got more upset with me their, our friend told me should leave for a little while and he would work it out with him.
So I did and he got him to stop.
After a while things got back to normal as normal could be for my odd life.
Me and him met when I was 14yrs old, he was 15yrs going on 16yrs old.
We got married when I was 18yrs old and I am 30yrs old now so we have been at it for a while.
Plus I've only had one boyfriend before him other wise my dating life never got very far.

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Post by pinkbear » Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:18 am

Hi~  Thanks so much for the details, sorry that I missed the part about his job situation, just tried too much and got carried away.....
Whether this financial isituation is the only issue makes you feel stressful or not, marrying at a young age really takes a lot of courage, at least for me...
I guess some part of marriage is about making each other a better person and supporting/correcting, obviously it takes some work and time.
In terms of what you've been doing, with all this adjusting and love and patience, really admire you.
Maybe  things aren't really that bad, just you're feeling tried and depressed, happens to me with my familiy and husband as well.
Anyway, wish you good luck and you'll get through it!

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