Will get Visa or NOT?

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Will get Visa or NOT?

Post by Montu3377 » Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:10 pm

Hi Kodachi,

This is Montu3377, As you suggested to see you and get the answer by use of Tarot , so I am posting my problem and question here :
My Date of Birth : March 3rd,1977, Male : 36 Complete, 37 running.

My age is 36 yrs and First time, I went to USA in March 2006 on Work Permit Visa (H1b visa), and came to my native country(India) for vacation in November,2011 for 1 month.
I had my USA visa stamping interview in November,2011 and in visa stamping interview ,visa officer send my documents for inquiry/query.
They took time from November ,2011 to December,2012 in sending case to USA and starting reviewing about my case. Now in March,2013, US govt. send notice to my employer and asked some more documents.

My question is that:
1. Will i get my visa after finishing this query or not? If yes then what will be exact time? Pls. specify exact time frame.
2.  Will I get visa from this Visa process or do another employer will sponsor my Visa and I will get visa?

I will appreciate if you can answer this questions.

Thank you very much in advance.


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Post by TarotModerator » Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:41 pm

Hello Montu

You have asked this same quesiton previously in several other forums.... now it looks like is the turn for the Tarot.

With respect, you are asking some really unreasonable questions which only a divine prophet can answer.

Just re-read your quesitons:
My question is that:
1. Will i get my visa after finishing this query or not? If yes then what will be exact time? Pls. specify exact time frame.
2.  Will I get visa from this Visa process or do another employer will sponsor my Visa and I will get visa?
I dont know what you think we do here, but we certainly do not prophesise and foretell the future.

I cannot believe your greed whilst asking IF you will get your visa, you aslo ask for EXACT timing and then you insist on the EXACT timing once again.

And then, as if that was not enough, you then jump onto another topic if another employer would support your visa.

Whilst we sympathise with your situation, but this is not the way to go on requesting a reading and put such demands on our readers.

I wish you all the best with your visa applicaiton and ask that in future you are more 'reasonable' with your questions and expectations of a reading.

Good luck.
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Post by Montu3377 » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:59 am


As per my understanding and my knowledge Tarot gives more specific answer rather than overall future and as per my the questions which I asked are very much specific to the situation.
I don't see in any manner any of the questions are called as "unreasonable" questions. These are very specific questions. You can pick one at a time.
If you as a Tarot Moderator can expect some one to get only overall situation then I think "Palmistry" already predicted Overall Situation.
Now if Tarot isn't capable to get an answer of very exact question then I am sorry to say that I posted my question in very wrong forum.

Thank You very much!!

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Post by cedars » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:18 am


It is not whether you have posted in the right or wrong forum...... the point I believe the Mod was making is as follows: you just cannot ask the exact timing (as you keep on insisting in your opening thread) about an event or a situation. I do not believe there is any modality that can answer you the exact timing of any event, Tarot or no tarot.

You have heard that wrong about the Tarot my friend.

Good luck.

p.s. in my very basic understanding of astrology, since it is based on dates, timing etc.....perhaps that one might get closer to timing issues, but then again I thought you had already gone down that route....

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Post by Montu3377 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:26 pm


Actually I can change the question, that is NOT the issue but I think Tarot Moderator got some attitude in his/her answer and that's why I wrote down reply to his/her
attitude. As a moderator , he must understood that this is public place where people may or may NOT heard or known about Tarot or even Palmistry
but the answer or reply which I got from Tarot Moderator is totally NOT ACCEPTED and he must behave in polite manner.
I think Tarot Moderator must understand that "Responsibility comes along with Power".
As a moderator he must understand respect of others rather than giving attitude in public place.

I hope this message will improve Mr. Moderator.


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Post by cedars » Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:00 pm

The whole thing about the Tarot is how the question is formed.

In my experience, Tarot has not been good in asnwering Yes or No questions. and I, personally, would not give such readings... becasue, and let me explain this on an adult level: No one can determine the future except Future itself. Even if a reader did give a reading on a Yes or No question, there are a million chances that you, the circumstances, life itself may change the outcome of that Yes or No prediction.

Tarot is not also good with Timing of events. In fact, the whole world of Spirit has a different approach to Time than our earthly Time itself.

With respect, Montu, we get so many such questions asked here and, despite what it says on the Seeker's Guidelines at the start of the Tarot Reading Forum, people still do ask such questions...

Nothwithstanding though,  let us look again at your questions  which are really so specific:
If yes then what will be exact time? Pls. specify exact time frame.  
And then......
Will I get visa from this Visa process or do another employer will sponsor my Visa and I will get visa?
I appeal to your adult sense of judgement that in order to answer such questions, one has to have prophetic abiltiies.... Sure, I can pick a few cards and ask those questions and I can assure you, nine out of ten, you will get an ambigous answer and that will make it even worse for you.

And here, I am breaking my own rules in the way I give tarot readings and will ask a Yes or No question:

Will Montu get his work Visa?

I got The Four of Swords.

This card is depcited by a man, lying flat on his back and in deep sleep. He has both of his hands on his chest in the prayer position. He has withdrawn from the world and is letting things be until such time when Time is ready for him and vice versa.  This state indicates going slow; going quiet; not persuing matters fo a while; not saying much and with a glimmer of hope that things will work out.. How? He does not know. When? He does not know.

I did this genuinely for you and asked only for one card to answer the above question. Now, if you are not happy with the outcome, I am very sorry. But I think it is also saying that there are things which cannot be rushed or pushed into.

I would not even venture into the timing aspect of it and if there is a reader who can read the timing, he/she is welcome to do so.

Best wishes.

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Post by Montu3377 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:36 am


First of all thanks for answering my question. I am agree with your prediction by Tarot reading. Although it's NOT saying any exact time because as you said that's how Tarot works but I
def. agree with your reading. Currently at this moment, my situation is exactly same what you said. I am in helpless situation. My current life is in mass. One more request/question:

Will Montu get Visa thru different Employer? Do you think this question is valid? If NOT possible to answer thru Tarot than it's fine, if possible then pls. try to answer. It's polite request.

Thank you very much.

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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:45 pm

Hello Montu

OK. I did it as you requested. You have to understand I don’t do this type of  readings, but am doing it in good faith and hopefully  there will be some guidance for you here.

I asked the same question as you put forward:
Will Montu get Visa thru different Employer?
I got the Eight of Cups.
In this card we see a man walking away from eight cups which are standing upright behind him. There may be nothing wrong with the cups (situation); they may be in good working order for someone else; they may not be in equilibrium for this person; but the eight cups are indeed standing upright, they are not toppled or scattered…. But this man is walking away from them. A situation or a person or something is no longer serving his purpose. He has to go and look for new opportunities and possibilities elsewhere. He does not look back at the cups anymore; he is heading towards the mountains ahead of him where he hopes to find something different and new.

Sometimes when things don’t work for us anymore, one looks forward and turns his/her back to that situation and seeks new or different horizons elsewhere.

This is what is depicted in the Eight of Cups. It may not necessarily be something bad or sad, but it is a situation of leaving things as they are because they do not work for us anymore...…

Hope this resonates with you. If it does not at this stage, hope the message in this reading will shed some light in due course.

Best wishes once again.

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