May I please have a reading?

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May I please have a reading?

Post by heartk0re » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:42 pm

My dob is: March 11, 1987
His dob: June 14, 1987

My concern is, I've been talking to a guy named Matt M. for 4 days last week, and I haven't heard from him in a week, he hasn't responded to my messages but I know he isn't busy because I see his activity on facebook. Do you see him talking to me again and being friends like we agreed to do when the weather gets warmer out or should I forgot about him forever and delete him from my phone/facebook? I would really like to keep him as a friend. My self-esteem is bruised because of this, I feel like he's making fun of my text messages with his friends behind my back and hates me now. :(

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Post by cedars » Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:01 pm

Hello HeartkOre,

First of all we do not need birth dates for Tarot readings. Or, I do not work that way.
Secondly, readings can only be given to the querent, i.e. you, the person who is a member and not to a third party involved, in this case the guy you wish to befriend.

Coming back to your question… Am afraid readings such as the one you request do not serve any purpose in the grand scheme of things.  The IF and the WILL HE or WILL HE NOT type or readings won’t shed much light on what you are going through. And, even if they did give you some form of comfort in the case of a positive or even a negative reading, which I do not do, you should take such readings with a pinch of salt.
Let me ask you: if someone did give you a reading saying that he would be in touch, what would you do? Sit and wait, knowing that he – in your gut feeling – is making fun of your text messages and ignoring them?  Would you give such a person the time of day and energy to become friends with?

Yes? No?

No reader can or should tell you what to do, as you ask whether you should delete his details form your records and forget all about him.
By simply asking if you should delete all his details from your records/phone/Facebook….. you are already answering your own question through your own gut feeling….

He probably does not “hate” you, but he is not worthy of your time and energy and friendship.

Be happy and live your beautiful life. There are plenty of other guys out there who will be happy to become your friend.

Blessings to you.

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