Reading request for Cedars

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Reading request for Cedars

Post by Maroc90 » Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:58 pm

Hi Cedars

Fabulous work on here!

Wondering if I can ask for some advice/insight into my love life for the near future. Phrase the question as you wish of course.

Please don't worry though, if you are too busy!


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Post by cedars » Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:52 pm

Dear Maroc,

Thank you very much for your kind words, Maroc :)

I will use a spread which I hope will give you the insights that you need. These may be insights that you may not have thought or considered but probably were deep down with you.

Hope you find this reading/spread helpful.
Deck being used is Rider Waite.

What are the qualities that you may be looking for in a mate or a partner?
King of Wands.

We are talking qualities here and as such the card’s gender and age are irrelevant to the general scheme of things.
The King of Wands is Fire sign- Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. He has a charismatic personality; fiery, as his suit suggests, energetic and imaginative. He lives life to the full both in his professional and personal life. He is very passionate at what he does and a passionate lover too. If I were to put an age to him, the King of Wands is in his late forties to early fifties, but this is insignificant as to the qualities this card stands for. His age may signify mental and emotional maturity, for someone of your own age group.

What do you subconsciously want from a relationship?
Three of Cups.

We see here three maidens raising their glasses in a celebratory and party mood and just having a jolly good time. This is the card of letting your hair down and enjoying your friends and being grateful of the life around you. This is simply ‘having fun’ and being in a state of laughter and partying. There is nothing wrong with this, as who would want a relationship full of misery. Having a connection with a partner which means both friendship and of mutual respect and understanding, can be a good time for both and all.

What obstacle does the querent face?
Knight of Wands.

Another Fire sign here in the person of the Knight of Wands.  This is someone in his twenties-thirties who is the younger version of the King of Wands (you can call him his son) who has similar qualities of passion, energy and go-and-get it attitude, but….. not always so reliable. He likes having a good time and may be the perfect partner to be seen with, but as long as he can remember to give you a lift back home, or keep his promise and not forget his commitments or even the time you were supposed to meet. He will be full of compliments and sweep you off your feet, but will he be the same person tomorrow?  He is on the move; today here, tomorrow there….. today with this person and tomorrow with another one….. This is a kind of a person who will be an obstacle in your progress and it will be up to you how to handle and deal with his personality.

What is the best advice for the querent (you) at present?
Queen of Wands.

This is the female version of the King of Wands, another Fire sign. This queen stands for independence, self-reliance and intelligence. The advice here is for you to be your own person and make your own decisions and not be carried away by outside influences. If you make a mistake, own up to it and do not sit and feel sorry for yourself. Move on and be the mistress of your own destiny.
The Queen of Wands is a successful career woman and she is able to compete in a man’s word. She does not suffer fools gladly and she will fight for her ideas and what is rightfully hers.
This is the advice being given to you for the time being whether in your romantic life or life in general.

Hope these all made some sense to you Maroc and I will be happy to hear from you.

Best wishes.

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Thank you!!!!

Post by Maroc90 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:05 pm

Hi Cedars

How so very kind of you to issue me a reading. Thank you so so much! I hope it wasn't too much trouble and I also hope you didn't feel that you needed to respond so quickly (if at all!).

So, my current situation. I met a guy that is of the description of the 'son' that you mention. You have called the situation VERY accurately. He swept me off my feet and is man that is well heeled and beautiful to look at. He is a go getter, a REALLY alpha male (a bit too 'alpha' in many ways to be honest, i.e the point of being insensitive and misogynistic at times).

If I may ask one question related to your reading, and honestly please don't feel obliged to answer, as you have already done more than enough for me through carrying out this reading).
To me, someone that doesn't even remember to meet with you and forgets commitments to do with you is effectively forgetting you - effectively you are not part of their life in anyway. Is this what you mean/the feeling =?or understanding you had when writing the reading?

I ask as this is my understanding/interpretation given the summary - however, your mention of " it will be up to you how to handle and deal with his personality" suggests that it will be my call to decide if I can tolerate this individual coming and in and out of my life in the future (a statement of which infers he will still be around/express interest vs be absent)?

No worries if this is too detailed a point to ask.

All the best, and thanks so much again for everything



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Post by cedars » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:52 pm

Hello and thank you for your feedback.

This person, The Knight of Wands, appeared under the Obstacles section of the reading. So, in that sense, his role is such in your life.
If he had fallen under Positive energy section of your reading, then you would have looked only at his good qualities - as we all have good and 'bad' qualities - and in this sense his unreliability, his forgetfulness and him not taking things seriously may be obstacles for you.

Yes, if you can live with those qualities, then it will be your choice whether to deal with him, accept him as he is, or do without him.
To me, someone that doesn't even remember to meet with you and forgets commitments to do with you is effectively forgetting you - effectively you are not part of their life in anyway. Is this what you mean/the feeling =?or understanding you had when writing the reading?
Is he doing all of these to you? The forgetting to meet you, not honouring commitments; not making you part of his life.......? If yes...... then you have answered your own question. If he is not and you are willing to bear with him, then it will be your choice and your choice only how you deal with him. Take him or leave him?
We cannot advise you what to do.

Are you the Queen of Wands? Do you wish to be like her? Are you looking for the King of Wands kind of a person as your idea partner?

Don't look only at the obstacles; please, also look at your inner person and if you can deal with a Knight of Wands.

Thank you once again for your feedback and I wish you all the best.


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