Tarot reading request

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Tarot reading request

Post by MsNeptune » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:32 pm

I would like to request a tarot card reading regarding some family issues I have been having for a very long time. In particular I'd like to address issues relating to my mothers side of the family. I'd like to ask the tarot what it is I need to know about confronting her in the near future. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Post by lunargirl » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:41 am

Hi Ms. Neptune!

I did a reading for you.  I used the Robin Wood deck and the Celtic Cross method as described by Eden Gray in her book.  I indicated the position in relation to the significator for some of the cards, because this layout places the cards in a different order from most other Celtic Cross layouts I've seen.  I also mention what I usually interpret the position to mean, in case it's different from the way you would do it.  I chose the significator based on your zodiac sign.

Significator:  Queen of Pentacles
1. The Hanged Man
2. 7 of Swords
3. The Tower (beneath)
4. 9 of Wands (left)
5. The Hierophant (above)
6. Temperance (right)
7. 4 of Pentacles
8. King of Swords (reversed)
9. Queen of Swords (reversed)
10. Justice

The first card is the general amtosphere of the situation you're asking about.  Here, I feel that this card means the situation is one that should be looked at in a spiritual way that deals with the bigger picture of what's going on.  For example, if someone in your family did something to you (or someone else), instead of focusing on what they did, focus on why they did it or what led them into that situation and how it's creating a problem.

The second card refers to a person who either took something that didn't belong to them, or won't own up to something they did.  Since I don't know if the first interpretation applies, I'd say that this card is saying that your main obstacle is a person who won't acknowledge or admit what's going on.  I'm suspecting this might be your mother--you said you have to confront her, so I'm thinking she has refused to acknowledge this whole problem.  So that will be a challenge for you.

The third card is the foundation of this situation.  The Tower is a structure built on a shoddy foundation that needs to be gotten rid of in order to build a better structure.  It seems like this is what you're trying to do by wanting to address your family's situation.  There's a problem, and no one's doing anything about it, so you want to step in a clear the foundation so that things can be better and stronger in the future.

The fourth card is the past.  It shows that you've prepared yourself to fight to resolve this situation and you have the strength and the ability to win a victory.  The card is in the past because you know the time for preparation is over, and the time has come to do something.

The fifth card is the near future.  Usually I interpret this card to mean that someone is following convention, and they shouldn't.  But in this reading, I think it's a suggestion to follow the conventions, or the "rules", your mother would approve of in order to get her to really listen to you.  In other words, you have to speak to her, or present what you want to say, in a manner she considers appropriate.  For example, my mother would have thought it was wrong to say something harsh and critical about someone else, especially a family member.  So if I had started a sentence with, "Cousin Whoever is an ass**** because..." she would have stopped listening right there and told me that wasn't nice, and we'd never get to the issue of Cousin Whoever.  I'd have to find some other way to say what I wanted to say that she wouldn't be opposed to.

The seventh card is your fears.  Here, I say it means you feel that someone concerned (possibly your mother) is not going to be open to what you want to discuss, or won't "give" at all.

The eighth card is the influence of others.  It shows a stubborn and unfair guy, probably an older man.  I can't tell if he's at the center of the family problem or just another member that will cause problems, he might be a bit of an obstacle for you.

The ninth card is your hopes.  It shows a cruel woman.  I think you're hoping you can say what needs to be said, even if someone gets mad or their feelings get hurt.  Maybe you're wondering if you're going to have to be harsher than you really feel comfortable being (or maybe you want to rip into someone who you're mad at, but I really didn't get that vibe from you).

The tenth card is the outcome.  Here, it's Justice, which indicates fairness and an open mind.  So combining that with the Hanged Man (I always like to go back to the first card again), it's telling you to take a fair and open-minded approach, be strong but also understanding and non-critical, and remember that you're dealing with people who are stubborn and don't want to acknowledge what's really going on in the situation, so you have to talk to your mom "her way".

I hope this helps!

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Post by MsNeptune » Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:05 pm

Thank you so much @lunagirl. Your reading brought up so many points that cut into the core of the situation. You've filled in one of my blind spots by pointing out that I have to speak to my mother on her terms, which is a tricky proposition. Also, the older man you describe is at the heart of this issue, so it's crucial for me to know that he will be problematic. Your reading has helped clarify my point of view on this matter so much, thank you for giving so generously of your time and talent.

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Post by lunargirl » Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:05 am

Hi MsNeptune, my pleasure, I'm so glad that you found the reading helpful!   I hope everything goes well with your mom.

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