help with a reading PLEASE

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help with a reading PLEASE

Post by lunargirl » Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:27 am

Hi, I did a reading for myself to help me get a grip on a romantic situation, and I feel too frantic about the whole thing to really see the meaning, so if someone would please help me with their take on it, I'd really appreciate it!

Background on the situation:  Through a common interest, I recently met a guy that I felt instantly comfortable with, and he told me he felt the same way.  I saw him a few times on a friendly basis and had a very good time, but there is a certain physical aspect to him that I'm not sure I can get past.  However, there's a guy I've been seeing for some time that I care for very much and feel very close to, but there's something missing from that relationship.  I  always hoped it could be worked out, but I'm not really sure.  The new guy recently asked me if I'd be interested in dating him.  Though in retrospect, I suspect he just meant to ask me out on a date, I thought at the time that he was asking me to date him on a regular basis.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, because for me, this is about more than just going on a date with a new person, it's also about whether or not I want to jeopardize or give up the old relationship (but New Guy doesn't know about this at this point).  So I told New Guy I'd feel more comfortable if things remained causal and then we'd see if something developed between us.  I only meant that I didn't want to jump into a relationship immediately, that I wanted to take it slow, but I think New Guy took me to be saying I wasn't interested at all and was giving him a polite brush-off.  Though he seemed okay at the time, some things he said to me later made it clear that he understood something different than what I meant.  Since then, I've spoken to him and he's seemed like he does want to talk to me, but the way he talks is different and I know he has some personal things going on that are bothering him, but I can't help but think that his changed demeanor towards me is because of what I said.  I have a tremendous amount of affection for him, and now I hate myself for hesitating.  I've told New Guy he misunderstood me and that I wanted to talk to him about this, but he hasn't given me the opportunity to really talk about it (I want to talk to him in person) and I don't think he's really hearing me when I say I didn't mean what it probably sounded like to him. I did spend a lot of time crying because I felt like I messed things up.  But at the same time, I don't know if what I feel is genuine interest--I'm afraid that alot of what I'm feeling might just be a fantasy in my head spawned by me wanting to have someone in my life that I can really be happy with.

So...I dealt out the cards, asking for insight into the situation and into my own feelings on the matter.  I used the Robin Wood deck and the Celtic Cross layout described by Eden Gray in "Mastering the Tarot".  Here are the cards, their positions:

Significator: Queen of Cups
1. Knight of  Wands(covering: general atmosphere)
2. 6 of  Pentacles (crossing)
3. 6 of Swords (beneath: the foundation)
4. 9 of Pentacles (left of significator: recent past)
5. 3 of Pentacles (above: possible near future)
6. 3 of Cups (right: near future)
7. 4 of Pentacles (fears)
8. Emperor (influcence of other people)
9. Ace of Cups (hopes)
10. 2 of Cups (outcome)
(All the cards were right-side up.)

I got some ideas out of this, but I felt like I was blanking out because it's so important to me, and there were still some major things I didn't understand.  Here's my impression so far:

I feel that the Knight represents New Guy.  All the pentacle cards was hard for me to understand--it made me wonder, is money an issue? (New guy is having financial problems.)  But I'm not sure about that.  I felt like the 6 of Pentacles might indicate that me and New Guy feel open and generous of heart towards each other. The 6 of Swords is mystifiying me; all I can get is that I'm trying to get to a place of better understanding (but I feel that that is so obvious, it almost doesn't even make sense that the cards would point this out).  I think the 9 of Pentacles is saying that in the past I've felt alone (one of the problems with Old Guy is that there's a lot of "him" and "me" but not a lot of "we").  The 3 of Pentacles has me the most mystified--I have no idea of what to make of this, unless it is that I have to make an effort to build or create something--a relationship, trust????  I have no idea.  The 3 of Cups looks happy, but since I'm not sure what the previous card means, it's hard to get a fix on this. The 4 of Pentacles I think means I've been stingy with my emotions, that I'm afraid to take a chance or something like that (or, maybe money really is an issue).  I'm guessing the Emperor is Old Guy, but I have no idea what this is saying about him.  The Ace of Cups seems to say that I wanted this to be a happy beginning of a new romantic relationship.  And the last card seems like it indicates a happy relationship with a lot of reciprocity.  BUT...I'm still not sure what to take away from this.  Do I really feel something towards New Guy?  Is there real potential here?  Or is this all happening in my head because I want there to be someone who I can share my life with?  And what should I do????

I'm sorry for this post being so long, but I wanted to put in what seemed like the pertinent info.  And thank you so much in advance for any help that may come my way!!!

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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:03 pm

It all depends what was your question when you dealt the cards........... however.......

If this reading was only and only about the NEW guy and yourself, then here is my take on the points that you say you're in the dark:

Six of Pentacles: This is where things are not in balance, out of sync. One of you is either giving too much or too little to the 'relationship' or the connection that you have. There is an imbalance to the situation, whereby one may be wanting to have the cake and eat it -- you still having the old guy as a safety net in the background perhaps -- or perhaps he is wondering (the New guy)  if he is a match for you, as I get the feeling you are more financially settled (content) than him.

Six of Swords: The foundation of it all is that you want to get away from your past and steer towards clearer waters and have an objective to aim for. If your past has been troublesome on the love and romance front, you wish to find some serenity and settle down with the best of the worse, if you see what I mean. Because I dont get the feeling you are 100% sure about any of these guys. I feel you like the Old guy for his intellect, companionship and familiarity, and the New guy possibly for his physicality and perhaps sex appeal?

Nine of Pentacles indicates your self-sufficiency and self-contentment  in the life you had. You were in control of your life but now suddenly things are going beyond your control. The disciplined woman in the nine of pentacles, has somewhat lost control.

Three of Pentacles may indicate co-habitation, sharing of ideas and, indeed, putting those ideas into practice and start living them. But, in your own psyche, who with? The Old guy, the New guy or just a pie in the sky that you wish to settle down with A guy?

Four of Pentacles, sense of self-defence, looking after Number One (you) and clinging on to what feels most safe for you. This is not something bad, but if this feeling overtakes you, then, surely, you will not be able to make up your mind about any of these guys.

It will not be all lost though. With the Two of Cups you may make new acquaintances, new connections - but not necessarily the Real McCoy, but still carry on having a good time. Beware not to get carried away with the Two of Cups as the ultimate outcome of your wishes. It is simply the beginning of A CONNECTION but it may not be THE real things. Hence, the Three of Cups promises lots of good times and letting your hair down. Is that a bad thing, I ask myself?

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Post by lunargirl » Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:00 am

Thanks, Cedars, I really appreciate your help and insight.  Yes, my question was focused on the new guy, mainly I wanted insight into the situation with respect to how I really felt.  Alot of what you said was pretty accurate, especially what you said about the 6 of swords and the 4 of pentacles.  I really think I need to calm down so I can absorb everything.  Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!!

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Post by cedars » Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:30 am

You are most welcome Lunargirl and thank you for your swift feedback.


Take some time out for yourself; these things CAN'T be hurried and look after your very own self :)


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