in love with a straight guy...

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in love with a straight guy...

Post by Rising_Sun » Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:20 am

Hi everyone,
I'm posting this in here as I'm having a little problem in the love department.
& was hoping one of you could help me out? :)

So without further ado, i'll proceed to tell you about my current situation.

I started working with this guy on a project, he's the brother of a very good friend of mine so I've known him for a few years now, however this is the very first time that we work together.

And so for the past few months, we've been seeing each other every other day. I've grown fond of him pretty quickly and it'd be hard not to as all the time he's nothing but extremely nice towards me. he's actually extremely nice to everybody & I guess that is why he's surrounded by many friends.

the thing is, he is not just nice. he's also very flirty. He knows that I am gay and he's said and done some things that made me think he might be interested in me.

ie: one time I went to his place and he received me wearing nothing but his briefs (he was expecting me to come btw) & this didn't happen just one time but two times. he's always flirting w. me in various creative ways. he always invites me to his place for lunch and dinner, so one time i asked him why are you always inviting me for lunch & he said 'cos i like cooking for you' -he said that with a smile & a fond look on his face. i could go on & on but all these so called signs might as well mean nothing as he claims to be straight.

even tho i've never seen him with a girl. or even flirt with a girl. if anything i've only seen him flirt with other guys (!!!)

and let me tell you this guy is a fine looking man. he's in his mid 20's. he's fit/muscular, manly, pretty and smart. i'm pretty sure he could be with a beautiful young woman if he wanted to. but he's not...

i think i am a very intuitive person. i was born with a very sharp intuition but i believe i was able to polish it through the practice of meditation and yoga. and I keep getting the feeling that this person is confused about his sexuality mainly, i think, because of his environment. All his friends are straight, I don't think he has one gay friend, & they all expect him to have a girlfriend at some point. Also he might not want to disappoint his mother. He lives with her only and he never met his father.

The reason why I'm asking for a reading now is because strange and unusual things have been happening to me constantly ever since I started developing these feelings for him. like every time I look at the clock I see numbers like 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 etc. I used to believe that when that happened to you it means that someone's thinking of you.
And also every time I leave the house I notice that butterflies approach me now. all i know is that butterflies mean transformation.

this might as well make me sound crazy, but I keep getting this feeling like the Universe is trying to tell me something and I kind of sense it's connected with this guy. but I might be wrong. I don't know, maybe it doesn't have anything to do with a romantic relationship, maybe it's something else?

Anyway I really wanted to ask one of you guys if have any chances with this person at all. Because I really feel like I'm inevitably falling for him. The snowball that started with me just liking him has grown and now I find myself thinking about him many times during the day.

should I move on?
I haven't really made any moves on him. But I would if I knew he'd respond well.

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Post by cedars » Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:41 pm

Hello Rising Sun,

I hasten to add this is not a reading for I don’t believe you need a reading here and whether you stand a chance with him or not, is not something the tarot can answer.

Let us look into this outside the realms of the tarot.

You are 32 and sure of your sexuality and you say this other guy is in his twenties and still lives with his mother etc etc etc… I say he is gay and the reason why he is behaving that way with you (mark my words: I am not saying he is in love with you or has fallen for you) but the fact that he knows you are gay, he is feeling ‘okay’ to behave that way with you because you will not tell him off or reject him or make fun of him. The trouble I see here is how would he react if you made a pass at him? Would he suddenly withdraw and declare himself as being ‘‘straight’ and tell you off for your moves towards him?
This is anybody’s guess and I will reserve my thoughts to myself at this stage.

Is he Bi-curious? Could be. But for such a good looking guy as you describe him, why doesn’t he have a girl friend?

Do you want to wait and see until he is the one to make a move at you or come out to you? Are you willing to wait and go through the agony of whether he is or he is not, does he or does he not dilemma?

Why not ask him why he is single? Has he had girlfriends before? And I would dare to go further and add…. “why such a handsome guy like you is without a girlfriend?”

I wouldn’t even contemplate your chances with him at this stage. First, you need to find out where this guy stands with his sexuality. And, only then you can start wondering if you would like to ‘wait’ for him or think about your chances with him.
If he is not gay and his flirtatious behaviour is just to tease you…. and even if he is gay and he does not substantiate his behaviour with an honest approach to you, I think he is playing mind games and I wouldn’t advise you getting closer to him.

First thing’s first: Ask him the question. There is nothing wrong even if you ask him straight away if he is gay. What have you got to lose? At least the first step of this puzzle will show you where you stand within your own emotions and within your own self.

Let us know what happens.
Best wishes.

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Post by Rising_Sun » Sat Aug 30, 2014 3:59 pm

thanks for the advice Cedars. i appreciate it.

i feel like my friend really is gay, but he probably won't acknowledge it until he's 40 and married with children.

for the time being i think the best thing to do would be to follow your advice of not getting too close to him.

i just read something that a friend posted on fb about unrequited love. it said 'loving someone that doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus, the tighter you hold on, the more it hurts'

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Post by cedars » Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:12 pm

i just read something that a friend posted on fb about unrequited love. it said 'loving someone that doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus, the tighter you hold on, the more it hurts'
Your friend is right about it.

This other guy is in denial and there is no point sticking around him for you may end up getting hurt.

All the best to you.

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