will I be able to find mr. right?

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will I be able to find mr. right?

Post by mystikgal » Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:39 am

what does my future husband look like  ? :)

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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:35 am

Dear Mystikgal,

OK. Let's get this straight:

you have already been given a reading in the Psychic forum by my friend EOT. It was an extensive reading and it feels to me that you have ignored it and  now come to the Tarot forum requesting another reading.....

Apart from your question being unreasonable and intangible (what would my future husband look like) the site rules do not allow for a reading to be given, albeit in another forum, so soon after you've already had an extensive reading in the Psychic forum.

Moreover, which saddens me, your understanding of psychic and tarot and related divinations is somewhat skewed if not totally wrong.

No one can predict your future! No one can tell you what your future husband will look like!! I cant believe you have asked this question.

At the age of 24, I am a bit concerned that you are worried if you will ever be able to find Mr Right. I appreciate in certain cultures and societies marriage is something that has got to happen at a certain age and beyond that society may frown upon, but in answer to your question, no one can tell you if you will be able to find MR Right.  A reading can guide you on how to search your soul in preparation to this Mr Right, or show you ways in tackling your short comings or emotional maturity to be ready to meet a Mr Right... but no one can tell you IF and WHEN you will find him or what he will look like.

You have got the wrong idea on readings and divinations..... take some time and go through other readings in all forums and see how we work here..

There is no need for you to lose your sleep about your would-be future husband.... He may be somewhere for you, but the more you strive to finding him, the more difficult the journey will become for you.

You need to put this aside and go by the one reading that has been given to you instead of jumping from one forum to the other asking for further readings...

If you have any comments, I will be happy to read and respond.

Best wishes.

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Post by mystikgal » Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:58 am

I'm really sorry if I seem to have " ignored" your reading but I thought this was a free website for readings an yea I did read our reading. No need to sound mad or something. You could have just ignored my post or delete it , I'm a newbie here and forgive for sounding like I'm spamming the threads .

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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:43 am


I am not mad at you.

1) It was not my reading. It was someone else's in the Psychic forum.
2) Indeed, this is a free forum, but you should read (in fact all should) the guidelines for reading requests. This is something most people ignore. You have already been given a reading and two days later you cannot post another request for another reading.
3) I could not ignore your post.... if I did, then others will do the same mistake...

More importantly, and the reason why I could not ignore your post, is that your questions are unreasonable and No reader - unless they are prophets - can tell you what your future husband will look like? Do you actually believe someone can tell you that? If you do, then I rest my case and I invite anyone who can give you a description of your future husband.

Good luck.

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