Need guidance reading

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Need guidance reading

Post by nvncbl » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:59 am

Hi Everyone,

I am on a path and not sure which path to take for my career as I am looking into real estate agent or construction sector like a carpentry or plumber or finanical sector like banking or financial advisor and need some guidance on which path focus is right for me to focus on

Thank you for your guidance in advance and appreciate the reading


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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:19 am

Carpentry/plumbing vs finance and banking.....

hmmmmmm...... contradictory areas I'd say when it comes to deciding a career direction at your age.
I can't say my current direction is different to that - i.e. contradictory - but then again as the years go by you dont care too much about contradictions and you make do with two career paths and am sure each give their own compensation both financially and spiritually.

No reading can tell you what path to take. In fact, there are spreads that handle options and give you the pro's and con's for each option. In my experience, these spreads have never said which is bad and which is good. They say which has its up side and down side, which I am sure you are well aware. The choice will always be given to the person asking the question.

Because your options are rather different from each other, I would heed to the advice given to you by your inner self, your gut instinct. What are you drawn towards?
Which one pulls you more than the other?

I dont think anyone should tell you which one is good or bad for you. No one can or should take that responsibility. Only you can decide that, and if it does not work, then you make another decision or modify it slightly or completely. People do change careers in life; happens all the time.

Let me know your thoughts and sorry to disappoint you by not giving you a reading.
All the best.

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