Can someone give me a Celtic Cross reading?

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Can someone give me a Celtic Cross reading?

Post by capistranas » Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:23 pm

I'm interested in learning the Celtic Cross tarot reading and maybe you would like the practice, too.

I'm female, born 7/27/1964, United States and my question is will I be successful starting my new business of card reading?

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Post by writersblox » Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:51 pm

Hi there,
I am new at reading so please bear with me.   I am using the Aquatic Tarot reversals...enough negativity in

Celtic Cross Spread

Knight of Swords - Excitement, ambition, and upheaval.
Position 1 - Your Starting Point...Areas of your life that were once working for you are no longer. You must contend with stridency, deceitfulness, conflict, ridicule, and irony. There may be a separation, arguments, and deliberate cruelties. Nevertheless, it may also bring with it an environment of clarity and sober perception.

10 of Swords - An ending which is inevitable, yet promises new beginnings.
Position 2 - What is blocking you...You must make a choice and continue onward. Stop delaying the inevitable. You aware of what steps you need to take. You have taken chances and are now facing the outcome. Do not procrastinate. Do not deceive yourself.

Page of Cups - New beginnings, the birth of a child or budding relationships.
Position 3 - Crowning Card....Chance, impulse, and opportunity are looking for you in the form of either a venture, love, or a reconciliation. The circumstances feel exciting and scary, but you will feel a sense of  apprecation and gratitue. If a relationship be careful not to lose yourself.

6 of Wands - Victory, success, and public acclaim.
Position 4 - Your foundation... You are successful and receive joy and satisfaction . This card indicates good news. It shows results for your efforts. You will gain or already have a strong sense of self.

9 of Pentacles - Pleasure and comfort through material success and achievement.
Position 5-what is behind you... You had hopes and enthusiasm. You may of been lucky in money and life in general you have also experienced a sense of innerpeace.

King of Cups - Kindness, helpfulness.
Position 6 - What is ahead You are looking for a sense of connection, either with others or your own spirituality. You will need to explore  expression in the form of music, poetry, and the arts, including the healing arts.  Do not dismiss your intuition doing so can cause you negative experiences

Justice - Balance, wisdom and a need for rational, logical solutions.
Position 7 - Where you are.... You are now facing responsibility for past actions either good or bad.  You have clear objective knowledge, conscious judgment, balance, and fairness. You are responsible for your actions in life.

10 of Pentacles - Foundations for families, fortunes, or lasting traditions.
Position 8 - External  You are seen as being secure, serene and successful but there is a fear that you will settle into a rut.

5 of Swords - Acceptance of limitations, a need to work within boundaries.
Position 9 - Hope and Fears...You are anxious about conflict, adverse altercations, unfair blows, corruption, and humiliation. The 5 of Swords signifies your fear of loss and suffering.

6 of Pentacles - Generosity, benevolence and kindness.
Position 10 - Outcome...You will receive help, generosity, and kindness, through the support of others. Your  outlook that will be balanced, reliable, and positive. This card also signifies rewards for meaningful projects.

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Thank You!!!

Post by capistranas » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:27 am

Wow...some on the things I'm feeling you are very accurate about. You are good even if you are just starting. I'm considering a career in the Ministry of God and counseling people in Spirituality. I'm exploring spirituality and all of people's beliefs about it right now.

I hope you are right about it being successful and wish you continued succes, also.

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