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Clarification please.

Post by Vishwas » Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:10 pm

Actually I have never shwn much interest in Tartot's, Did get a couple of readings on softwares like the one of & Cartomancy, & got 2 readings by website.

Igot a reading for me on, on the 24th of November 2006. As others might know, we can manaually select cards, (online ofcourse), & it took me a lot of tries to select the cards, twice I selected them & the refreshed again to take out cards again. & then got a reading. It was called a Harmony Celtic Reading. (Free ofcourse), & I got 11 cards & the answers, but I am such a fool, that I am reading it today, after almost one & a half months. (LOL, No time for myself).

Anyway back to the topic, now my question there was: "Give me a reflection on what is going to happen with regard to my future, my business & my love life?". First time ever I seriously asked a question, then again with others in my mind.

The cards I got are as follows.

1. SELF: Two of Wands.
2. SITUATION: The World.
4. FOUNDATION: Five of Wands.
5. RECENT PAST: Strength.
6. HIGHER POWER: The Hierophant.
7. DEVELOPMENTS: Ace of Cups.
8. LESSON: Knight of Wands.
9. ALLIES: Ten of Coins.
10. ADVICE: The Lovers.
11. POTENTIALS: Ten of Cups.

I haven't understood the reading clearly, & would be helpful if someone can explain this to me, like they would do to a kid (Hey I am still a kid in someways, 22 only).

Is there any significance if one set of cards appear a lot in a reading?? For example I have 3 of Wands & 3 of Cups, they both themself make up for half of the reading. Then again, Major Arcana has 4 cards.

Will be helpful, if some one could give me their interpretations about this, more than one too, u can always use my reading as a practice one for u.

Thanx in advance.

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Post by RedWhisper » Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:06 pm

I don't know what deck they use, or how accurate their online readings are, but I can give you some idea of how I would interpret them using the RWS deck.

1. SELF: Two of Wands.

You are looking for something more in your life. This may be a time of contemplation for you.

2. SITUATION: The World.

You may be heavily involved with other people, work and/or social events. You are very well integrated into your environment, and play many important roles.


She can represent a happy marriage, a loving woman. Perhaps you are looking for the right partner? Or, perhaps there is a woman in your life who you may be considering for something more serious?

4. FOUNDATION: Five of Wands.

Struggle, competition. There may be other men in your life who you regularly compete with. This may be connected to the above card?

5. RECENT PAST: Strength.

You have been called on to show patience, compassion and endurance in a difficult situation.

6. HIGHER POWER: The Hierophant.

This could indicate that you have a strong faith, or that you take great pride in your cultural traditions and heritage.

7. DEVELOPMENTS: Ace of Cups.

New opportunities will be open to you shortly.

8. LESSON: Knight of Wands.

You will need to control your temper, as strong emotions may make you act impulsively and rashly. This can cause you a lot of trouble.

9. ALLIES: Ten of Coins.

Your life is stable, and secure. You don't worry much about money or security factors.

10. ADVICE: The Lovers.

If you already have a partner in mind, it may be time to consider becoming more serious. If not, you may wish to look for a romantic partner, and focus on this area of your life.

11. POTENTIALS: Ten of Cups.

If you do pursue a relationship, it is likely to bring you much happiness and contentment.

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:08 am

Thank you for the  reading RedWhisper. It is very good.

The deck used was the KARMA Tarot cards.

RedWhisper wrote:
1. SELF: Two of Wands.

You are looking for something more in your life. This may be a time of contemplation for you.

CONTEMPLATION?? That I have been doing a lot these days.

2. SITUATION: The World.

You may be heavily involved with other people, work and/or social events. You are very well integrated into your environment, and play many important roles.

YEP, that I do, this site (& the many members here) is/are a good example for it. & Being Site Admin is a very important role.


She can represent a happy marriage, a loving woman. Perhaps you are looking for the right partner? Or, perhaps there is a woman in your life who you may be considering for something more serious?

I do have a female whom I am love & am as serious as to marry her, but I am trying to move on, I want to prove myself (to her, my parents & the world at large) before I ask her.

4. FOUNDATION: Five of Wands.

Struggle, competition. There may be other men in your life who you regularly compete with. This may be connected to the above card?

There are loads of men who always have seen me as Competition, even though I haven't seen them as anywhere even near to my level of Cometition, None connected to the above card, if there was then maybe I would have fought, provided the girl aslo loved me & not the other person.

5. RECENT PAST: Strength.

You have been called on to show patience, compassion and endurance in a difficult situation.

Yes, & the Patience part is where I am losing, endurance, after 5 years I am down, I am feeling down, but not out, & wanna quit before I am out.

6. HIGHER POWER: The Hierophant.

This could indicate that you have a strong faith, or that you take great pride in your cultural traditions and heritage.

Traditions NO, heritage YES. Faith, my name Vishwas (also my First name) itself means Faith. I have faith in God, magick & loads of stuff, even the good of humans, but not religion.

7. DEVELOPMENTS: Ace of Cups.

New opportunities will be open to you shortly.

That is good to hear. I am planning to go abroad for work, lets see.

8. LESSON: Knight of Wands.

You will need to control your temper, as strong emotions may make you act impulsively and rashly. This can cause you a lot of trouble.

Ah, the temper, that I need to control. & Have caused a lot of trouble.

9. ALLIES: Ten of Coins.

Your life is stable, and secure. You don't worry much about money or security factors.

I don't worry much about money for my sake, but my life is neither secure nor stable, & defiently I don't see the future as secure until & unless I do something about it. & something great too.

10. ADVICE: The Lovers.

If you already have a partner in mind, it may be time to consider becoming more serious. If not, you may wish to look for a romantic partner, and focus on this area of your life.

As I prevously said, I do have one in mind, but I want to prove myself before I become more serious about the relation. Then again I am trying to move on, & settle before looking for thesame person or someone else.

11. POTENTIALS: Ten of Cups.

If you do pursue a relationship, it is likely to bring you much happiness and contentment.

Oh I would love to, but I am afraid, the fear of rejection & fear of screwing it all up is making it difficult to me, & not to mention the long-distance between us & my feelings of Self-worthlessness. My life is becoming a bigger mess day by day.

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Harmony Celtic Reading

Post by Gypcywoman » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:32 pm


Here is an interpretation to the spread you pulled in Nov 2006. Though I wonder how relevant it would be as on today.

Generally, I do not interpret individual card. I focus on entire spread and I get an insight about the situation. So, may be I am more a psychic reader than a tarot reader. But I do need to pull cads.

Back to the spread you pulled in Nov 2006. While pulling the cards your focus was on future prospects regarding business and relationship. So let us interpret the spread accordingly. Here I get the feeling that you need to come out of the restricting conditions and explore new avenues - (2 of Wands). You need to achieve balance and harmony while breaking free from the dominance and restrictions. This may result in quick realization of your goals - (The World). Queen of Cups as a challenges and opportunity card is very significant. It indicates that you need to acknowledge your emotions and feelings. Being a young and energetic person, your relationships so far have been of physical involvement. You have not been able to connect emotionally with any of your partners. now you have attracted or going to attract soon, a loving and caring partner. If you can evolve your physical desires into love, this relationship can materialize into a long term relationship.

In the past you have faced tough situations and difficulties - (Strength). Five of wands as a foundation card suggests that you have faced great competition, but you give your 100% to your work as well as relationship. As a result one new opportunity will be offered to you - (ace of cups). Ace of cup indicates a new beginning, which would be satisfying and rewarding for you.

Lesson learnt so far is: Give your 100% to whatever you do. The Hierophant as a Higher power card is again very significant. It emphasizes ethical behavior. Play according to the rules, even though you may find it restricting or confining. As a result you will get support from your higher authorities.

Your network, your team, your family is your real support. They will stand by you in difficult situations - (ten of coins). Lovers card in advice situation indicates that you have made certain choices based on your likings and immediate attraction. But these choices can become your lifetime commitments - (ten of cups).

In a nutshell, by now you must have attracted a new friend who is very loving and caring. Workwise you must have been offered a new opportunity that is beneficial for overall progress. You may travel abroad soon.

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Re: Harmony Celtic Reading

Post by Vishwas » Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:58 pm

Gypcywoman, first of all thank you very much for the reading, secondly I apologise for not replying earlier, I was trying to get your reading around my mind. I do have a few questions, if u don't mind.

So you are suggesting that I "Break out of my current position" & "explore new avenues" & "Achieving balance and harmony while breaking free from the dominance and restrictions" will help me to "Quickly realize my goals"??

"Acknowledging emotions and feelings", the most difficult thing for an Aquarian. (No relationships till now, so absolutely no Physical involovment, & anyway we Aquraians live in the head not the body). Hmm, Love, the world runs on Love, me unlucky in that department still.

Shit, I missed that oppertunity when I got it, should have asked her before itself. Missed that opportunity in late Dec, early Jan. Think I will recieve more good opportunities in the near future too??

Thanx for posting about the lesson that is one that I have learnt & do implement it in all aspects of my life, & hope I have enough strength to do it for the rest of my life, just hope I get that support soon too.

"Your network, your team, your family is your real support. They will stand by you in difficult situations" Just hope that they do.

"But these choices can become your lifetime commitments" I would like it if it does.

After that I have attracted a lot of new friends, but none for a romantic relationship, that will have to be an old friend. I delayed & lost that opportunity for work abroad, do u think I will get another chance at both the work (abroad) & love??

Overall this is a good reading, thanx again.

Hey, ur name is preethi?? so is my sis, nice meeting u. u are from India too??

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Re: Clarification please.

Post by Light2000 » Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:55 am

Hi vis.

First i need to say i don't use this spread much because i read a lot looking at the cards that are sorrunding and at this spread is dificult to use that metod. But here some insights

Vishwas wrote: "Give me a reflection on what is going to happen with regard to my future, my business & my love life?".
The cards I got are as follows.

1. SELF: Two of Wands.

The 2 of wands has self shows you with some fears of future and of doing some steps that you'd like to do. Is like you think the world is so big and there are so many things to chouse or do, that you ask yourself if you are prepared. You can think you are too young for some thinks or you are not prepare for something.

This card can aslo show you want to change soemthing at your life, like have courage to leave home or to look for other job, or a promotion.
And says you are making projects to the future, thinking what is better for you, what is the next step to do for achive the things you want.

Bus this card has a negative side too, it shows some fears and that you are a litle stop, not knowing what next step to take, and you have affraid of doing the wrong step.

Like the next card is the world, says you care a lot to what your family or close friends thing about your sucess and you care a lot for their opnions. Also says you protect a litle from the world, and you have afraid of being a litle rejected by society at general.

The 2 cards toghter for me says also you have a project or you will have and you have affraid of not be able to finish it with sucess or not finish it at all. This project or exam or goal is very important for you and your interior well being, and involves other person, like a group or institution.
Can mean also this project involves the society at general, maybe a thing you think will improve your enviorement and you don't want to take the risk of fail it.

2. SITUATION: The World.

This card talks about your projects and dreams. Usualy this card for dreams means you have your feet on the ground and you don't want to dream too much, you prefere to celebrate only at the end.

this card has situtaion says you are thinking at future at general, and there are many options for you, so you are thinking at many things at the moment. Also says you are a litle defensive, like you have a mini world, and you don't like to feel very exposed. You have a gruop of people that you love much and only to that people you are very open, and you care a lot for them. You dn't want nothing to threat this mini world of you and you are very protective of your family or this group.

But like the 2 of wands is before this card, says you take some time to make the first step, you think a lot of what can happen to you at the negative and positive way.


the queen of cups talks about a love you have, a romantic lady and that has fellings for you too.

But has challenges say you will need to look at your emotions, intutions and risk more. This queen has opportunities says you have an artisitc side or caring side and is time to use it now. This is time to use emotions and intutions.

Also this queen says esoteric world is calling you, like tarot, or runes or astrology, things like that. But is a thing that needs more intution than studies. So this is challenge , and like the world is before says you need to use and pratice with others and like 2 of wands is before the world, you need to lose the fear of fail at your intutions and to say what you think and feel.

Is time to folow more the fellings than the head, and this card says you have an important woman surroding you, that has this qualities i said before. A woman that use her intution to help others and to exchange intutions.

4. FOUNDATION: Five of Wands.

Foundations has 5 of wands can talk the love you have at the moment has some challenges and could started a litle with out importance, but the queen of cups says you passed to next level.

But the queen before says there are a litle contradiction isndie of you, intution fellings versus head and goals.

This card can say you had a litle disagrement with a people you like a lot, but noting important because this card is never too serious. Also says you was a play child, that had a lot less fears than now.

5. RECENT PAST: Strength.

The streght has recent past says you had moments of stress and situations you needed to be strong and you didn't let yourself going down.
Also says you are a litle stuboorn and you fight for what you belive. Like the 5 of wands is fundation says you had samll fights that you won. Like having exams, litle discussions. the fights i talk aren't psysical ones, is the litle things that happens at live that we need to live with. this also shows you had a situation that involved your physical energy, so it wans't a stoped past.

6. HIGHER POWER: The Hierophant.

The hierophant at this postition says you have a strong morale and that is very important for you. You like all clear, nothing illegal. You care about god, or faith and legal problems. So is hard for you to lie or not be true to soemone. But this cards says again that you need time, you aren't impulsive and you like to have time has your friend.

You are very mature and you respect older people and knowdlegemnt. And can say your gradfather or gradmother or you take a old person has example of morale. Like 5 of wands was the fundations says you had situations that your morale was at danger, you knew what to do but you was scare of not doing the right thing, but hirophant at highter postions says morale prevailed. Also can said you felt like you was at one test or exam.

7. DEVELOPMENTS: Ace of Cups.

The ace of cups is an offer for you, innocense and new begining. You are in love but you will be more in love. Like the hierophat was before can say this is like a offer of god to you.

The ace can be a new job or promotion, but like the strenght is there can say you need to show you deserve this. And like 5 of wands is at fundations says there are more poepel to the same place. This job can involve legal things, or papers, books, one institution.

Has love this card means you will take a romance for next level and you will become fiancee of your girlfriend. Like you made 3 questions to the same spread is ahrd to tell.

8. LESSON: Knight of Wands.

The lesson is to take risks, to left the old and risk the new. This can involve the change of house or an envioremnt you already know. This card tells you to be more free and impulsive too. have more expasion, don't have so much attachaments to old things. Also this card says you will never lose what you conquer so far, the fact is things changes. there different levels at life and a new level is about to start.
The ace of cups was before so is an opportunity to change life.

9. ALLIES: Ten of Coins.

The allies is family and close friends again. You belive they give you all the protection you need, and you are very close to them. They are very important for you and you can rely at them. You have a strong conection to soem of them and you feel very well at that circle. You love to be at home.

The allies for a project is a group of different people.

10. ADVICE: The Lovers.

The lovers has advice says you have 2 options at this monet or you will have. One seem an illusion and you have afraid to take the risk to that one the other one that seem more obvious is more easy.

Also show again the contradiction of intution and feelings versus mind at your head. The advice is to use both. You have affraid of lossing time with a project and then don't have much time to other part of your life.

Carrer seems very important for you because can give you security and seems security is one of the things you want more.
There are 2 ways of doing the project you have in mind.

11. POTENTIALS: Ten of Cups.

The potencial is family again, a good relation, good friends and happiness. You like to share your happiness and everthing you have. This card says to folow your heart, a very important phase is about to start, Don't be so stuck at chopises (because lovers was before). The project only will have sucess if you share responsabilities.

Don't know what to say more, if somehting more come to my mind i will add. You know i don't use celtic cross at all and is even harder when you asked 3 different things to this spread.

Hope i helped you a litle, take care

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