a tarot reading plsss.

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a tarot reading plsss.

Post by khushi » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:06 am

hi this s khushnum here i want a tarot reading on my marriage in general . i m a capricorn born on 31/12/1978 n my husband rahim s a gemini n born on 26/05/72.

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here you go

Post by Emi » Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:46 pm

hi khushi

i read fairie oracle cards. i don't have much experience reading over the internet but i am willing to give it a try. here's what i see for your marriage:


The maiden in reverse represents your current situation. the maiden is one of the loveliest cards representing auspicious beginnings, growth, joy and hope. Here however she is in reverse and we see her energy blocked and twisted. This indicates you and your husband are having difficulty creating a future together that is anything more than minimal and mundane. One or both of you may be becoming gullible, impulsive or lost in unrealistic dreams and expectations. You may have become pessimistic and even miserable unable to see joy in your union. This is powerful energy and it will take equally powerful energy or action to get things back on track. The book says exactly this and I suspect it may apply; Someone needs to be an adult here!


Your past is represented here by the Bodacious Bodach. That Bodach causes trouble in so many relationships! He has appeared in my own relationship related cards more than once! But I digress. The Bodach indicates that some one has been meddling in your relationships or has been engaged in helpful fixing which is not helpful at all! This could indicate you or your husband meddling in the others affairs but I suspect it is indicating a "well meaning" family member stirring up trouble. Beware the Bodach! Even if this is no longer occurring once he has taken a liking to some one he rarely goes far! Be sure others are not meddling in your relationship. If they are address this problem immediately! Alternately if the medlesome one is you stop! you are not helping things.


Oh dear! Your future truly is unclear. It is represented by my own faery guide whose form is as yet undetermined. What I do know of her indicates you would be wise to avoid rash decisions as they will almost always lead you astray. You may benefit by getting away together either literally or simply by setting some time aside where you can connect with each other and temporarily at least forget the pressures of outside life...work, family. Consider if you have been letting the outside world affect your being together. have you been taking your frustrations with others out on each other? have you adopted others views of your partner? do you remember what it is about each others core self that you love?


this is for you. if you are to make this union work you must remember to take joy in your everyday blessings. approach your relationship with a childlike and trusting heart. do not look for hidden meanings in his every tiny motion or comment for they are not there! take him as he is. be adventurous and playful together. lighten up a bit! Mickle a Muckle the friendly silly grig says that by being silly and merry together you and your husband may see things more clearly and rediscover the joy you have lost. I told you earlier that some one must be an adult in this relationship but please don't take this the wrong way! being an adult does not mean being boring and serious all the time. Be a joyful adult who is realistic yes, but not afraid to play and dream.


for this union to work rahim must remember the following. he must be not only a dutiful, virtuous participant but also a joyful and willing one. is he a very honorable and dutiful man who sometimes forgets to take joy in fulfilling his duties? perhaps you can help remind him that duty, like his duty to you, can be joyful. This card (the collective of pixies) could indicate he is not being duitiful and virtuous but in this case i do not think so. I think he is being bogged down by duty and forgetting the joy. I suspect the two of you would benefit by going dancing together.

Best of luck and please let me know if this reading was helpful and rang true to you.

Fairie dust,


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Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:28 pm

thanx a million...

Post by khushi » Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:08 pm

hi emily,
thank u so much for takin time n providing me with some answers . they do ring a bell somewhere for me. i guess we take everything for granted . thanx once again.
love khushi

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