A Love Reading

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A Love Reading

Post by fallenangel » Mon May 21, 2007 5:42 pm

Hi! I'd like to ask if anyone would have the time to read for me. Usually, I can't read for myself. I'd try to read for others here but I hope that it comes out accurate :)

Anyway, here's my scenario. I've been liking someone for over a year already and he's just been giving me confusing signals. He avoids me like the plague during a gathering, but he warms up in unexpected circumstances. I am left baffled, always at loss for words, with disbelief. My question is , is this guy even interested, or is he just plain not into me, nor finding me attractive/relationship material at all? I just want to know if I should continue my reaching out since he is shy, after all. I'm confused.

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Rising Sun
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Re: A Love Reading

Post by Rising Sun » Thu May 24, 2007 2:53 pm

fallenangel wrote:Hi! I'd like to ask if anyone would have the time to read for me. Usually, I can't read for myself. I'd try to read for others here but I hope that it comes out accurate :)

Anyway, here's my scenario. I've been liking someone for over a year already and he's just been giving me confusing signals. He avoids me like the plague during a gathering, but he warms up in unexpected circumstances. I am left baffled, always at loss for words, with disbelief. My question is , is this guy even interested, or is he just plain not into me, nor finding me attractive/relationship material at all? I just want to know if I should continue my reaching out since he is shy, after all. I'm confused.
Isn't it infuriating when that happens! I have found that it is sometimes because their friends might not aprove of us but the guy still likes us? Working to wards the future without his friends aproval is very hard. I did a 6 card relationship reading for you, here it is.

Him, The Tower
Full of energy and emotion trying hard to keep it all under control scared of showing any tiny chink in his armour because he fears that he would gush and put people off by being so loving and full of kindness. He has to keep a tough exterior. And is being tormented by daydreams and fantasies of what might be.

You, The Stars
Full of hidden depths, mysterious, caring, gentle and with an inner calmness that makes people a little bit scared of approaching you and getting a cold shoulder. You watch carefully from afar and wait for the perfect opportunity to shine, you are slightly insecure and lacking in self confidence when it comes to matters of the heart, you need to slightly change you manner so that your glow is seen by all and everyone feels your warmth.

Between You, Temperance
One of you needs to be the first to dip your toe into the water and see if it is truly cold or perhaps it might just be luekwarm, too much balance and not enough one sidedness. Break some eggs and see if you end up clearing them up alone.

Helping Hands, The Heirophant, The Wheel, The Hermit
Three factors influence the outcome here, the first shows me that there is a strong family situation, perhaps it has to do with religion or race, perhaps it is friction from parents, but there is a strong overpowering influence that shows the possiblity of misinterpretation and confusion that leads to pain.
Gambling, lucky chance, taking risks, research and ask questions, show your interst, let peole know you like this guy. You may find that you need to hide parts of yourself to get the interest you want, do you scare him for some reason? Perhaps show your child funlike side, laugh, be happy and dazzle him with your charm, nothing ventured nothing gained, try and see :)

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Post by fallenangel » Thu May 24, 2007 3:35 pm

Woah, at least for me  , it is very accurate. I have no doubt that the guy I like does not have any clue that I like him , for sure due to my facade. But I try my best to talk to him, and I understand that he is very shy. I'm not sure on what's in his thoughts, so i can't say, but I hope that that is the case.

So, does that mean that he might be interested , but is scared to approach me?

Oh my , I don't know what to do. Sometimes I just want to give up and just move on, but sometimes I feel that I really like him.

Thank you for your help. It enlightened me somehow. :)

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