DEBORAH - Can you do a tarot reading for me?

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Hello again!

Post by chickpea1979 » Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:14 am

Hi Sabhel,

Good to hear from you! Congratulations on your pregnancy! You must be very excited. The nausea and heatburn may look bad now, but it will all be worth it in the end!!!!

Thanks for getting back to me. Not sure who the two men are that you saw in the three card reading? I cannot think of any older men that are helping me with my work and cannot think of any suave younger guys that I have met that I like? Maybe that is ahead of me?? There is one man that I know who has a great business mind, has his own business, is an achiever and whom I admire. Perhaps it is him that you saw?

My query is still regarding love and career. I know this is a very open query, but I would like a general feel for how there two areas of my life are going to progress over the coming months, especially my career, e.g. career direction. I have a few big decisions to make in the coming weeks/ months, so any assistance that you can offer would be great.

Thank you,
Chickpea :smt008

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hello chickpea

Post by Sabhel » Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:31 am

Hi chickpea this is sabhel.

I will do a general overall reading re: your two questions and put it up as well as with the cards next time. But remember there are many choices or paths you can take so I cannot put a time limit on this re: your questions.

great to hear from you,

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Post by weng4dean » Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:08 am

Hi Deborah! I hope i could have a chance for your tarrot reading.....hear from you soon...

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Whew finally....chickpeas reading from sabhel

Post by Sabhel » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:19 am

:smt006 hello again and yes finally.....I really never thought it would take this long but my home life has been a bit busy or nauseated temp....well I have ten more weeks to go or so and I still have not been able to pin point the little baby boy's name....nothing is grabbing yet??? oh well this too shall pass...smiles.

Ok chickpea you wanted me to keep the same quest re: career and romance.

I did a three card reading :

questions I asked the card for you were,

1. what does chickpea need to learn most currently?
2. what is chickpeas greatest priority currently?
3. What wisdom is ther for chickpea re: romance and relationships.

I pulled amazingly: money and emotions (pents/cups)
your two main concerns....and beautiful cards I felt they were for your current confusions....smiles.

they were

1. Queen of pentacles
2. 10 of pentacles
3. 10 of cups

For the Question re: queen of pentacles its telling you
that either there is a family member or friend your really close with and respect as well as look up to for various reasons you dont often share except within your thoughts.

This women has a green thumb and always welcomes children, pets, plants and comfort and nurturing in her home . her happiness is helping people and caring for others ...this is her joy.

this women lets you be yourself and not judged or questioned about your choices or beliefs yet supports you w/ choices and remains loyal to you when it comes to keeping confidential and secrets.

somehow she always seems to pull thru with you re: any concern or advice needing clairity and this time she is try to tell you currently is to trust in her words of wisdom that sometimes sound to simple to believe,

recently you should be walking into some big decisions an choices to be made soon, go to this person whom brings you a sense of comfort , warmth and trust and listen to her messages, she will calm your fears and bring you much clairity.

simple as it may sound all she wants you to try to do is think and feel like her for the time being and soon this should bring a inner peace within you for clairity and understanding in many new areas needed to succeed.

Quest 2. your greatest priority currently,

10 Pentacles

seeing material success,
still seeing a gray hair man always seems to be watching over you but quietly he does not disrupt your journey yet is like a shadow in a way...he may be a family member or someone whom sees potential w/ you in some area or takes a liking to you like his own grandchild???? still unsure but he will be w/you thru your upcoming journeys and wants to help you any way needed to get you to your success and foundation of stability w/ career.

seeing a younger guy still , dark hair around you with work and leisure and a women possibly with a announcement soon of pregnancy....someone you know or yourself poss in near future a pregnancy will arrive wether it be fruitful w/ wealth or a child to come???

see men and women of wealth,
dont let fear stop you , now is a good time to go w/ your choices yet conservativly re: career moves.

Use tradition, family will support you some may now have doubts that create your anxiety but will supporty you to your success in the end and give there acceptance and supporty as well. need to focus on long term goals now, this will create your secure foundation your doubting will be there when approached.

Trust known ways yet only when change is inadvisable.

you need stability and need to work more now towards a lasting solution, now maybe a good time to settle down and make the arrangement that will work for you far into the future....Good timing approaches.
security and wealth with career/business choices....everything new or change always seems to put those butterflies in our stomach but we need these to take the chances in order to grow.

are you afraid of letting someone down? Or do you feel like your obligated to stay for someone which is causing your confusion or mixed emotions...your heart is big and also sense a big emotional attachment to family.

remember to go to the queen of pent card find her or him whomever you confide in and sense warmth clarity and messages to your confusion awaits with support in many areas.

3rd card: what wisdom is there for your re: love and relationships

see joy , peace, and enjoyment to come.
family happiness.

dont get blinded by the trials of life and overwhelmed by challenges. Practice finding the joy and creating the peace in you and others.

dont judge people accept them for whom they are , if things get hectic joy is always near...grasp it and this will help bring harmony within yourself that others will see and take a liking to.

end to hostility is possible if currently there is arguements and fighting near you , it may cease.
if your at war with yourself still Now will be the time you may find peace and fullfillment.

abundent blessings is coming
may find key to happiness thru family...for better or for worse is your bond.

restore harmony, timing is good for greater closesness.
calling a truce, support a realative in need and bond w/ family members.

need to forgive someone either friend or in family.
going on a family event soon or trip.....

well chickpea....good luck I hope I was of some help for you any questions feel free to ask ,

blessings with much happiness and luck to you ,

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Merci / Thank You / Go raibh mile mait agat (Irish for thank you)!!

Post by chickpea1979 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:11 am

Hi Sabhel,

Thank you so much for taking the time out to do my reading. I know it took you some weeks, but it was worth the wait!! :smt003

A lot of what you said holds true for me, as in I need to make some big decisions now regarding my career and where I want to live and I feel that once I do this I will feel more settled. I'm unsettled at the moment! So, definitely, I need to develop my long terms goals. I'm finding it difficult, because I want to change career direction, but am unsure as to what path to take. Therefore I feel at times that my energies are really divided!

Still not sure who the older man and younger guy are. Perhaps they are people who are due to come into my life in the coming months? Also, the queen of pentacles person......not too sure who this is either?

I'm glad that you saw some positive changes for me regarding career. What about timing of events regarding career? Are we looking at this year or next year?

Regarding the family trip......I'm going to my sisters 40th birthday party next weekend. Majority of my family will be there. Its a 6 hour drive away from where I live.....but I'm looking forward to it.

You are right about my family, I am close to them, but sometimes they suffocate me. I hope that it is one of my sisters that you see as having a baby, because I am not in a relationship and would not be ready for a baby!! :)

What are your feelings regarding the possibility of me working for myself? What career field do you feel would be good for me. I know that you probably cannot answer these questions, but I thought I'd ask anyway!

Finally, the cards that you pulled.....would you regard that as positive cards that have a progressive element to them? (Excuse my ignorance, because I have limited knowledge of tarot cards!).

I hope you are feeling better. You have not that long to hang in there!! :smt003

Take Care of yourself and THANK YOU once again!

Chickpea :smt008 :smt006

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hi Deb its me again...

Post by weng4dean » Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:56 am

Hi Deb! Until now i'm still waiting for your reply in my request...i know you are too busy and i guess to much request to read to..But im really eager to hear from you...thanks again..


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Post by Deborah » Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:13 pm

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