serious conflicts in life - need a reading

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Post by cedars » Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:40 pm

Hi Phantom,
I am not sure about the when and how, although I picked a card for you and it was the Justice card.
Dont be in such a hurry; justice will prevail. You have a lot of hatred in you which I understand, but Justice will prevail by the universe.

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Post by pamDemonium » Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:14 pm

Well looking at your grammar, I'd say your friend had to rewrite the play and now thinks it's his.

I chose one card for you. 6 of wands. You will know what victory really means and requires. You may finally win. YOur win will last longer if it is shared with all that made it happen. They can help you prepare for future challenges.

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Post by methinks » Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:25 am


No offense but I think you need to look at the big picture and learn the important lesson here.

I too am a budding script writer/novelist. From what I read, your friend took advantage of you and your possible nativity and/or the chance to strike gold. Of course I don't know the exact details of how close your friendship was but, in the industry of script writing, you should of had some kind of legal document in writing. You say you are sticking it in it for the future credit but if your "friend" has treated you like that, I seruiously doubt that he will give you any credit at all.

I highly advise next time that any partnership you enter no matter whether it is family or friend, this industry requires (notice i did not use the word needed) some sort of legal document. It protects both parties.

Sometimes the lessons we need to learn are the hardest ones.

Good luck.

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Post by Casey » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:19 pm

Wasting my breath if this is not a reading? I am here for truth, just like you, friend.

Just based on the way you responded to the first reading, it is easy to see as an outsider that some of the things that came up may have been true. There was no real regard for the reading in itself -- and I can imagine why since it seemed to put you in a bit of a negative light. That said, the negative light increased in its brightness when you gave your response.

My advice to me, and to you, is to listen and evaluate if some of the things that came up in your requested tarot reading could be true, no matter how hard it is to convince yourself that you may not be percieved by other people the way you think you are percieved. A false image to sheild away the hurts and puts other people in the dog house, not yourself.

Sometimes the Dog-House is my home. We all have a little dog-house. (And I say this with the knowledge that you know these things. The problem isn't in knowing, the problem is in every day application of that knowledge. I fail in this principle frequently, so I have no fingers to point at you. As it stands, I hope you re-read the tarot cards picked out just for you. Self-Improvement for ALL!)


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