Tarot Reading for crown

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Tarot Reading for crown

Post by samantha234 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:29 pm

 I will do a reading for you. I am Samantha and I do Tarot readings. Lets find out what is happening, shall we?
 I see that you have happiness in your life and that business is now prospering for you, but I also see someone in your life is trying to take that away from you They can try but will not succeed because you have the ace of pentacles- the beginning of money and prosperity, and the magician next to the 5 of swords which shows you have conquered the enemy and are master of all you survey!
  I also see that you are tossed inbetween your homelife and businss and are feeling emotionally trapped trying to balance the two, but you are holding tightly to what you have. I see you listen to the small voice within for spiritual guidance and you are very psychic.
The next three cards show me that you will recieve good news soon at a party or celebration concerning a change of residence or location.
All looks good my friend, I wish you luck!
 I hope you enjoyed your reading and if I can be any further help, please let me know.
                                                                              Love and Light,

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