Reading for Pravin Kumar

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Reading for Pravin Kumar

Post by Deborah » Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:28 pm

Pravin Kumar would like to know in regards to his and his sons buisness and his retirement. Please note this is not a reading regarding his son. This is pureley about his buisness that they share.
There are many things surrounding you. You mentioned retirment but part of you feels you are the leader and you need to direct and the other half of you is saying its time to become more spiritual... Have you had a message delivered to you?

A new relationship is about to enter your life. When we plant a garden sometimes the seeds take awhile to take off...this is like your life are the seed that was planted and now its time for you to take enjoy the life you dream of.

May I ask if you and your son work side by side ..or is there a distance? I feel a distance between you to ..far distance ..maybe he is in another country?

Beware of an offer that may come to you. Is it to your benefit to take such an offer? Use your education and knowlede to obtain your spiritual growth ..high road is not always the easy road.

You are a very responsible have to let go of a past decission..learn from it and let go. Set new goals and achieve them.

Do you tire easily? You need to pull from your artsy abilitys .. you need to use this artsyness it will guide you into reality.

Are you loosing interest in your work that once was soo important to you?
You are a devoted indivitual and love your work but now you tire of it easily. This is ok you are now leaning on earthy and spiritual full fillments to guide you in this part of life.
Do not alow your self to become emotionally withdrawn.

You are in the dark now and approcching the morning sun...the end to what suffereing you have seen..Now is the time for your spirituality to shine. n the past you have been over confident and it may have hurt u and ur family.

you are a great person who pushes others to achieve all they can. You have a very magnetic personality.

You have had a recent set back with illness? All will be ok and you will overcome these.
You are so free spirited from worries ..enjoy life! Buisness is taking off and everything will be great!

Happy reading!

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