A Question Please

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A Question Please

Post by ZODIAC » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:13 pm

:smt006   Hi everyone,I just have a couple of questions if I may ask?

When doing a reading for a sitter what spread do you usually use?

I tend to either use Celtic Cross for a general reading,when the sitter sort of wants to know a few different things.
Or I use a fuller 21 Card spread if the sitter wants a more indepth reading and to cover more situations etc.

Would anyone advice if this is best? or do you have set spreads for certain situations? I know its best to follow what you think right which I do but would love any feedback on this please.

Secondly does anyone find when doing a reading they seem to hit more on what has happened in the sitters life rather than what is ahead?

As often my client will say at the end" I can take all that info which is spot on and its happened" which leaves me feeling I have only told them what they already know

This isnt happening all the time thankfully but it makes me wonder.

Also as I am reading I suddenly get very strong images come to me and whole scenes of what will happen. or a very strong discription of what Iam telling them ie a house they will buy or I can describe a person to them spot on. What is this all about then????

am I clairvoyant or what do you think

Thanks for reading this

Zodiac x :)

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