Would love to have a reading done...

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Would love to have a reading done...

Post by breathingwater » Tue Dec 26, 2006 3:21 am

I would really love if someone experienced could do a Tarot reading for me.  I've been slowly learning and doing readings for friends and families but would love to have the cards turned on me this time.  It would be much appreciated.

I'm female and date of birth is 1/26/1987.  Thanks for your time.

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Post by RedWhisper » Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:50 am

I did a Celtic Cross Reading for you. I'd value your feedback, since I am also a new reader. :)

Card 1 - central issue - the Empress.

Card 2 - obstacle - the World. Perhaps you feel out of the loop, not truly in touch with where you would like to be? You may be feeling that you do not belong in your current environment.

Card 3 - the ideal - 3 of swords. A fairly odd position for this card. A disruption or isolation, which on the surface appears to be bad, may actually be the best thing for you. On an aside, are you a student or have recently moved to a different place for a job? This might explain the previous cards.

Card 4 - what is already on your side - 4 of wands. Celebration, holiday. You may have had a refreshing holiday break, and are all the better for it.  

Card 5 - the past - 5 of cups. You may have experienced a great loss or deep regret, and that has had a deep effect on you. It may have influenced your decisions. However, all is not in vain.

Card 6 - what will soon occur - 8 of cups. You may be entering a new cycle or phase in your life. Travel is a possibility. Changes will occur, both subtle and noticeable.

Card 7 - your role - Page of Pentacles. You have ambitions! You may be experiencing newfound financial independence, or planning for your future. You appear to be on a good path.

Card 8 - the role of your environment - 3 of swords (again), reversed. Your current environment may seem confusing or disorganized. You may be feeling external stress as a result.

Card 9 - hidden information - 4 of pentacles. Hmmm. Is someone saving on your behalf? Perhaps an investment or trust fund was established for you? If not, it appears that you may have some financial benefits coming your way, or else money is being withheld from you in some manner. It may be worthwhile to reassess your assets.

Card 10 - one outcome - Strength. Whatever your decisions and circumstances, you can expect to develop greater tolerance, strength, and enlightenment through your experiences. You may experience major personal growth in the near future.

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Location: Minnesota

Post by breathingwater » Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:32 am

Thank you so much for the reading!  You did an excellent job!  I recently made a move halfway across the world and it's a very rough time for me right now.  I have become more spiritual and meditating tons, but my outside world seems very chaotic.  I go from periods of great inner peace to emotional turmoil and have been feeling very isolated lately.  Glad to know all is not in vain.  I am feeling very ambitous, but sometimes doubt I have the strength to carry them out.  Looks like I'm wrong.

Finances are currently bad, but glad to know their might be something in the future.  I am going to look into that, very interesting.

Thanks RedWhisper, your very good.  Hope your having a Happy New Year!

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