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Post by Omjit_23 » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:23 am

Can anyone do the tarot reading for me?
Regards...................................................... :smt007

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Post by Malachai » Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:37 am

Hi Omjit.

You never mentioned what your area of inquiry is, so let's just go for a general reading and see what comes up.

I layed out a Celtic Cross in the following way:

1. Issue to be explored.
2. Detail upon the issue.

3. Waning influences.
4. Destiny, your zenith, that which can be achieved.
5. Waxing influences.
6. Fate, your foundation, that which cannot be changed.

7. The internal environment.
8. The external environment.
9. That which is expected, your attitude to the future.
10. That which is not expected.

I used the Marseille Hadar, as is my preferance. I go for a less popular method of reading, in that I see the logic of Swords as corresponding to the fire element and Wands to air. Some of my interpretations of cards might seem unusual if you're into the RW or the Crowley traditions.

Okay, here are the cards I drew for you, while concentrating upon your post:

Conditions - Both Arcana mixed, no reversals.

1. 8 Coins.
2. Queen Coins.

3. 2 Swords.
4. 10 Coins.
6. Queen Swords.

8. 5 Wands.
9. King Wands.
10. 7 Wands.

In this spread, two Major Arcana cards appear, and so these delineate the theme of the reading and is where we will begin our interpretation.

The Wheel of Fortune for the coming influences and The Magician for your self, or your internal environment, tells of the potential to demonstrate one's own special skills and abilities in order to seize hold of an upcoming opportunity. In the foreseeable future, the wheel will be turning in your favour, and you possess the necessary knowledge in order to make the best of this.

We can further explore the significance of this opportunity that you hold power to take advantage of by considering the cards at centre.

The issue at hand is represented by the 8 Coins and the Queen of Coins, and so we see that this upcoming opportunity which your skills are required to take hold of is of a material or practical nature, and as the 8 is even and Queens are receptive, then there may be financial benefit to come of this. With the 8 Coins and The Magician being significant, this shows how you can apply your abilities to a specialist project.

The card at top, representing your destiny and that which can be achieved is the 10 Coins, and so this further emphasises the possibilty of material success, especially with the Wheel involved, but as you are represented by The Magician, such material benefits can only be extracted from this opportunity by the application of your own skill and wits, these are not opportunities that will fall into your lap.

The card at centre is an 8, and the card at top, showing your attainable destiny is a 10, and this means a jump from the present position to your destiny misses out the 9 Coins, and the nine is a card representing absolute fruition on the material plane, whereas the 10 is a reference to physical renewal. What this means is, that you must be open to the destruction of ones material or practical environment once it has outgrown itself, in order for a complete transformation or renewal to occur, especially with the Wheel ahead, and that in order to do this you must apply your special knowledge to the situation.

As I know nothing at all about the circumstances of your life, it is very difficult to put these meanings into context, but as an example, if you were running a business, then this might refer to having to prepare to practically and financially deconstruct everything in order to start all over again, coming back with a bigger, better and more intelligent project. This is just an example, but try to apply this to your own circumstances.

As for waning influences, I drew the 2 Swords, which represents battle and conflict, as well as the Queen of Swords at the foundation representing fate, and that which cannot be changed. From this I deduce that there is bitterness which is still felt and will continue to be felt due to clashes and collisions that have recently occured, for the Queen of Swords may rival the Queen of Coins. The anguish of that which has opposed you in the past will continue to figure prominently on your mind, but you must not allow this to get in the way of your openess to material opportunities. If it is a person that you have clashed with in the recent past, then this person will remain in the background.

I get the impression that you have struggled bitterly to get where you are now, and that the next step is to take what you have, and completely tranform it into something that you will reap continuous benefit from in the future. I feel that I need to coin the phrase 'money-spinner'.

The King of Wands turns up for your expectations, and as a Wands card represents the external environment, then this King indicates another person rather than an aspect of your self.

This King of Wands reflects some of the meaning of The Magician representing yourself, for this King is also skillful and knowledgable.

I feel that what this means in context, is that although you will need to apply your special knowledge and abilities, you will have to refer to one who is still more skilled and knowledgeable in order to proceed. It seems that you will seek out advice or information from this person, indeed, this person ma be one whose special role is to act as adviser or informer, for this is one who would give their council, but I would be warned to keep this individuals direction and advice upon your affairs to a minimum, and this is for more than one reason.

Firstly, the King of Wands is Libra, the Queen of Swords is Leo and the Queen of Coins is Taurus.

Astrologically, Libra and Taurus are 'non-beholding' signs, or inconjunct, and as such have little in common and are not particularly interested in each other. This would mean that this King of Wands, despite being a person that you would refer to for advice, is not in fact particularly interested in your material affairs, which must be a cause for concern. Taurus and Libra are both ruled by Venus, so there is a pleasant affinity between the two, but no real engagement between each other.

Libra and Leo on the other hand, are signs that are sextile to each other, and this shows how the King of Wands does in fact have an affinity with the Queen of Swords, which is to be considered suspicious, as the Queen of Swords represents the still existing susceptibility to attack and clashes, and a foundation of bitterness due to rivalries and collisions in the past.

So whoever it is that you expect to turn to for council or advice, then be aware that you know everything about their involvement in the situation, and know exactly where their loyalities lie. In any case, you are The Magician, so your own knowledge is superior to anyone's who may try to pass theirs to you, so remain mindful of this.

The 5 Wands in the external environment calls for strategic planning and decisive action, and so it seems that in the midst of this situation you are surrounded by competition, but as said, be careful in who you obtain advice from amidst the cut and thrust of decisive action.

The 7 Wands for the unexpected, seems to reflect that your surrounding environment is to be more challenging and competitive than you had expected, it will be necessary to take risks and put ideas into action quickly, as the pace and the stakes increase.

In summary, this is very much a reading concerning the application of your wit in order to capitalise upon upcoming opportunities for material renovation and renewal, from which you can benefit from long into the future, but this requires quick decisions, rivalry and a mistrust of the motives of others. This is a situation in which a certain savvy is required.

You proceed upon foundations that have been layed upon clashes and battles of the past, and you remain susceptible to attack and opposition.

You will find that it may be necessary to seek out advice and council, and this may indeed be what you fully expect to do, but be mindful to give your own knowledge priority over that of others, and be suspicious of the motives of those who would give you advice.

This is pretty much the best I can do without knowing any background upon your circumstances.

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Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:28 am
Location: Lancashire, England.

Post by Malachai » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:20 pm


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