can i have reading

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can i have reading

Post by psd » Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:57 pm


i m female and i would like to know where i am heading in personal n proffesional life. my personal life was miserable last year

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Post by scootbabe66 » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:16 pm

hi i am fairly new to tarot reading and have never given a distance reading....i use a lot of personal interpretation in the cards and use personal spreads rather than the traditional ones.  i have thought about your question and shuffled the cards whilst doing this..

1st card  2 of cups...this indicates that a relationship is on the way ...  where you are equal partners in the relationship

2nd card  ace of cups...well what a good card to come after the 2 of cups...your cup literally runeth over with love...this links in with the previous card and shows that the person you are going to meet is the ONE..YOUR SOUL MATE AND LOVE MATE AND IT WILL BE A HAPPY UNION

3rd card  2 of wands...with this new relationship will be looking out to new horizons in all aspects of your life...the man in the cards holds the world in his hands...and this is how you are going to feel will be looking to change any aspect of your life that you feel you need to..this could mean a new career...but you will be definately looking to new horizons

4th card  ace of spooky..this follows on from the last work/career...the new horizons you are looking to is work career orientated..the ace of coins could signify that you are starting a business or a new career..what ever you decide to do..the omen is will be a positive move!

5th card  3 of cups...well..there is celebrations in the air..a family reunion..or maybe..dare i say engagement or a wedding?  it is definately going to be a time for celebration..a happy time for all....this card can sometimes donate the birth of a child or a christening...

6th card  knave of swords...what a fantastic set of cards...basically with this card i see a conclusion ...not quite the end of all the struggles you have had..but you will eventually overcome and will be the victor ...there are darker clouds in sky but they are almost gone and you are there looking proud and valiant with your sword raised...your future is stable and you are almost there..not far to go now!

so , all in all the answer to your questions would be...yes you will meet someone...and it will be a great relationship..your life will be filled with love..and you deserve it!
career wise..the world is your oyster...go get it!!
and there is cause for celebration at the end of the year...engagement..marriage...birth?? the very least a family reunion..and your future is looking good...

psychically..during the reading...i felt that you had been very low recently...have you suffered with depression?..if so there will be an end to that don't seem to have faith in yourself at the moment and you dont always trust your own judgement..i feel that this is due to disappointments in relationships wether it be family or love relationships....but you have made decisions in the past that you now kick yourself for....don't punish is through making mistakes that we learn lessons...these lessons had to be learnt for you to move i was typing this...i saw the 8 of batons in my head...your life is going to move foreward...very rapidly and for the better.
before i go..i just had the word 'bereaved' pop into my head...i don't know if you have recently been bereaved or if you are mourning the loss of a relationship...but that is definately the feeling that i get..that you have been in  a period of 'mourning' is time now to look to the future...afterall you have the world in your hands remember!

as this is the first time i have done distance readings..can you let me know how your life goes in generall and if the reading was accurate at all...the feedback would really help me in the development of my reading and psychic skills

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Post by psd » Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:40 pm

Yes I was kind of in mourning period for quite some time and yes I was low. I mean I have no faith in anything. I love my career right now and I guess its going in good direction though I am not sure. I want to do something new and every time opportunity comes but it doesn’t seem to be the one after I grab it. I am just waiting to show my caliber and climb up. Financially also I am not very strong compared to rest of peer which is my second worry. I have never been in a relationship except last one. Now that relationship is entering very different horizon which I want to resist but feeling too weak to do it. I know its not good but I am not able to stop myself going that side. There is someone who is kind of giving hints abt liking me but I am not sure. I don’t feel anything like that. So not sure the person u talk abt is this one or not. I would also like to know whether I will date some person for sometime before tying knot or I will tie knot straightaway. We have celebration at the beginning of year.
You seem to be right in most of ur interpretation.  Will u tell me what events I can look forward this year?

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Post by scootbabe66 » Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:37 pm your reply...just shuffled my cards and thought about the questions in your life and tried to get a psychic link with your emotions..
workwise..knave of wands..and ace of wands appear along with knave of pentacles and 4 of has been a worry..or the lack of it i should say!....the temperance card came out...just before the ace of wands...the feeling i get is that you are going through a period of growth in all directions...your career will take off but you must be patient...dont try to rush it.
relationship wise...i got the 10 wands...the end is n sight...but a bit of an uphill struggle first..6 wands queen wands and queen swords and six of wands...this is a strange combination..i read the queen of wands as being lika a godess of growth and fertility..although there are other meanings..6 of wands...a victory...but dont be too hasty to celebrate..youre not quite there yet...hmmm and the queen of swords..this can mean a loss..or seperation..i see these cards as a decision that you will reach about your relationship..i pulled another card for a month for this decision..and it was 3 of cups...spooky..the card of the decision will be made this month..march
now the last set of cards i picked out was concerning your relationship..
7 coins..i felt caution that you are with the partner you choose because of financial stability...followed by 2 cups..this is a loving relationship card...followed by the wheel..the wheel donates a change of fortunes for you....i asked for a month to go with the love card (2 cups) and got the 6 it is in 6 weeks or 6 months that there is an event to do with relationship...and the 6 swords can mean a proposal or public declaration!

well a confusing set of cards...but this is my take on wise...dont patient..things will work out...just keep plodding along there!
relationship wise...tricky..look at the reasons to stay with your current partner...think of what you would feel like if they werent there anymore?  you need to do some serious heart searching here...but  a decision will be reached before the end of this month....i'll put it this way..if you are still with your current partner in april..well you reached a decision!..i see a proposal or engagement/wedding coming up in june..this relates to just keep an eye out for that...not that i think you'll miss it!
all in all i feel really anxious for you...i want to pace up and down and bite my nails...i feel the decision will be difficult..but you'll know what is right for you...just use your heart
just remeber you are a lot stronger than you think...i feel that you can be a very resiliant person...but at the moment it has been easier to drift...but i still see rapid movement foreward for you..

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Post by psd » Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:50 am

I am not going out with my partner from last relationship. He is trying to get away and I am kind of trying to hold him. I am not sure what decision you are talking about. Financially also he was never strong on the contrary I was much stable than him. I do care a lot about me. I know somewhere down my heart that we can’t be together the way I want coz of lot of other issues but can we be together as friends? I really don’t want to loose him. After reading your reply I am very confused. Celebration for me in June!!! Is this celebration related to marriage? If so then will it be arranged by parent’s n friends? How much time it will take for me to reach at very good position in career?

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Post by Deborah » Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:37 am

I just read your question and I did not pull cards out or anything just feeling it .......

i get you are held down and you think You NEED this person to hold you........

do you feel your self worth is not worth more than this?

oh hun you have to let go to move on ........... you need to make YOU strong ... your concentration is to much on a relationship instead of your abilities...

You can be whoever you want to be ........find you ........and all the rest will fall into place.

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