Reading Request

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Reading Request

Post by PrincessinVain » Sat May 12, 2007 6:25 pm

If anyone would be so kind to give me a reading about my career ( money ) and lovelife, that would be great. Thank you:)

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Post by scootbabe66 » Mon May 14, 2007 3:01 am

i am a psychic tarot reader...i havent used the cards too much...although i pulled quite a few cards out...

do post back and tell me if i am way out...but the imagery from spirit were quite i am going out on a limb here...normally i interact with people in person or on the phone...but here goes..

int eh past i was shown a serious breakup of a relationship..looking at your age i dont think you will have been divorced....but it feels as though it hurt you...i feel as if he walked away....
i drew the lovers card and the heirophant for the past....

emotionally i feel that you are low at the moment....i drew the 10 spades....the good news is this will get better..have you had sleepless nights or headaches...i felt a band of pain across my head...not sure if it is tiredness or just a headache...feels like you have anxiety around you at the moment....i think i am still with  relationship issues...but yet the anxiety feels like work problems...but the cards arent indicating work...

right basically i drew a lot of cards at this stage....whilst waiting for my spirit guide to tell me what is happening in the near future..knave of chalices....i always take this card literally...a fish out of water....i am being give by spirit that relationship wise this is how you feel...they told me that you are ready to settle down..i feel a nesting instinct in you....but i am not sure if there is a partner at the moment...i cant tune in to a i am feeling that you are emotionally guarded and you have some baggage...that you need to offload in order to move foreward....but i draw the magician card...and this is so will be the master of your own destiny...i am being told by spirit that you havent been in control relationship wise...but you will be!

for the future i drew the hermit.. king of cups.. 5 wands... the wheel... and the 9 cups

the cards are telling me that you need to take time out for yourself..i feel that you need to work out what you want ...not what everyone else wants you to do/ selfish think of yourself...the king of cups represents a love partner..i couldnt see a partner earlier in your spread or i feel this may be a new man coming in for you...5 wands....conflict your case i feel it is inner struggles going on....but the wheel is turning for you....your luck is dont be too hard on yourself...because the 9 of cups shows total contentment coming in relationships....and i am getting september through psychically too....

ooh i hope this makes sense to you...i dont normally work without the client being with me in person...also in person i get a lot more through...and i have typed this with speed as i turned the excuse any typos..

get back to me....i couldnt see anything for work at all....spirit side for some reason wnated to concentrate on relationships with you...if there is something that is not clear....mail me back and i will try to tune in further...
hope i have been of some help

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Post by PrincessinVain » Mon May 14, 2007 2:44 pm

Wow, so looking forward for the "new guy" :)

Everything you've said is true. I'm stunned. Thank you for cheering me up. :)

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Post by Rosemary » Tue May 15, 2007 3:48 am


Thought I would give this a go.  Hope thats OK.

I think with your work you will look to change your career for the time being.  I think that you need a break from what you do and you need to sort yourself out, away from the old and into the new, so to speak.  You will do this new work for a while, and probably combine it into your career that you do now., and change will do you good.  So I think finances will certainly perk up for a good while anyway.

You feel as though your life is a bit out of kilter, like you have been sort of thrown out and tossed around and you have had to change a lot of things you would normally do each day and change some of your way of thinking and habits.  This will change even more as you move on and mature more.

I also think you will go away for a while, a week or two just to chill.  You haven't had a break in a long time and I think you sort of need to recharge your batteries as they have been waring thin for quite a while.  You need to also look after your diet a bit too as you haven't been eating too well lately and have lost weight, and its begining to tire you out.  It will be like a time of healing, which is exactly what you need and you come back refresh and ready to take on the world.

Good luck



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Post by PrincessinVain » Tue May 15, 2007 6:05 am

Hi Rosemary

Thank you so much for giving me a reading too re my career! :) I appreciate it!

Yes, I've been worn out lately, and Im juggling three jobs at the same time. I think I'll focus on my new job for now. :)

Actually, Ive been binge eating alot lately, and losing weight. That's weird , right? Maybe it's stress.

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