Please can I have a reading, pretty pleez with icing sugar and a cherry on top

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Please can I have a reading, pretty pleez with icing sugar and a cherry on top

Post by Beaujolais » Mon May 14, 2007 9:37 am

My birthdate is 29/6/67

My situation right now:

Feeling an upsurge of creativity right now which is helping me cope with everything, however, I have had so many setbacks, delays, obstacles you name it, and it's interfering with my time.  My knee injury has healed and I'm going back to the gym and pilates on Wednesday...yippee!

I'm a carer for a person with a disability and she's becoming unpredictable, need to stop everything and do all for her which makes me feel drained.

I've been receiving money but I've been spending too much (it's going to other people, I've had so many parties to go to and so many presents to buy all the time)...I'm worried about my finances.

I'm single and I'm getting bored.  I go out and everyone is with their partner.  Do you see anyone in my future?

I've been a bit of an insomniac...don't know why but I'm feeling uptight.

I want to move but it's a financial problem for me to do that, but I so much want to move (near the beach).

Do you see anything from this?

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Rising Sun
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Post by Rising Sun » Mon May 14, 2007 4:34 pm


I read your message and had to read for you, hope thats ok?

You, Now, Queen of Swords, 10 of Cups

You are a strong person, determined and yet easy to change your mind, you are fair and open to suggestions, there have been many happy joyous tims in your childhood, but somewhere along the past you had to say goodbye and really miss someone. You know that they have left for a better brighter place, but still you find it hard to accept their wishes and let them go.

Obstacles, 3 of Wands, 2 of cups

You feel that someone has turned their back on you and that they have hurt you greatly, perhaps even by using your trust the wrong way? Now things have turned and it is you that won't forgive, that won't move on and put the problem behind you. There was an agreement, some form of exchange, some contract between two people and that is stopping you from changing your mind?

The Way Forward, Knight of Swords, 7 of Swords

Energy, vigour and excitement. You need enthusisasm, to find that quest for life again, you need to come alive and sparkel, dont worry about juggling too many things, they will all work out, just might need some hard work. You will be able to change the atmosphere around you just by exercising more, being more active, wiping out those cobwebs with your sword of words and movement, thrashing through the stagnant energy and moving, always moving.

The Outcome, Ace of Wands, The Emperor

Triumphant, agile, fit and, strong and happier in your body, you attract and draw people to you, energetic people, people that love to strive and keep on the move.
There is a powerful figure on the horizon, full of stamina, someone that is looked up to, that people admire, a real masculine energy. Someone that you will meet and will become a team with. Be yourself and before long the right opportunities will arise and surprise you by giving you exactly what you want.

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Post by Rosemary » Tue May 15, 2007 3:08 am

Hi There

I thought I would try to read for you as well, hope thats ok too.

I feel you want to make changes but don't know how.  You are set in your little square and find it hard to move, like most of us.  I can see you near the sea and I think a walk along there in the morning will be the best thing you ever do as it will clear your head and help you to relax and sort yourself out, without those nagging thoughts going on in your head putting you down all the time and criticising you.  You do a lot of this and it really doesnt help, know how you feel its a hard habit to break.

I think you need to build up your confidence levels and enjoy yourself more.  I know you go out a lot but you never really really mingle with people, esepcially men.  You are scared of what they might think of you and you just hate rejection, man you hate it.  I think you have had a bit of rejection in your past and you aint going there again, fair enough, I wouldnt either.  You may even want to consider some help in this area, so that you can move on and stop some of the self doubt that you have.

But yes I do see you living near the sea., its like you were brought up their and you want to go home.  You just love the sea and love looking at it and you would also like a view of the sea so at night you could sip on a wine and just look out and relax - god that sounds wonderful!

I can also see you doing something totally different to what you do now.  This lady you work for is dragging you down and I think you are getting all of her negativity, and you don't need that as you are sensitive yourself to peoples feelings.  You will take up a course or something quite by chance and you will do well and move on to something else.  It may be something do with your creativity as you really will know what you are doing.  But mingle more, then your life will be complete for quite a while.



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Post by Erinrose » Tue May 15, 2007 1:27 pm


I am not a psychic but I would like to comment on your post if I may.

Personally, I think you have too many irons in too many fires. I get the feeling that you are run off your feet. And I want to say, "Stop!"

You might want to read up on time management. You are running around like a headless chicken and getting nowhere. Stop!

You need more balance in your life. You are giving a lot and seem to be getting very little back. If you fail to balance these things out, you may end up a bitter person.

Giving is good but you must also be willing to receive, there in lies your balance.

You think they are not grateful but they are and they are trying to show it but you are such a whirlwind you don't see it. Stop, slow down and begin to prioritise, and learn how to delegate. No one says you have to do it all on your own.

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Post by Beaujolais » Thu May 17, 2007 3:00 pm

Thank you all very much...thank you Rising Sun, thank you Rosemary, thank you Erinrose.  Blessings!

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