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Post by angelmama » Thu May 17, 2007 2:06 am

My name is Terrie-Lynn July 6, 1963 and currently I am estranged from 2 of my daughters Sarah June 17, 1992 and Caitlyn March 14, 1994. My ex Peter June 18, 1960 is in the middle of it, and I feel he has manipulated and caused the destruction of our relationship. I would like to ask if you see my relationship with my daughters being restored back to a close one at some point and will it be realized what the ex is doing and will he be stopped. Also, I am wondering if I will continue to have support along the way, or if this is a road I will be travelling alone. Any special relationship coming my way??? Someone I know or don't know????? TL

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Post by angelmama » Thu May 17, 2007 2:08 am

I forgot to ask in my above question if Brandon Sept 15/95 and Brianna Dec 19/96 will remain living with me and if we will maintain the close relationship we now have, or will I lose them as well. Will the ex get to them and destroy the relationship I have with them. What can you tell me.
Thank you.

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Reading Request

Post by lunarcraft » Thu May 17, 2007 6:47 pm

Hi There

I have just read your request and would like to offer to read for you - I will send a PM when I have completed the reading, probably later tomorrow - if that is OK for you.

Bright Blessings


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Hi There

Post by Rosemary » Thu May 17, 2007 8:50 pm


I feel that all this fighting is making it worse for you.  If you could just ease of a little - I know easy to say, then things may settle down a bit.  Its upsetting enough without World War III going on, not that this is your fault but Just try if you can to walk away from it when you can.

Your ex is a bit of a stirrer I feel and he does what he can to stir you up as you are probably fiesty like I am and will take the bate.  I feel hes trying to cause a bit of trouble between you and your daughters and I get the feeling hes jealous and wants them all to himself.  I dont think he will win as your daughters are getting old enough to know who they want to live with so try not to take his bate, and maybe things might settle a bit.  Get all the advice that you need from your lawyer and just wait and see what is going to happen as I feel you are getting headaches from all of this and your health is suffering or will suffer if you dont take it easy.  

I think you should also get as much support as you can at this stage whether it be from your lawyer, a pastor, a friend or a counsellor as I dont feel you can do all of this on your own and I couldnt either.  Get someone you can confide in and can help you with your feelings.  Try not to answer any calls or emails from your ex as this will just stir you up more.  Is your skin getting itchy at all?  I just see you get very irritated and scratching your skin with your nails.  If you are, get some cream for it and try to keep away from any communication that you get from him.

I do feel your daughters miss you and want to see you.  They will come back in time but Im not sure when this will be but in the meantime, try to look after yourself as if you don't you could become quite ill.



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Thank You

Post by angelmama » Thu May 17, 2007 9:24 pm

Thanks Rosemary, but it's not actually me fighting, it is totally him, and yes he is jealous and wants them to himself. I am frustrated because he is allowed to continue the manipulation and head games, using the kids as a tool to try and upset me. It took my frustration for child services to finally respond and put into place my access to my daughter.  I have spoken with child services today and I begin unsupervised access to the one daughter next week, the other does not want a relationship with me currently, but I will be there when she is ready. I was right..according to child services, there was no visit for him last night, he tried to pull a fast one, and in retaliation had my daughter phone me to issue a verbal attack and abuse in my direction. I have told them I want no communication with him..the further away from him the better as he seems to enjoy the abuse he issues. As for support, well I have a wealth of that around..I am very blessed to have friends who understand and know the truth, and I hold onto the fact that he will eventually hang himself...I'm just waiting and intend to enjoy every loving minute of it when it happens.

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Post by marie clay » Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:12 pm

hi. from strictly a womans point of view and my own experiences i believe things will run its course and your ex will get whats coming to him. i believe in what goes around, comes around and i believe in threefold. what goes up {he reputation and ego} must come down. he seems to be losing the control he obviously had when you were together and he doesnt like it. sounds like he has your daughters brain washed - maybe they will snap out of it. maybe they are also as scared as you and feel they must obey him. Im getting the sense you are at breaking point but you must carry on regardless. Good things come to those who wait. Dont let it get to you like it has been doing.

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