Reading on career and love

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Reading on career and love

Post by giddy » Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:44 pm


I have recently started an Art of Divination 5 week course and it's brilliant. I wanted to let you know about a useful exercise we learnt when learning to do a Tarot reading. We had to first look into the subject's eyes and note down what we instantly felt. Whilst the subject shuffled the deck of cards we had to imagine them in a canoe and then note the scenario we saw. Then we did a three card reading.

The results were amazing, the girl who read for me saw the exactly the same scenario she saw when visualising the canoe sequence repeated in the Arthurian Tarot deck.

Has anyone heard of any other useful visualisation exercises that help you to tune into your subject?

Would anyone be able to give me a reading focussing on career and love?

My name is Hilary, my D.O.B is 2.3.72.

I'd be interested in the format and technique because I'm still learning - so any advice would be welcome!

Many thanks


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Post by Payewacker » Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:55 pm

Hi Giddy, you would find it very interesting to go to the tarot learn forum, as well as using the learn Tarot software.

Blessed be

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Post by giddy » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:17 pm

Hi Payewacker,

Thankyou for that I've checked them out and they seem really useful.

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Post by giddy » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:18 pm

Am working through the lessons they are going to be a big, big help!

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Mystic Meg
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Re: Reading on career and love

Post by Mystic Meg » Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:54 pm

giddy wrote: Would anyone be able to give me a reading focussing on career and love?

My name is Hilary, my D.O.B is 2.3.72.

I'd be interested in the format and technique because I'm still learning - so any advice would be welcome!

Many thanks

Hi Hilary,

You have really asked for two readings there, did you realise that? Rarely is career linked to love.  If you would like to ask a more specific question then I would be glad to read for you on that, but for now I pulled one card for career and one for love :)

Career, You, The Moon,

The moon is one of the Major Arcana cards of the tarot, and so has significant importance here. The Moon shines down onto three figures, the maiden, the mother and the crone, standing by the water's edge, half of the card is in shadow and half is in light. There is a wolf howling at the moon and a crab climbing out of the water.
The Moon is a card of duplicity, two sides can be seen, one bright and full of hope and one considerably darker and more shadowy. By the light of the Moon things have an eery quality, a magical feel and illusions abound. Sometimes we think thay we are seeing the truth whereas in daylight things look very different and we can easily see that figures and images  were just funnily shaped rocks or trees and that there is really nothing to worry about.
Having The Moon as your career card makes me wonder if you are thinking of changing your job or path? Perhaps things have not turned out how you wanted? Perhaps you have been misled or misinformed and are not happy at work anymore? Perhaps people are not as true friends as first thought?  The three figures can signify the growing or aging of man, the maiden is full of life and raring to go, the mother, begins to worry about those she cares for and then the crone. The older and wiser woman that knows what she wants and knows how to manipulate things so that she is safe and happy. You are the figure in the middle, anxious to grow, feeling trapped and underused, perhaps slightly misunderstood too?
Step back and wait till the sun rises and then things will become much clearer :)

Love, You, The High Priestess.
Another Major Arcana card, and a very powerful one to have for your love life. The High Priestess sits on her throne at peace, silent and serene. She carries a book of wisdom with her wherever she goes, she has learnt from many experiences and helped many others on their way. She has a dog as her companion, faithful and quiet until needed, always with her somewhere, perhaps in the background you have someone special watching over you? Someone that you tend to ignore and don't bring into your life much but just know that he is there? The High Priestess holds secrets to the past inside her, and will use these to create a happy present and so lead to a prosperous future. When we realise that every act that we make, every step that we take changes out future we start to realise some of the answers that we hold inside. We have the power to make things how we want. No-one is ever given a dream without the power to fulfil it and to enjoy striving towards it. Perhaps you already know what it is you want? Perhaps you are at a crossroads, a change of direction is available but you are unsure how to proceed? You need to look deep inside yourself and decide what your goals and dreams are and then work towards them step by tiny step and before you know it you will be there in the new future you have created.

Hope you have enjoyed your reading, I would love to receive any feedback or comments,



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Post by giddy » Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:12 pm

Thanks so much Meg,

You were spot on with your career reading. I am thinking of a change of career direction after 10 years in the same field. I am meeting someone who can help me tomorrow. I did go into business with someone earlier this year and it turned out to be full of false promises so again you were spot on. I am confident that I can make this new direction work for me.

The love card also seems spot on. i'm not sure who the guy is in the background of my life but I am meeting up with an ex boyfriend this Tuesday and I haven't seen him for 10 months. He has said in the past though that I am not the one and he won't commit but he keeps coming back into my life at the oddest times. His birthday is 6.4.1976 and i always thought that was strange as it is the same birthday date as another ex and my Mother!

I'm not sure if that has any significance. I was wondering if this guy has changed at all or whether I am totally wasting my time? Does he possess any genuine feelings for me?

I am ready to meet my soulmate now after a long time of not being ready! Unfortunately i have real spark with the ex and he says that he still hasn't found anyone o compare to me and is still single as am I - but that's not enough for me. Help!


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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:26 pm

HI giddy

I think Mystic Meg has given you a wonderful reading.
Just go along with your instincts and intuition about your ex....... you will know if he is right for you.... trust your gut feeling.

Happiness and Light.

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Mystic Meg
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Post by Mystic Meg » Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:06 pm

Hello Hilary,

How did you get on? How did the meeting go?

Hope it all went well but would love to know :)


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Post by giddy » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:17 pm

Hi Meg

Oh we had a great time, all the old passionate feelings were still there and I ended up back at his. I sent him a message to say that I had a great time - don't know why this always happens with us I guess that it just is and he replied to say he totally agrees with everything that I say but that I look too deeply into things and over-analyse everything.  He said he had no regrets and to call him if ever I'm down ( I took this to mean I wouldn't see him for a while!)  I did ring him on Sunday (not because I was down!) to ask him a favour - to burn me a couple of CDs as my Ipod has been wiped and I've not heard from him yet. He knows taht I've got a family funeral this week and I was there for him when his Aunty died but he can't seem to even be a friend to me on the small things!

I'm leaving it now - he was asking all about my love life and heard all about his - think we just have the passionate thing going on but we bring out the worst in each other. He dids say that he wouldn't have been there if he didn't care about me and never ever wanted to hurt me and his guard did seem to be down and i thought we were getting somewhere.  
I've got three job interviews tom so need to focus on these!!

I had a reading on Saturday and it was brilliant - he could see all of this and said we would end up in bed together again and he could see it all going on till I meet my soul mate after my birthday next year - at the moment I can't see Duckett getting in touch again but who knows. It was a week ago today that we went out and fee;s about a month ago!

I love this forum - thanks so much for your interest in the continuing saga!!!?

PS. There is another guy I quite like called Geoff who's out of the country ant the minute - he's also erratic but seems hot - would love to see him for a drink but it never seems to happen!! He sent me a hug on Facebook so I have responded - I need a distraction!  



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