What do the cards have in store for me??

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What do the cards have in store for me??

Post by FlutterbyFotos » Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:40 pm

I was wondering what the cards said in regards to my love life and family life. I am really hoping I am pregnant but its too soon for a test just yet...if not this month then maybe a month in the near future? My name is Jennifer and dob-7-5-81

Thanks a bunch!!vvv :)

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Post by cedars » Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:45 pm

Hi Jennifer

I will attempt to give you a reading. I have picked three cards. I usually prefer not to give them positional meanings, but let us go by the generally understood sequence of Past, Present and Future.

PAST: 3 of Pentacles: Working, planning and scheming new ideas with people around you. This is not a solo type of job or a scheme or a project; it invovled ideas/approvals of others - including the approval of people in authority, or partner(s) in business.  Have you been through such work-related phase in the distant past and come out of it? Or, could it be that you have been meticulously planning your possible pregnancy?

PRESENT: Queen of Swords: a strong person currently in your life (or their qualities needed in your life) who is astute, just and forthright with decisions. She does not take no for an answer and speaks the truth. You asked two questions: one about your love life and the other whether you will be pregnant soon (or if you currently are). Why would you doubt your love life if you are aiming to become pregnant? Is that in order to save your love life? The Queen of Swords' influence or this person's impact in your current life should put you in touch with the realistic side of things rather than the emotional sides. Listen to that voice when it comes to you.

FUTURE: Queen of Wands: Another female, motherly figure, in touch with her femininity and the mother Earth. She is charismatic, stylish and encourages good ideas, energy and productivity from a fertile soil. Whether this is you getting in touch with your feminine side, using your charm and creativity to attain your wishes, is fine and at times could be a carefree existence too. Listen to the other Queen (Swords) and see what your inner self tells you about your current situation in love, marriage and partnerships and hope you will make the right decision.

I am sorry I havent given you concrete answers about your question about pregnancy etc.. It would have been completey different if I had picked the Empress. I am not totally disheartened by the Queen of Wands either, but would like you to remain grounded and do some soul searching.

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Post by FlutterbyFotos » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:38 am

Thanks so much for the help!!

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