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I would like to know what the cards say about my life

Post by gijayne » Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:49 pm

I'm new here and I would like to know what the cards say about my life

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:26 pm

Welcome to the community we hope you will have a nice stay and make a lots of friends.

You have now asked for your first might take some time before it arrive....use the time to make you known in the forum....interact...this gives energies that the Reader might pick up and then give a better result.

It's no use to ask again and again....if anyone have something to say they will do so on this one :)

Good luck.

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Mystic Meg
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Re: I would like to know what the cards say about my life

Post by Mystic Meg » Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:09 am

gijayne wrote:I'm new here and I would like to know what the cards say about my life

Nice to meet you :)

I was interested to see what they would say too :)

The Emperor was the first card that came up in your spread, this is a strong male figure, someone powerful that may be influencing your life right now, sometimes a father or overpowering spouse, sometimes even a bullying teacher. There is a lot of emotion in your life right now, the next card was the Ace of Cups and this can signify emotions running away out of control, the suit of Cups is all about water and our feelings and the Ace has a picture of an overflowing cup that is filled to the brim and still keep overflowing, with the water falling down and making a large pool underneath. Do you feel out of control? Do you want to change things but can't stop others making decisions for you? You have lots of energy but may be finding it hard to cope right now, so take a rest and soon you will feel better :)


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Post by scootbabe66 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:14 pm

I drew some cards for your question and this is what i came up with for you....

1.  The knight of wands (batons)
2.  The king of pentacles (coins)
3.  3 of wands (batons)
4.  The majician
5.  The knight of pentacles (coins)
6.  8 of cups
7.  The knight of cups
8.  6 of pentacles (coins)
9.  4 of cups
11.7 of pentacles (coins)
12.2 of swords
13.The high preistess
14.Page of wands (batons)
15.Ace of cups

The knight of wands tells me that you are looking to progress and when followed by the king of pentacles would indicate that this may be in your career, the 3 of wands shows that you are unsure of where to take your next step with this. The next card was the majician, he is the master of his craft and i feel that this is where you want to be with your life, self sufficient and the knight of pentacles that followed shows that you have been looking to improve the financial side of things.
The 8 of cups is usually a sign of emotional troubles or incompleteness, this can be within yourself or someone around you while the knight of cups that follows is indicating that these unsettled emotions won`t last long.
Next, the 6 of pentacles shows a kind charitable person around you and the next card, the 4 of cups says that you are being offered love by this person but are unable to see it. The next card drawn was the justice card, the card of fairness and would indicate that things will work out if they are meant to, the 7 of pentacles indicates that things will work out .
2 of swords shows that you have been emotinally guarded...and had inner the high priestes card..this shows that secrets will be is followed by the page of wands..i get the feeling that you are about to learn a lot about yourself emotionally..many changes to come..and perhaps even a new admirer int eh horizon..finally the reading finishes witht he ace of cups...your cup runeth over with love..emotionally things will be settled...any emotional problems sorted..and if you are looking for a new partner..that too will happen....

basically it looks as though things have been unsettled emotiuonally lately for feels as though you have felt totaly lost..and just going from day to day..but the reading shows that you are about to get your life back on track...almost like a wake up call..and any problems with a current partner will be resolved or if you are seeking a new relationship.that will happen for you...but there is new fresh love on its way to you...

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Post by Mystic Meg » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:22 pm

Wow, 15 cards! and such a short reading from so many? What spread do you use Scootbabe? What positions etc? I hope you don't mind me asking, as I am always trying to improve my tarot skills and knowledge and would love to know.



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