Was hoping for a reading please!

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Was hoping for a reading please!

Post by lycii » Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:42 pm

my romantic relationships. Will I meet the right person any time in the present or future. Kind of the perfect match kind of guy. Or should I just forget about it for a season or so. Also would like to know about two differant guys from my past{ one named Tony and the other named David M.}, will I meet either of them again and if I do will it be good or bad?

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Post by cedars » Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:32 pm

Dear Lycii

The way you have put your question(s) is very much like predictive and a Yes or No type of question. Neither I nor my fellow friends/members here would encourage such questions. I sense in your current situation an element of desperate resignation. I hope with the reading that I will attempt to give you, some hope and a positive outlook will be brought to you for your way ahead.

I am using the Rider Waite Original deck.

YOU right now.
Seven of Pentacles. (Element of Earth).
Here is a man looking over his work patiently (or the seeds that he has planted into the soil) to see them come into fruition. There is that tired look on his face, almost saying "Well, I've done all I can. Now I can only wait and hope for the best." I can't help feeling Lycii that you are in the same state of mind as this guy. You have done your best in the past; you have tried this and that; been in and out of realtionships and yet none have met your expectations.

Ten of Wands. (Element of fire).
Here is a man carrying all ten wands on his own as his final harvest. The work has been hard and it shows in the way he is carrying all ten of them, but it is his work and his success and the outcome belongs to him too. Don't get me wrong, the journey for that satisfaction has been hard and may be hard, but the end-result is very satsifying.
With your patience and preseverance, only good can come out.

Queen of Wands.
This could be either you or someone walking into your life. But, let us first see what kind of a person our queen is:
She is charismatic, powerful, energetic, creative, and a woman of authority in business and society. She is very stylish in her attire and she commands authority in whatever circle you find her. She is holding a wand in one hand and a sunflower in the other. She is a doer; she makes things happen and she does not take No for an answer.
Now, we can look at her in two ways:
Either you should adopt some of her qualities where you see fit in order to dismantle any obstacles and blockages in your current situation, or a person in your life with such qualities is being an obstacle for you. Whichever is the case, you should know best.

The Tower. A major Arcana card.
This is the card for sudden change or change that has been long overdue. Whatever you have built within or around you by way of state of mind, belief, tradition and whatever else that has been same old, same old in your life, perhaps needs a total review if not a complete change. No more of the old Order or the rut you have been in and which you know is not getting you anywhere. Change, and especially sudden change is frightening, but rest assured if there is a need for that change, it will be a welcome blessing. May I whisper in your ears, without sounding predictive, that this change is coming whether you implement it or leave it to natural course of events to bring it about. However, with your consicous participation to bring about this change, you will feel that sense of engineering and impact in your own life.

Death. A major Arcana card.
How fitting this card following immediately after the Tower! This is not death of the pyhysical nature, rest assured.
In other words, this means Out with the Old, and In with the New. Have you noticed where I have capitalised certain words?  In order for the Old to get out, you need the changing spirit of the Tower; afterwards you will greet the new as your new life. Note there is sunshine in the background, there is blessing and Death's entry into your life is on a white horse.

There are some complex issues around you Lycii, but please look at them by way of YOU and not them. Whether John and Mark will make a further appearance in your life, or whether you will find the love of your life once again......you look after Lycii before and foremost any John or Mike who have disappeared and may or may not make another apperance. It is YOU that I am concerned about and it is your healing and change that is most important at this stage in your life.

I hope this has shed some light in your situtation and I would appreciate your feedback.

Tarot blessings to you.

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Post by librusa » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:06 pm

Hello Jackie, I am an expert tarot reader who just joined the forum.  I will gladly give you a complimentary reading, but first I need to know how do they do that in the forum.

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Re: Reading

Post by Rhutobello » Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:02 pm

librusa wrote:Hello Jackie, I am an expert tarot reader who just joined the forum.  I will gladly give you a complimentary reading, but first I need to know how do they do that in the forum.
We welcome all Readers that will contribute to the forum.

There is made a "stiky" here :

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... php?t=7607

so I say welcome...and good luck :)

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Re: Reading

Post by Gem » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:02 pm

librusa wrote:Hello Jackie, I am an expert tarot reader who just joined the forum.  I will gladly give you a complimentary reading, but first I need to know how do they do that in the forum.
Hi Librus,

Welcome to Mystic Board.

I see that Rhuto has kindly replied with the link to our guidelines. We welcome new readers but please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the forum first. For instance, Jackie has already received her tarot reading and as I am sure you must be aware how much time and energy they take to give and type out, we try and make sure that the readings are not doubled up, that could be seen as bad manners to just ignore the reading already posted.

Also, all our readings are free and are given in public on these boards, not via PM.

I am sure you understand.

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Thank you

Post by librusa » Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:25 pm

Thank you for the information; I will read the guidelines.

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