need direction in life, requesting tarot reading

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need direction in life, requesting tarot reading

Post by foxydivinelady » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:04 pm

i feel like i have floating on the breeze in life, and i need some sort of direction.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:43 am

Greetings FDL,

You are a mystical soul that needs to be allowed to expand in your own reality. You many times keep yourself from doing so. School is around you and something in a holistic field would be very good for you. You are a teacher by nature and only want what is best for humanity. You are a bit hard on yourself and lack the self-esteem at this time to move forward uninterrupyed by your own energy flow. Everyday issues get you down and watching the news only makes your heart more sad. You are filled with love and light. Part of the light universe dwells within you and that must be shared with others. You are very good with colors and scents. Very crafty as well. There are a number of paths you can take when you are ready, however, I must say again that the holistic field is very open for you and your wonderful innate talents. You are soft and loving on the inside but have very tough armour on the outside. It is difficult for you to trust and allow others in because of past wounds. Before you can go much futher there must be balance within you and your path and choices will become more clear. You are as of yet undecided about what you want to do because you have so mnay diverse talents. Balance yourself by cleansing your aura, aligning your chakra's and meditating. You do have a bit of a temper but please remember that everything on our path we draw to ourselves for lessons we must learn. You are a light to others and must now begin your chosen path so, choose wisely. Love comes to those who love themselves and this is not easy for you to do but you have been working on it as I see. There are many soulmates in our lives but not all are meant for romance. Many are those who come to teach, some come to comfort, others are sharing information, and then there are those who have come to connect and love. Once you are balanced you will see that everything will be more perfectly clear and you will have what you create. I wish you love, light and peace. Thank you for the opportunity to help.

Gentle Hugs,

The Universe Always Keeps Her balance. Lady Karma always shines through the darkness....

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:27 am

Tarot Spread: The Venus Pentacle
Tarot Deck: The Fantastical Tarot
Number Of Cards Drawn=5

Card 1= Is how you are feeling (The King Of Cups) With this card many things can be felt at once, joy, sympathy, true love, harmony, honesty, protection, creativity, generosity, art and beauty. However, this card is in reverse. It tells of a man who is dishonest, seductive and disloyal in romantic relationships. I see your heart is still broken. Be careful of future encounters with this person. Do not be taken in again. Stay your ground.

Card 2= What influences you (The Eight Of Swords) Upright: This card speaks of conflict, loneliness, sadness, mystery, anxiety, devotion, sacrifice and despair. These are the things that influence you at this time. Take steps and measures to balance yourself and to allow yourself to expand and simply be. The eight of swords in this position is a card of change, changes you yourself must make. These things only influence you in your daily life, they do not define you. You can change them.

Card 3=Your emotional blocks (The Three Of Wands) Upright: This card speaks of Self-confidence, profit, improvement, accomplishment, discovery, clever idea's, bright intellect, communication, and stimulating acquaintances. These are area's the card is asking you to work on to remove the emotions blockages. You have the power to do this, and to move forward in harmony, it is impotant to look at the changes you are being asked to make.  please print this out to keep as a reference for your oath and life changes.

Card 4= What you expect: (Seven Of Wands)  (Upright) Agreement, perfection at work, resolution, exchange, correspondence, encounters, travel, energy, dynamism, performance related to work. Though you may expect this, you know you must work hard on both the spiritual and physical level. Nothing ever worth having is easily gained, You are no stranger to hard work. You will have as I stated in the psychic reading above what you desire with balance and work from within.

Card 5=What is likely to occur if changes are not made: (The Of Swords) (Upright)  This card speaks of hopelessness, tears, remorse, loneliness, fear, pain, an unlucky time coming. Changes as I have said can be made on your path now to divert this. Please be careful of all you do and do not make hasty decisions concerning love, work, and home. It is time to work on yourself. Others will be fine until you are once again available to them.

Please remember that nothing is written in stone. These are simply indicators of what is taking place or will in a short amount of time. You have the power, inner will, and strength to change each card if you wish. Please also see the psychic reading I gave you above. You may orint out the reading in order to have a reference. Please date it to keep a better record. You are a strong, loving individual, and when you set your mind to something, noting gets in your way. Now is the time to act.

I Wish You Love, Light, Peace And Strength On Your Path,

Gentle Hugs,

The Universe Always Keeps Her balance. Lady Karma always shines through the darkness....

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Message for JewelOfTheSouth

Post by Gem » Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:15 pm


HI JewelOfTheSouth,

I am sorry on behalf of Gem and MB. This post was uncalled for so i have edited it.

Please Note: it is totally at the discretion of the reader to give a reading or not.

Plus this request was made in reference to our mail stating that we were offering free readings on MB for those who cared to have one.

Thanks and best regards,



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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:24 am

I looked over the tarot reading again and the 5th card was the 10 of swords. I wanted to make this clear because I did not type it in.

Gentle Hugs,

The Universe Always Keeps Her balance. Lady Karma always shines through the darkness....

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