can i get a reading please

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can i get a reading please

Post by yehweh » Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:10 pm

im sorry i think i posted a request on the wrong forum. can i get a reading pleasethank u very much

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Post by cedars » Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:31 am

Hi Yehweh

As you had not asked for a specific question, I assume it is a general reading you’re after. It is always good to give an indication of a question or the area one wants to be looked at. Let’s see where we go from here.
I have picked four cards for you from the Rider Waite.
I am looking at the present time in your current energies.

The High Priestess. Queen of Cups. King of Pentacles. The Sun.

The desire to find out the unknown and the intangible surrounds you. There is also a thirst for knowledge of the spirit and what goes on within the human psyche. The High Priestess is unperturbed by this and is keeping her usual, inactive, mysterious stance. It is up to you to find out and gather that knowledge. She does not play mind games (the High Priestess) but rather leaves you to search your own inner spirit to come to your conclusions. She will have her impact on you in her kind moderating act and not let you go sideways and in the way you get those unexplained feelings in your gut, you will start acknowledging the path you are on.
I feel you have been questioning things around you and the best way to find out is to follow your gut feeling.

The Queen of Cups (Scorpio) is one such woman as well. She is a mother figure, equally caring and loving. She is more demonstrative of her affection and she possesses psychic and clairsentient qualities. I see her playing a part in your spiritual development. If no such woman exists in your life, or comes forth, the message is to start listening to your inner voice and the feelings that you get. It’s all about feelings, as our Queen is a water sign herself, she can be moody at times (don’t we all?) but she is there to guide you in her own motherly loving nature.
The King of Pentacles (Gemini) is a father figure who is the other side of the spectrum. He is the money man; he has a good head on financial matters and perhaps not so overly sentimental in matters of the heart. He can be a benefactor in times of need and will give good advice to those who go to him on financial issues. He could be a bank manager, your boss, a money lender and whoever he is in your current life, will bring his contribution on matters related to finance.

The Sun is the rebirth, perhaps the dawning of all your questions and queries going on in your mind. “Aaah, I got it now’’ instigator and that feeling of warmth and light that will show you the way and the answers you have been looking for.

I feel some confusion surrounds your current energies in matters of the mind and the material side of your life and two people will play a part in giving you the answers and the solutions you seek.

Enjoy the feel good factor that the Sun is here to bestow upon you.

All the best to you and please let me have your feedback when you can.


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Post by yehweh » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:32 pm

thank u 4 the reading ,i feel like im supposed 2 do somthing i feel it but i dont know what it is. im trying 2 find some1 2 point me n the right direction ive been meditating and iv been cing some  things but i dont know what 2 think of them. n 1 vision that i had while meditating i know this sounds crazy please humor me but when i meditate i usually start out praying and while i was praying i seen myself standing n a half circule wit some other peaple praying and jesus was n the middle. is ther n e way u could tell me what my gift is thank u very much

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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:43 pm

Whatever your gift is, it will come to you in time.....
I can't say by your dream what your gift may be. You are probably seeing spirit in your meditation and that in itself can be that you can or will be able to communicate with spirit. But in time it will come to you which direction you are meant to go through these mdediations....
Next time you dream or see similar things, try and ask them what is their message to you.

But please dont be in a hurry to find out about gift, talent and such stuff. Jut go with the flow and things will be clearer for you.

The name or label of your gift is irrelevant; it is important what you do with it.


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