was wondering if there is negative people around me causing problems and who?

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was wondering if there is negative people around me causing problems and who?

Post by holyspirit » Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:47 pm

need help on  a reading if there are people who are causing me problems socially so that i don't get a job etc. i have been having weird issues with people around me. etc.


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Post by cedars » Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:30 pm

Need help on a reading if there are people who are causing me problems socially so that I don't get a job etc. I have been having weird issues with people around me. etc.

Hello Holyspirit,

We all go through such a period in our life where we think that some hidden or evil power is preventing us from having a plain sailing in our path. Well, to put things into a plain Yes or No, I asked the pendulum if there were any such ‘forces’ around you causing you social disharmony and preventing you from getting a job and the answer was No. If you feel you need to clear your environment with any such lingering forces and influences, I suggest that you light a Smudge Stick and extinguish the flame allowing the Sage to smoulder. Wave or use a feather fan to disperse the smoke through your Aura and into your Home and your own personal space. Hold your intent as you smudge to clear and purify.  If you don’t believe in such rituals, I suggest you call in for your highest self, spirit guide and ask them to pacify and drive away any such energy out of your space.

I am no expert in such things, but you can also ask the question in the Spiritual forum where there are people who can be of further help to you.

I just wish you would not give any credit to any such ‘powers’ around you and start thinking positive that you have a job, you are getting all you need from life and that you have a thriving social life.

Best wishes to you.


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